The labor movement and traditional Democrats are, shall we say, somewhat less than vital in most of South Carolina. We've chronicled Alvin Greene's story here, perhaps the most feckless U.S. Senatorial candidate in the history of feck. I'm pleased to see, though, that the traditional bastions of the left are throwing off their normally mild-mannered approach to politics, and getting down to sticks and stones.
This video shows South Carolina AFL-CIO leader Donna Dewitt making an important and not-at-all batshit inappropriate statement about Ms. Haley at a retreat in Columbia, S.C. In the video, Ms. Dewitt whacks a pinata decorated with Haley's photo and the words, "Unions are not needed, wanted or welcome in South Carolina", a reference to language from the Governor's State of the State speech from earlier in the year.
In our exceedingly polarized and intemperate political clime, you may wonder why we consider Ms. Dewitt's actions so inappropriate. Look at the video, though, and it's fairly clear, and entirely embarrassing.
The pinata in question is a piece of shit.
I know times are tough for labor, but surely someone could have sprung for something a little higher quality. Instead of just taping a picture of Governor Haley to a cheap, store-bought pinata, couldn't a union seamstress been engaged to craft a real statement piece? This stunt smacks of desperation, but worse, it smacks of cheapness of thought and action. For shame, South Carolina AFL-CIO.
You could have at least asked Alvin Greene for help.
"The History of Feck" is the working title for my autobiography.
...[evil laugh]
i fully expected geoff to enjoy today's post
Last week was my most successful week in my long, storied history of sticking it to the little guy/working man.
Zman when are you hosting a 'ZoliOke' event in NJ?
afl cio woman el stupido.
recently saw haley on the telly - she lost a lot of her luster since rob or someone here included her pic a year or two ago.
just saw a video of man putting child in a washing machine...he was being lambasted by the self-righteous tv personalities on the today show. the guy was just playin.
Last night Ricky Nolasco became the Miami Marlins' all-time wins leader with 69. The team has to trade him now, right?
(And how does this franchise have 2 World Series trophies?)
Ricky. Don't lose my number.
i miss danimal
Can anybody offer any family friendly recommendations for a good, family friendly restaurant in Winchester, VA?
Can anybody offer any family friendly recommendations for a good, family friendly restaurant in Winchester, VA?
Marls, does it need to be family friendly? That was unclear.
Marls, does it need to be family friendly? That was unclear.
Yes, yes it does does
the restaurant or the recommendation?
Piccadilly brew pub....tell em costello sent ya. Actually don't. But a good spot....
fantasy lounge is a nice option, marls
i love that video. and the death of unions was the death of the american working class. good for her and her shitty pinata.
Rob must have consulted Buckles...good move.
Chaka Khan owns a catsuit?
Every Mets fan watches Moneyball and just winces that the bag of crap known as Art Howe was hired by the Wilpons immediately thereafter, right?
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