If 2016 marked the 30th anniversary of one of the great, underrated action adventure flicks, it also served as the 27th (ish) anniversary of the first (of dozens) of times Clarence, Dave, Whitney, Almighty Yojo, and I watched that same movie in the Pit, the central gathering area of the College of William & Mary's Unit M, erstwhile home of the Virginia Psi chapter of Pi Lambda Phi (a non-sectarian fraternity).
It's been years since I watched Connor MacLeod's (of the Clan MacLeod) story in its entirety, and I suppose it may be possible that the plot that I found so enjoyable as a young man doesn't stand the test of time. Fuck, it's been 30 years, after all. But I have no doubt that Clancy Brown's Kurgan holds firm to his rightful place amongst the greatest villains in cinematic history.
The word sinister was coined to describe that dude.
In retrospect, the casting of Frenchman Christopher Lambert as the Scotsman MacLeod might've been questionable, and the main character's acting range in the film is charitably described as limited, but you try living for a millennium knowing the Kurgan raped and killed the love of your life and see how animated you are.
One of the real wonders, all these years later, is why they never made a sequel to such a cult classic. Done well, it would've been box office gold. Real shame, that.
This storm has everyone a little more nervous than its predecessors I must say. I'm actually going to put our storm shutters up, which should be a good time considering I have no idea how to do that. Will load up on beer and mixers. Probably some water too.
Looks like Matthew may make a liar out of me. They've issued mandatory evacuations of the barrier island I live on by 3 pm today. Though they are mandatory in name only. I'm sticking around until at least tomorrow morning to see how they forecasts progress. I remain skeptical but will go stay at my brother in laws house about ten minutes inland (and not on the barrier island) if need be.
Hurricanes were a lot more fun when I was young, single and didn't own a home.
Yeah no shit. Jax beach evacuating tomorrow, urging to begin tonight. We live about 6 miles inland on other side of intracoastal. We may actually get to use our safe room, which will be cool for about 10 minutes, not to be confused w/Jodie foster's panic room. It's a bit different...kind of like a closet. Or actually, a closet, but heavy duty.
Seriously, best of luck to Mark, Danimal, and their families. Conflicting reports/forecasts/advice abound up this way, waiting to see what happens over the next 48 like everyone else.
I may be jaded by all the relatively false alarms over the years but I'm not that worried as of yet. Still feel like we'll get high 70s in sustained winds on shore and tons of rains. If that's the case, I'll take it.
But like I said, worst case scenario means I'll drink at my brother in laws house for a day or so.
good luck to the florida fellas with the impending weather (and Whit too) - hope it's all hype and no substance
on a happier note, just remembered yesterday that Mark will be coming north in December for Army/Navy game (played at Ravens Stadium), so if any of you Gheorghies want to join our pilgrimage to Bmore (I think rob is in) let's start the planning now
Good luck to everyone south of me. The pictures on weather.gov are not rosy.
I assume you mean south of you on the manliness continuum. They'll need it.
It's a small slice of the continuum to be sure, but yes, they'll need some luck.
i rewatched highlander with my kids last summer, it's still awesome. and i'll never forget how angry cap was about highlander ii (the sickening)
good luck with the big storm, water damage sucks.
Really weird around here right now. Streets nearly empty but the weather is perfect. Too nice.
That's not going to stop me from going up to the bar around the corner (one of the only places still open) for some drinks and food though.
Mark, I'll cheer on your resilient fortitude if you cheer on the Mets.
Sounds good. In related to Whitney news, both of my favorite local watering holes are open and crowded tonight. Drunks gonna drunk.
So...uh...Jim Cantore is here at the bar around the corner from my house. That's fine, right?
Having Jim Cantore at your local watering hole with a storm approaching is akin to the ghost in Poltergeist saying get out to the little girl.
Hope you all stay safe down in the FLA.
You're probably right, Squeak. I'll be plenty inland if needed by happy hour tomorrow.
cantore always shows up a day early so he can score local action. that's his move. you're safe for a while, mark.
