(leading directly up to this year) is old hat to those in the know, but most casual fans of college basketball aren't privy to the gory details of the plight of the Tribe. And for those that do, re-reading his season preview is still highly entertaining, given what you now know. Take a quick peek before hunkering down to watch the game tonight.
Our school's mantras generally consist of esoteric, nerdy exhortations like "Hark upon the Gale" and "Ebirt Og," but for tonight, a simple "Go Tribe" is all that need be said.

That, and yet another quote from Hoosiers, a film being placed in parallel with the surging W&M squad's tale, if only for the startling amount of honk in the team picture.
Over at the CAA Zone, MGL dropped a Norman Dale quotable on us today, minutes after I'd remarked to Rob that Shooter's rant in the mental ward was being paraphrased by Teejay in his office this morning: "NO WILLIAM & MARY TEAM . . . HAS EVER . . . MADE IT TO THE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP!" And so I will leave the G:TB huddle with Coach Dale's simple send-off.
Over at the CAA Zone, MGL dropped a Norman Dale quotable on us today, minutes after I'd remarked to Rob that Shooter's rant in the mental ward was being paraphrased by Teejay in his office this morning: "NO WILLIAM & MARY TEAM . . . HAS EVER . . . MADE IT TO THE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP!" And so I will leave the G:TB huddle with Coach Dale's simple send-off.
I love you guys.
Oh my God, you're so fucking gay.
Maris Valainis = Laimis Kisielius? I'm just sayin'...
Further gayness/gaiety...I have now officially played the final scene in my head. Shaver draws up a play for Nathan Mann, everybody falls silent, and Kisielius simply says: "I'll make it."
Mann looks like Ollie
Lately Mann's been playing like Ollie, which is of greater concern.
Hark indeed.
I...love you too Nordberg...
When you're better, we'll go sailing together...
Yep...that worked...
Damn it.
And in LA, Lang Campbell takes the field with a heavy heart...
I'm not the only one who thinks that despite 19 wins in a row the Rockets have no chance to win the title, right?
No, that's correct.
I dont think anybody believes they can even get to the finals, much less win it all.
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