Quarterfinals, Saturday, March 8

(8) Hofstra vs. (1) Virginia Commonwealth (23-6, 15-3)
VCU is the CAA’s Marlo Stanfield, the cold, efficient, and single-minded alpha dog. The Rams dominated the conference in 2007-8, finishing with a 15-3 record and winning the league by 3 games. The Wire’s David Simon won’t be giving us a Hollywood ending on Sunday night, and while Marlo may not survive in the end, neither will McNulty and Freamon. VCU dispassionately and clinically ends Hofstra’s season.
(5) William and Mary vs. (4) Old Dominion (17-14, 11-7)
ODU doesn’t do anything all that impressive – they just put their heads down and work hard. Occasionally, they’ll have too much to drink*, but for the most part, they’re solid and dependable. Like Bunk Moreland, the backbone of The Wire.
On Saturday, Bunk’ll sit W&M’s Dukie down in an interrogation room, gently lay a comforting hand on the Tribe’s shoulder, and explain in reassuring tones how he’s just doing his job. Sometimes, the Man does what the Man has to do. W&M will understand, but in a plot twist worthy of David Simon himself, the Tribe will turn the tables on the Monarchs, stunning them like I expect to be stunned after the Wire’s final run on Sunday**.
* - metaphorically, in ODU’s case – heaven forbid that we cast such aspersions.
** - and yes, this is quite truly wishful thinking and not a prediction made with much rigorous analysis – though W&M did beat ODU in Norfolk this season.
(10) Drexel vs. (2) UNC Wilmington (19-12, 12-6)
The Seahawks are the CAA’s Michael Lee, tough, street-smart, and a little bit iconoclastic. They’re capable of a achieving at a very high level, but are constrained fatally by their environment (as we’ll soon see, that’s a proxy for their coach). It all goes poof for Drexel against a much tougher Wilmington squad.
(6) Northeastern vs. (3) George Mason (20-10, 12-6)
Okay, bear with me here, because this won’t make much sense until the end of this preview. Mason is Bubbles, the recovering heroin addict and conscience of The Wire. They’ve had amazing highs this season (wins over Kansas State and Dayton when the Flyers were at full strength, an 85-38 drubbing of Drexel) and maddeningly inexplicable descents into the abyss (losses to East Carolina and Georgia State, blowing a double-digit lead in the BracketBusters game against Ohio). The Patriots will end Northeastern’s season, but not without a struggle.
Semifinals, Sunday, March 9
(5) William and Mary vs. (1) VCU
Dukie vs. Marlo. And the result will be about exactly what you’d expect. Sadly. Poor Dukie, cast into the dark underworld, destined to a short, brutal life of drug addiction and far more unspeakable unpleasantries.
(3) George Mason vs. (2) UNC Wilmington
The grim fate of W&M’s Dukie is balanced by the ascension of Mason’s Bubbles in the second semi. As noted a few days ago in this space, G:TB thinks the Patriots are the league’s most talented team, capable of playing at an extremely high level (and equally capable of going on bizarre, half-long walkabouts). The redemption theme continues on Sunday, as Mason avenges two in-season losses to Wilmington to set up a good vs. evil (y’know, artistically-speaking) conference final.
Finals, Monday, March 10
(3) George Mason vs. (1) VCU

ESPN is hoping, nay, praying that this national telecast features action like last year’s 65-59 VCU win over Mason, or 2004’s nail-biter between the two squads. Because ESPN’s seen the dark side, like 2001’s 35-33 final between Mason and Wilmington, a contest that set the game back to Dr. Naismith’s time.
As The Wire ends, we expect David Simon to give us stories of individual redemption and triumph while reminding the viewer that the systemic problems never end, that we’re doomed as a society to wallow in corruption, violence, and avarice. The names change, but the game never does.
Luckily for George Mason and Bubbles, theirs is one of those few bright spots in Simon’s otherwise grim portrait, as they defeat the Rams to clinch the CAA’s automatic bid. And in a nod to poetic justice, Marlo lives to fight another day, too, with VCU capturing an at-large bid in a season where just about every bubble team seems intent on playing its way out of the Dance.
Somewhere, Tom Yeager as the Greek beams a satisfied smile.
Yeah, um, I hate break it to you Rob but Bubbles is gonna die in the series finale on Sunday night. I'm not really sure how this ties in to you CAA Conference Tourney preview but figured I'd let you know anyhow.
Having never seen even a second of The Wire, I am both impressed and very confused by this preview.
Go Tribe.
TJ's confused? Wonders never cease.
Hard to believe I know...
Here's hoping we get the McDonough/Bilas/Raft booth for the final.
well, that, would certainly be a kick in the ass, mark. especially for george mason.
i love me some commas.
for the record, i expect bubbles to live. simon's given us a handful of individual bright spots (or at least some justice) amidst the carnage of the past 5 seasons - namond turning his life around with bunny colvin, kima getting back into her son's life, michael's abuser getting what he deserved, cutty getting out of the game. i think the series ends with bubbles getting to go upstairs at his sister's house.
don't forget the hopper that used ot work for Barksdale/Bodie getting out of the game and straightening out his life and getting a job at the shoe store.
Jesus F. Christmas, how fucking long was I in New Orleans that this site became Gheorghe: The Blog - dedicated to the premise that all anybody can and should discuss is The Wire??
suck it up for 3 more days, sally.
Yeah, I'm sure there won't be a deep delving into the inner complexities of the finale on this blog for weeks afterwards. There are forums for such singular focus already in existence. Go join them. Or buy me the frickin' DVD's so I can catch up and follow along.
Hey, Old Man River! Zip it before I break your hip!!
First Big Daddy reference of the day. Strong.
"..with his..old...skin...and his...old..balls..."
