Ba na na na... Hey! Ba na na...
Reporters and onlookers, allowed into the courthouse in southern Ba Ria-Vung province to hear the verdict after the closed, two-day trial, pressed toward Glitter as police fended them off and escorted him out of the building.
Ba na na na... Hey! Ba na na...

Chakachaka chakachaka chaka...
(fans scream here: "Go local sports franchise" for their team)
Repeat forever (that is what the lyrics actually say..."Repeat forever"...and you thought they were playing Yanni in hell)
Props to GB on this...
I hearby withdraw my pre-season Nats prediction, and reserve the right to re-evaluate accordingly...the team is coming apart already. Lawrence and now this..
Jose Guillen is expected to miss at least three months because of a left wrist injury.
Guillen has tenosynovitis of the extensor tendon. He said he began feeling soreness two weeks ago, though it was never revealed then. The pain grew worse after he resumed taking batting practice Wednesday, and an MRI revealed the injury. Guillen's injury could result in another run at Sammy Sosa or more talks with the Reds regarding Wily Mo Pena.
And I see the Cuse showed up against Depaul last night...and lost by 40?!! What the f- is that?
That's the worst loss I've seen from any team all season long...
Although, that might indirectly help Your boys from George Mason...
I'm telling you, George Mason was already in long before poopie Cuse...
interesting analysis at the following site:
they've compiled 22 different bracket projections. of note, both george mason and uncw are *in* in all 22 projections, generally as 8 and 9 seeds. hofstra is projected as 11/12 seed in 9 of the 22 - so 9/22 "experts" believe the caa can get 3 teams, 10/23 if you include me.
if the mvc final was indicative of the conference's quality, the caa deserves 4 bids to the dance.
After just about every team Rob said needed to lose went ahead and won - at least once - this weekend (maybe TJ's not a jinx, Gheorghe is), Hofstra and UNC-W took matters into their own hands. It stands to reason that tonight's final should not even matter in the selection, but I have a feeling it will.
My prediction: the committee soils itself next Sunday and take GMU and tonight's winner, igniting a controversy even ESPN acknowledges. Meanwhile, somewhere in Leesburg, Rob fumes.
"We played Wichita State, and they're not as good as we are," George Mason coach Jim Larranaga said.
Well, I'm sold.
gmu and hofstra didn't help the conference by playing a game that roughly approximated the mvc final in terms of flow and quality of hoops. larranaga also suspended starting guard tony skinn for a game after skinn nutpunched hofstra's star, loren stokes, in the game's waning seconds. if gmu gets in, and i still think they do, they'll be without skinn for the first game, which could impact their seeding.
on a plus note, dickie v said this morning that the caa deserves 3 teams. of course, he also said that the mvc deserves 5, duke still deserves a 1 seed, and jj redick's nutsack tastes like salt water taffy
The University of Tennessee really knows how to recruit quality kids:
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee basketball players Anthony Passley and Jordan Smith were charged with possession of crack cocaine and suspended indefinitely from the team.
Passley, a redshirt transfer, and Smith, a walk-on, were arrested early Sunday, Knoxville police spokesman Darrell DeBusk said Monday.
Officers trying to clear traffic near a nightclub spotted a car on the sidewalk under a no-parking sign and approached to ask them to move, DeBusk said.
Officers found 15.2 grams of crack cocaine in the car and charged the pair with possession for resale, the police spokesman said. Passley was charged with simple possession of marijuana, DeBusk said.
oh, and dennis, the reason duke's not going very far in the big tournament is named greg paulus.
He has become a bit turnover happy these days...but, he'll be fine. The bet is not in Jeopardy. My bet with Tom Doyle, however...
Are you still holding out hope that George Mason gets the shaft? Not gonna happen...
Paulus'lack of ability to knock down a shot outside of two feet hasn't done much to help Duke's offensive rhythm either.
Duke lacks the neccessary thrid option to go too deep into the tourney.
Three (completely unrelated) words for all of you: THREE SIX MAFIA.
Just to confirm I wasn't losing my mind, I have scanned every possible bracket projection, and nowhere is George Mason the CAA team on the outside looking in...Natty bottles here I come.
