I'll respectfully take the counter-bait (not the 16-year-old dancing on the bar) in that argument, at least on one small point. It's true, the bitching about it by the opposing victims is fairly

There are days -- or in the Pats' case, seasons -- when you've got it and the other guy doesn't. You've been down before, and you certainly will be down again, so rubbing a lesser opponent's face in it seems a bit hubristic. It starts to invoke a word that gets bandied about in this space a whole lot. Yep, karma.
In the Arlington Men's Softball League, when we're routing an inferior squad, we let up after a certain point. Not only do we stop taking the extra base and such, we do it discreetly so as not to announce to all onlookers that we've stopped giving 100%. Then, if the second game of the doubleheader involves our clownish fire drill method of placing players in the field, we tell the other guys beforehand that it's a tradition and for fun, not a slap in the face. We don't have to do these things; we owe those guys nothing. But we've been on the ass end of it when a team of tools that's up big late in the game scores from second on a deep sac fly, and it doesn't seem all that cool. Little things that speak a lot about how you operate.
I get that there's more at stake in the NFL than in beer league softball, but saying it's your job, old hoss, sure don't make it right. Belichick's job is to win games, and he's adept enough at doing it to do so without needlessly torching some bad teams beyond recognition. He can't be overly concerned with preserving his adversaries' images, but it's simply not that hard to send in some scrubs and/or run plays up the gut and/or kick the field goal and/or kneel on it when it's 48-3. In fact, real effort comes in continuing to run trick plays, long bombs, and 4th and 12 passes. Dress it up however you like, it's just being a dick.
On the other side of the coin, however, the other fellas should quit whining about it. At this point, you can see that it's not personal, so don't take it personally. New England is trying to embarrass everyone in their quest for supreme dominance. There's no point in tacking anything up on the bulletin board -- your time is better spent trying to figure out why single coverage on Randy Moss isn't working. Vowing revenge is a little melodramatic; simply pocket it and just know there will be days when the roles are reversed. That's not tremendous solace when your home fans are treated to such a lopsided event, but then again, as Randall Gay might remind you, there were two teams playing out there, and you deserve a goodly portion of the embarrassment you got. With a nod to human reproduction, just because they're being dicks doesn't mean you have to be pussies.

Go ahead and keep running it up, but please don't wonder why Joe Average Fan now roots against you, and why we aren't quite as enthralled about the record-setting numbers as we might be. For a few years SportGuy whined that the world was against the Patriots -- when nobody outside the northeast and the tri-state area really gave a damn either way. Now . . . it's like Bill Simmons and his ilk got their wish, and maybe the whole thing is a lot more interesting because of it.

For the rest of us, we should refrain from further barking about the New England Patriots running up the score week in and week out. It's a mesmerizing machine, these Pats, and we should just enjoy the show. If our old friend karma happens to upend the PatCart before they reach the finish line many folks have already conceded, it'll be an even more eye-catching result, but in the meantime, Bill Belichick and his band of dicks is must-see TV.
i don't know what to make of this, other than a pterodactyl, but i was far, far more into the patriots game last night than i was the 'skins game against the bucs. could be more evidence of my disillusionment with what's become of the redskins franchise. could be a desire to witness history. could be that i despise the eagles that much. or, could be indigestion from too much holiday food. don't know, but i was quite surprised by how involved i got last night.
The Tribe eeked out a 79-70 win over Houston Baptist yesterday. Houston Baptist apparently just returned to D-1 after 19 years as a NAIA program. Well, at least the Tribe didn't lose.
After an impressive showing against G'town, the Tribe is starting to resemble one of the 9-21 teams we've seen all too often.
And Rob, it might be the sense that you're watching a truly great team as opposed to a team that squanders all its chances to be merely good.
I have appreciated the persistent effort despite the circumstances in the last few weeks of Redskin football, but effort isn't enough in the N effing L.
i know this has long been the refrain of fans of losing teams, but the skins are really 4 or 5 plays from being 9-2 or better. they should under no circumstances have lost to the giants and eagles. they should have beaten the packers. and they could easily, with a break or a pressure play/coaching call have beaten the cowboys and bucs. such a disappointing bunch.
and i should clarify. when i say "more into the patriots game", i mean that i was rooting harder for the patriots than i was the skins and i don't consider myself a patriots fan. i want to see 16-0, then 19-0.
You were rooting for the Pats last night? Are you the devil?
"i know this has long been the refrain of fans of losing teams, but the skins are really 4 or 5 plays from being 9-2 or better."
Soooooooooo many teams can say they are 4 or 5 plays away from having a significantly better record. That is the state of the NFL today. About 20 teams are wallowing around at the same level in the trenches. You have about five or six teams above and below the average. Everybody has different takes on the "average" teams because of the diffferent expectations for each team going into the season. Carolina and New Orleans are considered disappointments, while Houston is considered a good story this year. Just how much better are the Browns than the Bengals? It's just a couple lucky bounces and some inexplicable karma that resulted in the different records of these teams.
Football is far and away the most over-analyzed sport. And the majority of the analysts are dildos. We still have about 1/3 of the season left. There will be one or two 5-6 teams making a late run, a 7-4 team will buckle and a favorite team will have a bad loss in their 15th game while resting starters, causing the moron pundits to get a boner and revive the "should they have rested guys or not" debate.
Let's face the fact that these middle 20 teams will beat up on each other every week. The Skins, Eagles, Giants, Cardinals, Bengals, Broncos, Saints, Bengals, etc. are all about as good as each other. This mediocrity has made the first weekend of the NFL playoffs extremely boring....
i agree, teej, but the skins' failings seem more obvious/egregious and/or avoidable than those of other squads. arizona fans may quibble with that assessment.
I like the Patriots running it up. It's nice to see somebody who doesn't care about other people's feelings in this era.
More importantly, I think there's a psychological aspect to it. They're creating an image of themselves as a untouchable machine and it's gotta be intimidating for most opponents.
As for the Redskins, TR is on the money. They're a mediocre team. Sure it's possible that they could've won every close game, but that almost never happens.
there's no question the skins are a mediocre team. they are what we thought they were. even if they were 9-2, they'd still be a mediocre team, just a luckier one with slightly better coaching. my point is not that they've lost close games, but that they've pissed them away. everybody loses close games - most teams don't piss away as many as the skins have this year.
and sorry to tr for confusing you with teejay. that can't be good for your self-esteem.
His comment was more than two sentences long. You should know better.
indeed. i'm quite chagrined.
Anybody click on the Body Bag link in the post? Gotta love the Internet.
Hopeful thoughts going out from the Gheorghe staff to Sean Taylor. Come on, dude, you gotta pull through.
Agreed - that is some messed up shit.
With regard to the whole mediocrity discussion, it has more negative effect than a boring first round of the playoffs. About 75% of the games week to week are complete crap shoots at this point. Gambling interests aside, it seems a bit dissatisfying that a lot of these games are determined by which team plays more poorly rather than anything of merit done by the victor.
Yesterday's 1 PM games were hideous.
Re: The Body Bag link. It's very much worth a click.
Nice road win for the Wiz last night.
the tribe is at richmond tomorrow and at vcu a week from tomorrow. after that, they've got a stretch of 6 games that they should win:
@north florida
montreat (wtf is a montreat?)
@ hampton
if they lose more than one of those games, the prognosis for a looong season will be affirmed.
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