We're thrilled this morning for one of G:TB's long-time supporters, Mike Litos of CAA:LAMM fame. As the Teej coined this weekend, MGL is Don CAA-leone, the leading chronicler of Colonial hoops on the internet. He's also a VCU grad, which made this weekend's events all the sweeter for him - not to mention that his tireless and insightful coverage of the conference earned him a trip to San Antonio to cover the regional. We're hugely proud to be his friend and very, very happy for him. MGL wrote a lot this weekend for the Around the Horns blog - check it out if you want to see the best VCU coverage available.
I shouldn't neglect the fine work our very own Teej has done over at SB Nation DC. Check out his stylings so you can say you knew him when.
All of this almost makes me think that the same thing could happen to the Wrens. Almost. Enjoy the moment, Futile Superfans. It's pretty cool.
what happened to sentence of dave? did the dark forces of charter schooling finally get to him? did he have one taco too many? did the salamanders rise up in revolt?
Just about to post the same thing. Maybe it was all the content he was 'stealing'.
Gov. Christie sent some guys over to SOD HQ.
Tribe Pride over as ESPN.com:
In the '06 regional finals, Mason beat No. 1 Connecticut by two in overtime. LSU beat No. 1 Kentucky by two in 1986. The Rams, fourth-place finishers in the CAA, took the final step by treating lordly Kansas as if it were William & Mary.
Tell it to Pat Forde.
VCU has won these five games by an average of 12 points per game. They have dominated.
this is a fact. they've been by far the most dominant team in the tournament. wrap your mind grapes around that.
Who else saw Celebrity Apprentice last night? Damn, that Dionne Warwick was pissed off!
That's what friends are for, my ass.
That's Miss Dionne to you. Who got voted off? I didn't see the end as I was busily applying the 5 S's to my son who was more ripshit than Miss Dionne.
The Queen of Solid Gold got booted. Strong effort by Lil Jon to help the men's team. Strong effort by Robert Paulson to help the men.
VCU, they will beat Butler. So sayeth the Teej.
mike brusiewicz, cornrows:
sentence of dave is back up. we went skiing for the weekend, just got back, and my blog was gone! not happy, but apparently, google detected suspicious activity and shut down my account, and i had to change my password. very weird-- is there a way to back these things up?
Big day here.
Further proof that ESPN's CBB analysts are dopes: I correctly picked more Final Four teams than any of them (scroll down and look at the left side of the screen):
So did Terri Schiavo z...
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