So put your worries on hold, get up and groove with the rhythm in your soul.
Throw on some B-Boys tonight, drink some OE, and celebrate Sir Stewart Wallace, Nathan Wind, and Natty Hornblower.
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
hey cancer, go fuck yourself
Terrible news. RIP MCA.
Of the 5-10 CDs that were cranked non-stop in Monroe Hall our freshman year, Check Your Head is the only one that still holds up.
Apologies to the Black Sheep and Spin Doctors fans out there.
Did you go to the black sheep/soup dragons/James concert with me at the boat house? Does mental jewelry hold up? Havent listened to it in over a decade.
Been on the golf course all day - this news is a dagger.
my favorite memories of my freshman year of college involve paul's boutique and a shitload of mickey's big mouth. some of my favorite blackouts, too. this news bums me out more than any celebrity death i can recall.
from a commentary about mca on talking points memo today:
25 years later, the generation that listened to “Paul’s Boutique” on repeat is now running the country, and the genre that the Beastie Boys helped popularize dominates pop culture. Yauch and his bandmates proved a lot more substantial than their initial caricature as well, devoting themselves to a wide array of left-leaning political causes right up to and including the recent Occupy Wall Street protests. Yet another reminder that today’s national terrors are tomorrow’s national treasures.
we run this mother, apparently
i am not running this country.
but i have blacked out on mickey's bigmouths while listening to shadrach.
Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun while looking down the barrel of a Mickey's Big Mouth contributed heavily to my five-year plan.
Made it through 'To the 5 Boroughs', 'Hello Nasty' and 'Paul's Boutique' today slinging mulch in the yard. 'Ill Communication', 'Check Your Head' and 'The Mix-Up' on tap for tomorrows' mulch slinging.
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