Here's a quote from a Fast Company story on the topic that puts it in even sharper terms:
"Only 4.5 billion people in the world have access to clean toilets. That may sound like a lot, but compare that to a different statistic: 6 billion people have access to cell phones. This lack of toilets is a major cause of sanitation-related diseases, which is why the Gates Foundation has long worked to promote the cause of better toilets for the developing world."
Turns out, though, that in order to build a better toilet, you need to build better fake poop to facilitate the testing process. Enter Maximum Performance, the synthetic feces manufacturer of choice for your discerning billionaire foundation leader. As part of its broader toilet development and testing mission, MaP developed a soybean paste and rice mix that's a more than reasonable facsimile for poop. Says, Fast Company:
"The Gates Foundation procured 50 gallons of fake poop for its Reinvent the Toilet Fair, flushing it down all sorts of new kinds of commodes. When MaP isn't supplying feces for developing world toilet prototypes, it performs "flush performance" tests on all sorts of conventional toilets."
That's some powerful shit.
Yeah, so that Kanye video.
That bucket of whaleshit makes me want to sizzle like bacon.
what kanye video? don't go all subtweet on us, squeak.
Don't watch the Ellen version. I watched that first and thought the song was awful and disjointed. The unedited version is better, the video is the same for both versions of the song.
The "Ellen version"? Like DeGeneres? Yes please.
Or the Ellen Foley version, featuring the Night Court/Meat Loaf/Clash (and very hot) gal? Punk rock!
it's possible you will receive an email from my gmail account asking you to log on to a site and download a document. ignore. it is a PHISHING expedition. i've spent the better part of today, as in all of it, dealing with. on the plus side, i've been thoroughly scrubbed and am now as clean as a whistle!
Was Manti involved?
Irish Spring?
I was going to write a post about "Bound 2" and "Yeezus" generally but rob is doing such a good job here that I didn't want to bring the level of the content down.
I posted something, if only to move down this awful picture/post.
my plan worked!
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