This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
The Isiah Era has been a particularly painful one for all Knicks fans. I was moved enough to buy a partial season ticket plan for the team last year solely because I wanted to heckle him. Unfortunately, the team showed enough of a pulse to keep naysayers like me at bay until the last quarter of the season. This season unfolded with a glimmer of hope, although the presence of Zach Randolph is a minor glimmer at best. Despite his bad reputation and his apparent lack of a neck, many (like me) thought the team would compete in the mediocre Eastern Conference. Alas, it was not meant to be, leaving fans to ponder the state of this pathetic franchise.
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land
Donnie Walsh has now entered the picture. Cablevision brass has portrayed him as a white knight who will bring character back to this franchise. But one look at him makes you realize that this knight looks like he's ready for an electric wheelchair, not a gallant steed. The best we can hope for from him is sensibility. We would define this sensibility as shedding salary, shedding deadbeats, drafting wisely and picking a logical head coach. It doesn't take much more than that to get your team to 40 wins and a sniff at the playoffs. With a potential Top 6 pick in this year's draft, the team might have a drastically new identity in six months. That's about all we can hope for these days.

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end
is there any athlete in the history of ever that did more post-playing career to damage his reputation than isiah? it's hard to even remember how transcendent he was as a little guard in the nba.
y'know, o.j. notwithstanding.
That Dolan/Ewok pick is fantastic.
I would describe my efforts to delay the posting of this message until tomorrow morning as "not strong."
You're gonna make Rob cry...
no worries here
Well, you definitely made Julian Wright cry.
I guess it is Thursday in New Zealand already.
Anyways, figured you would like to see your boy.
Took this picture in the club level elevator at the Verizon Center this past Saturday night.
i'm torn about which is a more egregious suckfest this evening, the sox and yanks' bullpens or charlie gibson and george stephanopolopolopufagus.
i'll be scarce in the comments area, boys. just got the call from new york - the sox are completely out of arms, so i'm going into the game if it's tied in the 8th. pretty psyched.
The Yankees and Red Sox cannot keep playing five hour games. I'm fucking exhausted today.
Mark, you check the results of the NBA fantasy playoff series today?
Suck it. 3rd place.
Third place, eh? Congrats.
2007-2008 NBA Fantasy Champion
In my best Cosell voice, "Down Goes Slater...Down Goes Slater"
rob, good to see you and Tom Shales agree about the donkey-ness of the debate moderators last night.
it was disgraceful "journalism".
I think my sqaud proved its superiority to yours throughout the season. Enjoy this hollow victory if you must. I'll gladly purchase you many cans of PBR as a reward.
Now, maybe one year you can actually win the league like Geoff, Slater and myself and know what it feels like to be...a champion.
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