The Lions play the Bills at Buffalo on Sunday.
I won't bother to bore you any further with statical metrics of these teams's collective futility. Simply put, Detroit cannot win on the road and Buffalo cannot win. I don't see how either team can win this game.
Fortunately, the cities of Buffalo and Detroit are prospering despite the recession, so their citizens have other things to buoy their spirits.
Final score: 5-5.

bills -3 o/u 44
have been wondering lately if dave is going to review "the situation's" new book on s.o.d. . they are new jerseyian brothers and all.
What makes the faux tat sleeve from the previos post even worse is the Icelanders current 8 game skid.
Fishsticks indeed.
As for the polar bear plop, I may be in.
Is Roydell Williams the most useless WR in the league? I think he just might be.
So Mark, Danimal and Mayhugh are partying together this weekend in America's Wang?
i will get "the situation's" book and review it, because it will be easier than zoltan's allusions-- port a johnian?
i did love the post though-- i read it out loud in the office and stacy laughed.
i just got port-a-johnian but i'm a little fuzzy on van der waals-- is that the force that holds molecules together.
I guess you didn't read my last Bills preview. It discussed the paradox of the irresistable force and the immovable object, only the Bears offense was totally resistable, and hence weak like van der Waals forces, and the Bills offense was completely movable, and hence portable like a port-a-potty.
Actually, the Bills' defense is the port-a-potty. I'm mixing my metaphors. Or something like that.
ODU/Gtown and UVA/Tribe tonite. College hoops baby.
Uuuh.....and JMU KSTATE.....
Florida vs. the Ghost of Brett Blizzard (aka UNC-Wilmington).
I haven't gotten the invite to hang out at Danimal Kingdom (I'll save TJ the effort and just say McBad).
Zman! Excellent linkage to Nice to see the Bureau of Labor Statistics getting some pub for something other than "the place that facilitated my functional alcoholism for a dozen years."
I like using stats in my Bills previews and figured that unemployment rates would be an interesting wrinkle this time around, given the "cities" involved.
danimal kingdom is closed for the season. nothing to see here really. there was and is the possibility that mark and i may meet up for a quick beer & gtb summit at jags game. that has become less likely with the family now coming with. maybe a halftime brewdawg in...wait for it....THE BUD ZONE!!!! mayhugh - if you're in the jacksonville/jacksonville beach/ponte vedra area tomorrow, i'll be at bed bath and beyond with frank the tank all morning. the bonus is that this is quite possibly my last wkd as a father of only one child, that i can claim.
i love you honey bunny, in case you're reading. missin you like crazy!
Make it happen Danimal and Mark. And I want a transcript of the conversation where you explain how you know each other.
Who are we explaining this to, Greg? Dan and I know how we know each other?
Also Greg...would you like to text me about Atlanta's helmets again?
what did greg think of atlanta's helmets? i quite fancied their old school look.
i'm typing on a laptop while riding in a car on i-95. the future is awesome, bitches.
I just saw my 4th stache in NYC that bore an uncanny resemblance to a Movember stache. All looked to be about 2 weeks old. Each dude was rocking the stache solo, not going weak with a goatee or beard until final trimmage.
I am very proud that I found four dudes making this happen. Unfortunately, being 4 weeks into a new job makes my participation unlikely and/or unwise.
yeah, i might feel a tad strange explaining to someone, while sipping a tasty one at....THE BUD ZONE!!!, that mark and i met ON A BLOG. but i'm just fratty enough to do it though. i'm crazy!
but then, the next question is inevitably - what's the BLOG? well...uh, it's called GHEORGE THE BLOG.
GHEORGE....THE BLOG. and on and on and on...FUCK. THAT. as how the teej would say.
is it beerthirty yet?
Welcome to the 21st century Rob.
I am typing this on my phone on a flight from San Antonio to Dallas. Not that that is very impressive anymore either.
Anybody want some half priced Wade Phillips gear from the Cowboys store at DFW? Maybe the official WP manboob friendly golf shirt?
Don't tell anyone that you and Mark met online, unless you want people to think you're trolling for guys on
every guy knows that is not the place to go for sausage fishin
just heard survivor's 'burning heart' on the radio. that's top 10 all-time on the processed cheese chart.
I guess The Danimal does his man hunting on
Radio? Rob really is in the future.
Radio Robheem?
i love chatting with guys on line. at a place named "gheorghe." i never realized quite how that sounded until now.
tribe tipoff!
tribe hanging in, odu once again giving gheorghetown all they want
UVA was only favored by 4. I think that says more about their program than it does ours.
Boise's run of Friday night lights kicks off soon. I can't wait for the Nevada game in two weeks.
Earlier today I said that this wkd was likely my last as a father of one. That was actually last wkd.
Is the jmu game on?
i think congratulations are in order for the fandanimaly. i'm gonna get drunk in honor of your virility.
Get liggered. Going to be several more hours but that shouldn't and probably wont stop you.
not the second half the wrens needed. jmu/k state is on espnu.
and chris petersen really doesn't like idaho.
Seems like time warner has every bball game except tribe/uva tonite.
Dukes hangin tough in manhattan
idaho really, really sucks on offense
Seems like time warner has every bball game except tribe/uva tonite.
Dukes hangin tough in manhattan
Did stetson beat wake?
by 10 gallons.
Well played
kevin love has 31 points and 31 boards with a minute left
Sounds like baskin robins is gonna have to name a flavor after him
Danimal has to start saving up for a wedding. Donations welcome. Grace is here about 25 days early and comes in at a squirrel-like 4 lbs and 13 oz and 19 inches long. She says hi.
congratulations, danimal. big ups.
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