Proving that no food combinations are too gross for the American public, apparently there is a new Twinkies Cookbook on the market. Yep, you read that right...for $12.95 you too can own 50 recipes utilizing America's favorite cream-filled sponge cake (no, not David Wells).
Some of my favorites:
- Twinkie Burrito
- Twinkie Lasagna
- Deep-fried Twinkies (winner)
- Twinkie Cheesecake
- Twinkie-Misu
- Twinkie Pancakes
- Twinkie Milkshake (a Twinkie and chocolate milk in a blender...relatively lame)
- Twinkie Sushi (someone want to explain this one to me? That sounds atrocious)
I'll leave you with this...there is only one remaining Twinkie factory. It's in Chicago. You know how many god damn Twinkies it still makes? 500 million a year.
Oh yeah, vote for Dan Uggla, All-Star...
"He loved that lasso...not as much as the baton. But we put a stop to the baton...He was different enough."
Twinkie Pancakes...mmmm.
I can't wait until this quote bites this douchebag in the ass (and that should be about the time B-12's name magically appears in the Grimsley doc):
"The Orioles have no interest in trading Miguel Tejada," said Orioles principal owner Peter Angelos.
Has anybody had the deep-fried Mars bars they cook up in places like Edinburgh?
Oh, and as for Peter Gammons, how recoverable is a brain aneurysm?
I am hoping like hell for a full recovery, because the sporting world is a much better place with him in it, but ESPN.com's coverage of his ailment reads a hell of a lot like an obituary.
As an aside, I am hoping (and guessing) that when I was in the hospital last week, you guys weren't recapping my wild, wacky life story for each other.
Actually, I pictured your demise sort of like this...
And GTB will be springing for Shatner to duplicate this stirring send off...
spoid had an aneurysm, and he survived an egg-beaning. i think the prognosis for mr. gammons is fairly good. godspeed, peter.
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