Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortune of others.
You can look it up. The futile superfans still hoping against hope that last night's hard-fought ODU victory over VCU didn't spell the end of our #3bids4caa fun will be glorying in the stumbles, bumbles, and missteps of a baker's dozen of NCAA Tournament wannabes (we can't root against fellow mid-major bubbler Butler) over the next week.

No, we don't really believe that VCU has a chance, but they played an entertaining game in front of a national audience last night, boast wins over UCLA, George Mason, and Old Dominion, a 9-8 record against the RPI top 100, and a top-50 RPI of their own. Unlikely? Sure. Crazy?
Not as much as plunging into a freezing Atlantic Ocean. We can still hope against hope, and give you a short, sweet list of the metaphorical dolls into which we're sticking pins:
Michigan State
Virginia Tech
Boston College
Utah State
Southern Cal
They say that prayer is powerful. Let's band together to see if they're right.
Not Baylor--I like them!!
Baylor = Waco = Koresh
"He ignored his own father's advice to keep quiet, who was once the president of the US" -- a Chinese editorial on actor Charlie Sheen (Global Times).
One more gem from this morning:
"I think, you know, grandchildren now don't write a thank you for the Christmas presents. They are walking on their pants with their cap on backward listening to the 'Enema Man' and 'Snoopy, Snoopy Poop Dog,' and they don't like them" -- Alan Simpson, criticizing grandparents for not caring enough about their grandkids ("Your World," FNC, 3/7).
I would like to subscribe to Sen. Simpson's newsletter.
I've been listening to Snoopy, Snoopy Poop Dog for years and I think he's fabulous.
"The debt commission co-chairman also came under heavy fire last year after it was revealed that he had referred to the nation as 'a milk cow with 310 million tits' in an email to the executive director of the Older Women's League."
i like them, too, shlara. but in times of great crisis, we must all be willing to sacrifice of ourselves to benefit the greater good.
So one of those teams has a head to head win over us, so stick extra pins into the spider.
i hate spidey
Woah, woah, woah, I like me some Utah State...unless they don't permit premarital sex too - in which case, stick em up Robbie.
the aggies permit premarital sex, but only with farm animals. you have my blessing to root for them.
If anyone cares, I wrote this about ODU today:
i understood enough to be sad this morning when i looked up the ODU- VCU score.
if you haven't been to SoD today, you might want to go . . . another awkward moment in a long line of them with a tangentially sport's related theme.
I just now looked at the voodoo doll pic. Is someone trying to bring harm to a gingerbread man?
TJ, good read and Cox loved it too.
I just noticed (and approve of) the Cole Porter tag.
And TJ loves Cox.
Zman was -690 to make that joke
Courtney or Brian?
So Tressel may get canned soon, huh?
Cecil Tressel?
Cecil "The Diesel" Tressel to you.
i'm worn out from posting five days in a row. hope somebody's got something for tomorrow. mark will be posting honeymoon videos in a few days, so we've got that going for us.
terrrrrible loss for villanova. they really don't belong in the tournament at this point.
CAA Update: Blaine Taylor just drunkenly propositioned my girlfriend. Not kidding, and I am still laughing. Go Big Blue!
Igor, please tell me you got video.
Why are we cheering against Utah St? Aren't the a lock who takes away a bid if they lose in their tournament?
For the record, VCU fans should be rooting FOR Utah State. They're in a 1 bid league so them winning the auto-bid frees up an at large space.
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