The Teej and I will be attempting an unprecedented feat of blogging this afternoon on our way to Richmond for the Wrens' first-round CAA Tournament matchup against JMU. Until then, please enjoy this memory from the 2006 tournament, which served as prelude to one of the most amazing runs in NCAA hoops history, and at the same time almost stopped Gheorghe Mason's Cinderella March before it happened.
The instant he did it, Tony Skinn knew he had made a horrible mistake. The sight of Hofstra's Loren Stokes crumpled on the floor of Richmond Coliseum was bad enough. The look on Coach Jim Larranaga's face when he took Skinn out of the game certainly left no doubt in his mind that he had done something awful.
But it wasn't until the next night, still in a state of semi-shock after the punch and his subsequent one-game suspension by Larranaga, that it really hit him just how badly he had lost control. He was watching the Colonial Athletic Association championship game between Hofstra and UNC Wilmington when ESPN showed the footage that had been making the rounds since the incident 24 hours earlier.
here for the rest of the story...
Is there an over/under on how many nacho-hats TJ eats?
Can't wait to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-95 South at 2 in the afternoon.
i hope you guys watched what jordan taylor did to indiana last night. mercy.
very dramatic posting style, i think i may try that on SoD, end a sentence half-way and then have a link to another SoD.
and i love hearing about other people in traffic, so please comment if you are stuck.
2pm traffic, bumper-to-bumper, is normal there? or is everyone in dc heading to the CAA tourney?
i got caught up on AI last night (american idol). did anyone see the kid sing the judas priest song - strong to very strong. they should shitcan all but two of the girls and keep 10 of the guys. that's my recommendation for a better season of AI.
The zwoman and I reached the same conclusion Danimal. I like the chubby black kid who sang Luther, the chubby white stoner who does jazz tunes, the deep-voiced redneck who sings country songs, and the kid with Tourette Syndrome who sounds like Chris Cornell. Everyone else is an also-ran. The girls are useless except for the 15-year-old who sounds like Michael Jackson.
My wife went to bed early. So no AI for me. Watched dvr recordings of Jools.
Just scored second pair of tickets for Mangum in Boston.
Didn't catch AI last night but the chubby black guy should be the favorite. The chubby white guy who plays stand up base is the dark horse. I also like the efete red haired youngster's voice.
The fifteen year old girl who looks like Barbara Mandrell has some pipes, too.
also...i haven't watched AI the last 2 years b/c i just coudn't f'ing stand the wack job that is paula abdul and her and simon's dueling banjos. i dig this trio much more. werd.
I didn't watch it regularly until last year, as it just seemed too over-the-top hokey. There's still plenty of hoke to go around, but I feel like the talent pool has improved since actual musicians are involved more prominently. Seeing a guy croon while he's slapping some base is much more rewarding for me as a consumer.
Google keeps autocorrecting "Bass"
That's the funny thing about blogs and pseudonyms -- you go for years without realizing the writers and commenters are teenage girls.
Like that Whitney chick, for example.
dukes & wrens....ha? ha? ya feelin it out there the teej? rob? as i said in last post - dukes giving 7.5 which is what the line was in the last game when they got punched in the face. am nervous. i think they're going to blow it, "it" being the game.
hit refresh, boys and girls. miracle cannonball run-style blogpost.
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