Ever have one of those nights where you wake up with a hangover and $1 million worth of architecture contracts?Resendiz is claiming that the contracts are null and void as a result of his inebriation, and he just may be right. At this very moment, Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan are seeking credible witnesses to swear that they were half a bottle deep in a bottle of Knob Creek during debt ceiling negotiations, while President Obama and Joe Biden are back-dating pictures of themselves smoking a bong with Nancy Pelosi. Frankly, more politicians should conduct business this way.
No? Martin Resendiz (D), the Mayor of Sunland Park, New Mexico, certainly has.
According to court documents, Resendiz admitted in a June 2010 deposition that he was drunk when he signed nine contracts with the architectural design firm Synthesis+ for $1 million worth of work.
And think about the implications to society at large should Resendiz get off the hook. We've all got friends who took liberties with female guests who weren't their girlfriends whilst in college, right? (And distaff pals who have their own version of the story - let's not kid ourselves.) How much time and energy did these friends waste trying to cover their tracks or grovel for forgiveness, when all this time they could've walked tall as free men, simply by stating the obvious?
"I was drunk. Can't be held responsible."
Daniel Snyder's slapping his forehead somewhere. (Though, sadly, Jim Zorn doesn't really understand what we're getting at.) Bill Clinton, too. And the legions who'll read this can thank us later. The world will be a much better place if we can put an end to the coverups, the exhausting excuse-making, and move forward in the gin-soaked clarity Martin Resendiz provides us.
Cheers, my friends.
what 80's song has someone intoning "the future's . . .?"
not timbuk3 with the future's so bright i've got to wear shades, i almost remember it being the talking heads . . .
need the clip-- thanks if you remember.
gorillaz, 'sunshine in a bag' has a line that ends 'the future...is coming on'. but it isn't an 80s song.
mark - how do you feel about texas a&m in the sec?
I'd take Texas A&M. It doesn't feel like anything more than a threat at this point. Plus, I think the SEC would want to add two teams to take them up to 14 total. Whether it happens now or not, that's where major CFBis going 4-5 super conferences comprised of 16-20 teams each.
Dave --re: Brother Ali. I believe Shadows on the Sun is his strongest effort. Undisputed Truth is pretty good too. Just not as consistently good as Shadows.
the new beastie boys effort is strong to quite strong. and i busted out the pandora brother ali channel yesterday and enjoyed the results.
This makes me feel old. Can't believe she is now 19. Stunner though.
I remember where I was when I heard Cobain died - washing dishes at the College Delly.
thru 9 holes tigger has 2 pars....
2 birdies, 1 eagle, 2 bogeys, and 2double bogeys - +2
Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future. It's 70's Steve Miller, but man, is it just so true.
Almight Yo-Yo please send me the audio and guitar tracks from the yesterday. I want in on the 'contest'. My fifty is in the mail.
the golf channel was wrong...for what it is worth and not that anyone cares...he had 4 birdies, 3 bogeys, 1 par and 1 double on the front....and a double to start the back....
Blood types for $200, Alex.
So, softball game last night: three muscle pulls and one hamstring tear. None of them mine!
I received much acclaim for manning first base with a cup of beer in my hand. In actuality, I was being a bit of a spoilsport. We had gone down 9-1 in the 4th after our infield had booted 4 plays in a row (guys who hadn't fielded ground balls since UTFO and Rock Master Scott were topping the charts). So I figured I wouldn't limit my drinking to while we batted. My best play was scooping a low throw, stepping on first, setting my beer on the ground, and firing the ball to third in one fluid motion - with no spillage. That my throw landed in the adjacent basketball court and allowed two runs to score didn't seem to matter at the time.
audible chuckle.
if you bet on tiger beating ishikawa in 1st round, you'll likely win. tiger at 6 over, about to be more....ishikawa finishesd his day w/ a smooth 85
Tiger missing cut = awesomeness
Can we revive the Galea conspiracy talk?
I am at the Tides vs. IronPigs game. Need a job or AA soon.
Is Tiger turning into Duval?
new beasties is pretty okay, but you've got to listen to shadows on the sun by the islamic albino brother ali-- it is funny, upbeat, grim, and generally awesome . . . and it's LONG, lots of surprises.
i'll never remember the song and i will get on the e-mailing of the guitar track soon . . .
thanks for the steve miller-- i'll use that.
Jags on the tube and 3 weeks away from our 1st cfb. Life is good.
Don't you hate when people say that?
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