Not sure why I stretched this into two comments.
more comments make us look more popular, rhymey. i heartily endorse your profligacy.
don't look now, but gardner-webb and stetson are in the midst of a barnburner.
Don't look? Alright, I'm sold.
kenny george is ridiculous to watch.
CAA website is streaming the game for anybody at work.
We can't even get a god damn Tribe update from the guy at the game?
From Rob:
"6-4 Tribe at the first break - can't hit the broad side of a barn."
Tribe's down 31-25 at the break, and damn lucky to be down only 6. Horrrrible first half. W&M keeps throwing lazy passes, failing to box out anyone, missing free throws, and generally looking nothing like a squad whose coach won the conference's Coach of the Year Award last night. Nice effort, Fighting Wrens.
I'm 0 for 3 trying to get the CAA web site to stream the crappy game. Probably because there are thousands of other folks like me that are dying to watch this barnburner.
Seems oddly fitting.
Tribe down two with seconds left, they dribble downcourt and fire up a long 3 with 1.5 ticks remaining . . . and HIT!!! Sophomore David Schneider, the only W&M player to make a three on the day, chucked one up and gave the Tribe the only lead they'd had for most of the day. William & Mary 59, Georgia State 58. Tribe wins. And there was much rejoicing.
Total reverse of last year's game where Ga State sank a buzzer beater to knock the Tribe out on Day 1.
Unbelievable win by the Tribe. I was prepared to be pissed off for the rest of the night. This slight euphoria is an unfamiliar experience.
I'm really glad that none of you alumni had the stones to take me up on my offer to bet against W&M in any and all CAA Tourney games this weekend. Could've made for an expensive trip the next time I ventured up to DC.
Mark, if we had bet on them, they would have lost.
that was the greatest terrible game i've ever seen. and, pathetically, probably the single biggest moment in the last 25 years of w&m hoops.
on the day that a w&m highlight would've led espn's top 10 - and it would've, as the alternatives were pretty bland - the conference tournament game wasn't televised. figures.
What about today's game? I can't find it on Comcast...
2:30, cn8
Yep, there it is...forgot that channel existed.
and i can't seem to find it on directv. motherfucker.
I'm too lazy to go back and look - did you pick all the 1st round games right?
nope, missed on towson and delaware.
I wish all athlete apologies were as absurd as the piece of performance art Stephen A just gave us on SportsCenter.
Oh yeah, he was apologizing to the Houston Rockets...
hi, blogger. you suck.
sincerely, g:tb.
oh, and sad to see kenny george go. not sad at all to see georgetown beat louisville.
sweet start for the tribe.
i didn't think it was possible, but w&m is playing worse today than they did yesterday. 4 turnovers and 2 points in the first 5 minutes.
zero field goals at the second tv timeout. they're playing good defense, which is the only thing keeping this from being an epic asswhipping. 9-2 odu.
made basket at the 11:15 mark. the first one. yayyyy!!!
whole different game in the third break - 13-11 odu. tribe's made 3 threes and no two-point fgs. still defending well.
laimis kiselius flying through the air!
Tribe on fucking fire right now...
Nice 15-4 run by the Tribe. Mayhugh and TJ are quibbling lik a couple of girls at our new favorite bar.
Hey Rob...what's happening on the Wire? Who's winning?
That last possession of the half reminded me of my first sexual encounter.
You couldn't be happier with this halftime score as a Tribe fan...
1010 to go...come on fuckers.
Great fucking pass...
Rob, you at that christening?
This is a mildly exciting contest...
So, wear it down to 5...random three from a whitey...see you here tomorrow.
That was awesome.
that's a moderately unbelievable result. fuckin' a.
Is it fair to say that today's win was the biggest win in any of our lifetimes? And that tomorrow's game will be the biggest game we've ever seen?
I'm sure the crowds at Swem Library were as thick as ever today, and that nary a soul in the 'Burg is talking about this.
the tribe beat #2 north carolina back in the late 70s. other than that, there's no question that this is the greatest win in our lifetimes.
oh, and if anyone's expecting to see a new post on this, i commend to you crash davis' sage advice: never fuck with a streak.
I'm confused, were TJ and Geoff both commenting from the bar via their blackberrys? I hope not.
hoping and wishing won't make it so, mark.
Soooo...who's getting in the car with me at 1pm tomorrow...
teejay - for the record, albany did not win the america east tournament.
Wow, everything's falling for Kentucky right now...
I only wish I was there to watch Squirrel's head explode when we won. Go Tribe!
--Tara G.
Get your excuses ready gents...we have to go tomorrow.
Game is at 7.
holy shit. this is so far beyond uncharted territory.
Wow. Congrats fellas. When was the last time the Tribe played on ESPN?
it's mason tomorrow night. tribe coulda should woulda beaten the patriots 10 days ago in fairfax. i don't think they'll be intimidated. we're completely through the looking glass.
It will be amusing to watch the pasty Tribesmen on HD tomorrow night. The DVR is already set in case of any work/commute problems.
Kudos to those of you who cowboy(ed) up to make it to any of the games.
Holy Shit, Holy Shit Holy Shit....pretty much my exact thoughts when Slim Charles laid out Cheese.
Sorry Swint...
me, too, exactly. i thought the ending was just a bit too neat and tidy, but it's a minor complaint. the mcnulty 'wake' was perfect. the michael=omar ending was a bit contrived. the game is the game is the game, from the street all the way to the statehouse - that's the lasting moral of the story.
The staff of Gheorghe: The Blog would like you to know that we will not be adding a new post today focused upon the success of the William & Mary men's basketball team for fear of disrupting the cosmic balance. Sounds stupid, doesn't it?
We're students of the Crash Davis school of thought, we have a winning streak, and we haven't posted since before this improbable run began. Our apologies.
yeah, um. about that comment.
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