Thanks, Rob. Much of the reason I'm sleeping in my own bed tonight. Both to avoid Cantore and because I fear the Category 4 storm bearing down on my home.
Kick in the jimmy
I texted this as 5pm on a thread to 7 Mets-loving family members:
"A much bigger concern is Bumgarner. He has the potential for a 4 hit shutout. Enjoying the lively bats of late, may they continue."
I'm not popular now among them.
I blame Whitney
Also, it's "kick in the jimmye"
Was up watching the weather early today. When Cantore first came on he described the seasoned locals there in Melbourne who were likely going to evacuate. He then went to to further scare the shit out of me.
We are heading to Panama City Beach. Spring Break, Fall edition. Just got into traffic on I 10 westbound. Unsure of whether a small delay or something much worse. Danimal reporting live, Jacksonville Florida.
Hang tough, Danny Boy. Goodspeed and may you be holed up somewhere relatively dry, very safe, and with a full liquor cabinet.
Rod Temperton, the man who wrote "Thriller," "Off the Wall," and "Rock with You" has died. You may know him much more for writing the Michael McDonald song "Sweet Freedom" . . . the theme to Yacht Rock.
He wrote Boogie Nights too. The song, not the screenplay.
Packed up a bunch of shit and am finally leaving the island. Going inland to Melbourne and my brother in laws house. Who knows how long we'll have power but we'll eat and drink well while we're staying there. Most recent model has Matthew making landfall with 10 miles of my house. Suboptimal.
tribe playing at both louisville and duke in the noncon. ambitious, those, though the rest of the schedule is crap.
Mark + Danimal--godspeed as you ride this out--glad you're moving away from the coast.
I normally don't buy into the weather channel hype, but this looks legit.
On another topic, I'm just reading the clown terror coverage.
It's apparently being fueled by a storyline in American Horror Story?
I can't even watch the commercials for that show
I think it's being fueled by the presidential election.
Mark, I hope you are far enough away from it. This thing looks fierce.
Thanks, Whit. I think we'll be okay. It's a monster. I know a ton of people (like me) who were planning on staying at home and have reconsidered over the past day or so.
We will almost definitely lose power but I've been down that road before. More worried about the damage my house will get. We're only a couple blocks from the ocean so if the storm surge is anywhere near the projected max heights...yeah.
One bonus to all this is that my parents had already planned to take my kid to Tallahassee this weekend for my nephew's confirmation so they left a day early and took her. Riding out the storm without having to worry about your kid significantly reduces the stress.
The last time I had to leave the beach for a Hurricane my in laws were in Italy. This time they're in Vegas. I'm gonna stop feeling guilty about eating for free at their restaurant.
mark and danimal, be careful if you lose power. during sandy, i gained 8 pounds in five days, drinking everyone's beer before it got warm and eating the contents of all our friends' freezers. there was nothing else to do but eat and drink. hurricane related obesity is a real problem.
That and the boredom and inebriation leads to plenty of over eating.
Blackouts are a good time for lovemakin'. Just sayin'.
When Trump is President, storms like this won't happen.
My buddy / boss will most likely come home to a pile of nothing when this is over. Right on the beach...an older home with little dune. That's worst case. Best is completely totaled w flood damage.
I know a guy in Orange who can get him some good insurance.
And he's got a buddy back home who dances just like Paul Stanley.
I MacGyvered the shit out of my portable generator during Sandy. We had two space heaters, wifi, computer, TV, fridge and lamp up. I was so proud of myself...until the entire region ran out of gasoline.
Stay safe, gents.
Are they really going to try to play that USA v Cuba soccer game tomorrow in the middle of this storm?
TR...send your manual down on Monday if you would please.
A positive update...as at least one of you know, they update the track every 6 hours. We've gone from nuclear to less nuclear with Matty the mother fucker taking a slight shift right.
Yeah, shit looks a little better as of now. It's been a surprisingly calm night thus far. L
hello gheorghies!
Hi, Dave.
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