Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gheorghe Medical Update: SAD

From Gheorghe correspondent and medical consultant Jimmy Giovanelli in central New Jersey:

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SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, refers to a clinical depression caused by lack of sunlight. It usually occurs in fall and early winter. I am suffering from SAD right now, but I think there is another, often overlooked cause: the early collapse of one's favorite football team. I know you're not supposed to self-diagnose, but I'm fairly certain that my seasonal depression is caused by the premature disintegration of the New York Giants. The cure will still be sunlight; instead of watching the games I'll go outside and rake leaves and play with my kids and ride my bike, and soon this season will be a flickering memory, a fleeting thought that I might be forgetting something . . . something I used to do on Sundays . . . and then it will disappear entirely. Sort of like my church attendance.
Some people might say I'm not a true fan, and they're probably right. They'll say: premature disintegration, that's premature speculation! To them I say, perhaps you need Levitra. Some people might say this sounds like a preemptive strike before all the facts are in, and to them I'll say: if it's good enough for our President, then it's good enough for me. Some people might say: you New York fans expect too much from your teams, stop being so selfish. To them I say: have you seen my tax bill? I pay three times more than those folks in Wisconsin and Texas. I deserve more.

I don't get March Madness any longer, or Mets Fever; I don't suffer the Knicks or follow the Devils. I occasionally look at a Yankee box score in the newspaper, but since I don't receive a newspaper, this happens once a month. The only sport I watch is football, and the only team I follow is the Giants. So I need the Giants to perform. And it's not like I follow that closely. I just want to turn on the TV, root for some guys that I know, and watch a couple of play-off games. But when the players you know all seem to be retired, injured, recovering from an injury, or throwing surprisingly well despite an injury, it might be time to give it a rest. I can always catch the bandwagon across the Raritan and root for the Scarlet Knights.


T.J. said...

I'm Admiral Stockdale confused right now.

Whitney said...

I'm sure you'll figure it out by the next fishing trip, which is probably the next time you'll see Jimmy Giovanelli and his tattoo of a lizard coming out of his arm.

T.J. said...

An avid reader, that Jimmy is.

Jerry said...

YEAH!!!! Central Jersey!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!

Whitney said...

I was there two weeks ago visiting "Jimmy." Fat Cat and Fat Bitch. Fat hangover, in part from the Corner Tavern cleaning their tap lines about once a generation.

Jerry said...

Give me cheese sticks and onion rings on some kind of a hoagie and some New York victories in the DC area. Conquer the Beltway 2007.

T.J. said...

T.O. - what an asshat:

After leading the NFL in dropped passes last season, Terrell Owens explained two of his three drops in Week 3 by saying that "the sun was right in my face"