The only thing missing in this picture is the Smirnoff Ice. I am 100% convinced this "brah" modeled his look after Marty McFly's kid in "Back to the Future 2: The Futurer". Just to clarify, in case the picture doesn't sell it, that vest abomination he is wearing is need for an undershirt I guess. Those shorts...well, actually, Geoff might wear those on the golf course. The $2 pair of flip flops he bought for $45 at Vineyard Vines and that ridiculous dayglow hat top off the look.
Have at them...please.

The Teej has failed us all. Again.
But in a good way Teej. In a good way.
and this is at the reo speedwagon concert? just to clarify?
what did YOU wear? what does one wear to an reo speedwagon concert?
perhaps that guy is making a post-modern comment on that dilemma-- speedwagon (as we fans affectionately refer to them is both classic rock and 80's cheese).
My work here at G:TB pays dividends: I've been asked (some would actually couch it as forced) to join the editorial staff of my employer's soon-to-be-released blog. Despite my editorial status, I am, paradoxically, barred from editorializing in my blog posts.
these guys seem to be confused. rednecks? preps? or johnny from karate kid?
Here's what confused me the most - these clowns knew all the words to Benatar AND Speedwagon hits. Did they actually memorize them as part of the shtick? I mean, these kids weren't even born when either of these acts were hot/popular.
God dammit, I sound as old as d-train.
They look like the one white group that danced off against Ozone and Turbo...
Does this mean you don't know the words to any 70's songs?
As inventor of classic rock shoot-out I think it's safe to say I know some words to some 70s rock.
just getting back from my water aerobics class - tough one today.
this "classic rock shootout" product sounds very intriguing. where can i find out more the teej?
jazzercise is tomorrow if anyone interested.
Cocoon 3: D-Train's Revenge
Jerry's opinion on classic rock shootout varies greatly from TJ's. Just saying.
On a completely unrelated note, I don't see me doing much in the way of "work" tomorrow. It's the day before a 3 day weekend, I can't possibly be expected to stay on task. Shit, my concentration is waning already.
sounds like you've got a case of the Thursday's...
hot tub time machine!
Living. Loving. Lubbock.
If Jerry can learn to love soccer he can learn to love CRS.
TJ's got a point. Jerry's turnaround on soccer is one of the more dramatic changes of opinion I can recall.
I'll never ever forget October 13, 2007, when TJ's loaded Classic Rock Shootout squad of Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones and Led Zepplin was heavily favored, but my plucky underdogs featuring Elton John, CCR and The Eagles never quit and upset the Teej's CRS machine.
sounds like an espn 30/30 episode
oliver stone produces
It has everything: drama, intrigue, classic rock, papal elections, cheap domestic beer....
Wither Phil Simms?
jeffrey jones, also known as ed rooney, got pinched today too...didn't know rooney was a young boy you know.
will greasetruck: the blog offer any original content, or simply repost g:tb copy for those that are highly offended by teejay's bloggy stylings and igor's morally casual attitude.
alexi lalas has been watching too much johnny miller
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