So I think I need to spend more time thinking about beer. And I believe I've found a place to help me do that.

Enter the geniuses at De Halve Maan brewery, who have been delivering quaffs to Bruges' citizens since 1856. As of two weeks ago, they won't be sending delivery trucks across the city, but they'll be supplying just as many establishments.
Their secret? A 3 km network of pipes that pump beer directly from their tanks to a bottling plant in close proximity to the historic district. The result, fewer truck trips, less wear and tear on centuries-old streets, and beer flowing beneath one of Europe's great little cities.
The next, obvious step, for an enterprising brewery seems obvious. Direct pipes from brewery to taps across a city. Cut out the need for delivery vehicles entirely. And make Flanders great again.
Classless US spectators not realizing their never ending jabbing of Rory is making him angry, and not in a good way. And Pieters is a stud. He won't lose tomorrow either.
Agree 100% with you, Dan. Morons fueling him.
Meanwhile, Tribe kicker has missed two FGs <35 and a PAT. Losing 7-6 in the 3rd. Come on.
Dave and I went to Bruges. We love beer, too.
i am aware of that. was hoping to trigger a follow-on post about bruges. a call and response, if you will.
Dave bought lace in Brussels. You know what we say about gents like that.
Wheels have come off the TribeWagon. For the game and the season.
beer, bridges, and hieronymous bosch. what's not to like about bruges? aside from that pesky murderous midget. whit and i also played trivia pursuit using flemish cards in the oldest pub in belgium. party time!
I don't believe I've ever seen a crazier last minute of football than the last minute of Tennessee-UGA. FSU-Carolina wasn't too shabby either.
Was walking towards the venue and Rhett Miller is around the corner on the phone. Nobody around him. I stopped, we exchanged nods and smiles, and I walked on.
The venue is empty. I'm embarrassed for my town. This blows.
Ready to hear the Old 97s rock... Or look at the clock.
My children sound phlegmish lately. Something's going around.
I have almost zero knowledge about what being "Flemish", "Prussian" or "Hessian" means.
But I can go balls deep on the cultural history of Spain and Latin America. You win some, you lose some.
This Clemson-Louisville game has some real intensity at the start. Very excited to watch this one.
I custom designed a Ric Flair/Arn Anderson tshirt today that will be arriving at my house k less than a week. So I've got that going for me.
That's pretty tremendous. That's coming from a guy who has listened to Flair's podcasts for the last year.
I'd love to see Lamar Jackson put some zip on a long ball. He's whipping the short passes, but everything long is a Chas Pennington-esque lollipop.
Thanks, TR. I'm pretty proud of myself. I love Flair. Spent a lot time watching the old NWA broadcasts on TBS as a kid. TBS was basically wrestling and the Braves when I was growing up, so Ric Flair and Bob Horner were pretty significant childhood influences.
Bob Horner and Dusty Rhodes are the same guy, right?
I was a HUGE wrestling fan as a kid. TBS' NWA coverage and ESPN's (I think?) AWA coverage were eye-opening to me. Broadened my wrestling perspective. We also would get WCCW once a week.
The Four Horsemen/Dusty/Luger era was the shit.
The Night Of has Knish AND Omar?!?
Yes. Absolutely the same guy. I too loved wrestling as a kid. And the Four Horsemen/Dusty/Luger era raised me.
AND Lord Jamar?!?
From MN we are happy bout Mets wins and the US performance today.
Lee Westwood = Bernhard Langer
Zman- can you make a blog post of your real time thoughts while watching The Night Of?
I'm three episodes in but so far those are my primary reactions.
The reply is a kick in the ass from a leg and a boot.
Shlara has herself a game.
Lamar Jackson is a bad man. And is now officially my #1 Florida recruit that got away. Passing both CJ Spiller and Sammy Watkins.
Damn. Nice return. I'm jealous of Shlara now.
Baldwin is a better Trump than Trump.
Michter's rye gets it done by the way.
And when I say Baldwin I mean Alec not Scooter
Very jealous of Shlara. I demoted the game to DVR at halftime while I chugged thru Premier League highlights. Was fun to catch up in 2nd half.
Jackson's arm, when he lets it rip, is impressive. He has been impressive in 2nd half.
Zman - why aren't we getting shitfaced together?
Because you don't love me anymore? I'm watching Clemson Louisville too. We still on for Isbell/Ritter?
Margot Robie though. Cot dam.
Let's talk on that show. I'll be goatating.
House of Pain will always be relevant.
I'll drive. We are going. Tiara can come if you're too busy.
This game by the way.
Oh Quick, you went down like a chump. Gotta have more awareness.
"Clemson has to go to BC on Friday."
Looking for Shlara to be lighting a couch on fire soon.
Quick just cashed out. Shameful in a game like that.
I have no reference for Zman'a Margot Robbie reference but I endorse it.
Jack Daniels' new ad agency deserves a pat on the back.
I'm not Oregon fan other than being a fan of innovative offensive football but I'm bummed to see the program crater like this post Chip Kelly.
Currently losing 45-20 to Washington State:
44-20. My bad.
SNL is in full "out of my tits" mode. Set your DVRs accordingly.
yeah, the first hour of snl was bonkers. in a good way.
does it make me a bad american if i'm okay with mcilroy beating reed?
Clempson fans are wild about their futbawl
I don't know how they do this all season--it's exhausting
Years of practice, Shlara. A number of schools in the south have fan bases that operate in a similar fashion. Lives are, in many ways, built around fall Saturdays.
My sister (FSU grad) and I were talking about how we're both too old to do it anymore. She used to go to nearly every FSU home game and I would always hit 3-5 Gator home games long after leaving Gainesville. I'm down to two (max) at this point. I'm too old, busy and lazy at this point. My couch and huge TV are also too convenient.
Yes Rob. Yes.
I'm watching in my garage. It makes me feel like I'm being somewhat productive. Go Jags!
If Washington loses to the Browns, they get automatically relegated, right? CFL? USFL? XFL?
Josh Norman was just penalized for, according to the referee, "shooting a bow and arrow." Alrighty.
Julio Jones is pretty good, I guess.
Patrick Reed....HA-yooooge!
The wives of the Ryder Cup players may come off of an assembly line.
I'd work on that assembly line.
julio jones lost my fantasy game last week, and won it this week. hero and the goat.
So far my Bills preseason forecast is 0-4 in terms of predicting games but I'm 100% accurate on the overall record. Which means I'm still an idiot.
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