OK, a quickie attempt to cover some of the betting lately:
- Dennis places Nats prediction of 83-79, Rob takes the under, Dennis withdraws pre-season Nats prediction when Brian Lawrence's arm falls off
- TJ takes Seton Hall to beat Cincy in Big East conference game last week. Hall is victorious, Mark owes me booze in May.
- TJ bets 12 pack of Natty bottles that George Mason makes the Dance, no matter what (such as their loss to Hofstra yesterday). Dennis clings to hope GMU gets the shaft.
- Rob bets Dennis that Duke goes out BEFORE the Sweet 16 (3-1 odds).
just for some additional color regarding the dookies' prospects, joe lunardi has the following teams seeded 7-10 as of today:
so. illinois
george mason
wichita state
michigan state
seton hall
how many of those teams could scare duke on a neutral court? i'd say at least 9-10, and anyone could catch lightning in a bottle. will it happen? dunno. is it worth 3-1 to find out? yup.
Dennis, the floor is yours...
Editorial note - Nats prediction withdrawn after Lawrence and Gullen's arms fall off...
I'm willing to pay Tom right now on the Mason bet...
And I'm so insulted by the "dookie's prospect" comment, that I'm considering giving Rob even greater odds on our bet...
Have we missed any other significant wagers? Dennis, I appreciate the flip-flop of our bet being in Jeopardy to victory for me...quick and painless.
Well, you missed paying up on the Nats not making the playoffs.
Of course, I am going to owe you another case when the Wizards do make the postseason.
no insult intended, i think, though i'm willing to take the increased odds. i *like* jj redick, and i *like* coach k - this isn't some duke-hater thing, i just think they've got some holes that could get exposed in the tourney. believe me, i'll be rooting for carolina to fall victim to an epic first-round upset - i just don't think it'll happen. is "dook" an insult?
i'll be making a smokey and the bandit-like run to norfolk this weekend, toting 72 beers and 2 toddlers to whitney's house to a) pay off various beer-related bets and b) drive him and his wife insane. taking recommendations now on the composition of the 12 6-packs i've got to purchase for the trip.
Ah yes, I do owe you a case from the Nats last year...and yes, the Wiz will be hooking me again this season. Fantastico...
I also have a bet with GB on Vince Young going in the Top 5 in the draft (I am saying he will go in the Top 5). That's a case too I think.
Every other six pack should be Coor Light.
Which is a just like Coors Light without the "s".
why, did whitney do something terrible to me while i wasn't looking? i might as well bring him a case of aquafina.
hofstra is *not* helping the case here, getting pantsed on national television.
Well, they did make a game of it, but what I saw of the game was pretty ugly. Some serious scoring droughts by both teams, some sloppy play, and a general sense that although these mid-majors are riding a high in popularity, there seemks to be something to the theory (offered by folks like Digger Phelps) that despite the recent surge in hype (mostly due to RPI), they cannot consistently compete with the big conference schools and shouldn't be invited to the dance.
Joe Lunardi just said he expects Hofstra to squeak in and Mason to be bumped out because of the suspension of their nut-punching guard. Astounding if that happens -- wouldn't want to be that guy around campus if he single-handedly cost the team a trip to the NCAA tournament by being a jackass. Huge cojones by the coach/administration of GMU, I have to say. Refreshing, if painful for them.
More importantly, I'll be the first to say that Jack Bauer is in serious trouble this time, and I have an uneasy feeling that he's not getting out of CTU alive.
If GMU gets bounced because of the nut puncher, well, let's just say I won't be very happy.
Great Moments in Betting History #83: TJ Doyle, a lock to win a case of beer, gets a figurative punch in the groin when a point guard is suspended for administering a literal one.
good piece by john feinstein in this morning's post about the nutpunch incident. both coach k and gary williams laud larranaga's integrity while admitting that they might have a hard time making the same decision. somehow, i think that integrity will count for something in the selection process. if the caa gets just 1 team in because tony skinn got slaphappy, the folks in fairfax won't be the only ones ticked off.
and to paraphase steve czaban, digger phelps needs a map to differentiate his ass from a hole in the ground.
i can't believe they killed edgar.
Is this more 24 talk? Or did Edgar Martinez get sacrificed in some sort of bizarre WBC tribute to Kirby's passing?
one more thing - gonzaga's out-of-their-ass win was huuuge for the good people of the colonial. if you pick gonzaga to win more than 1 game in the ncaa tourney, you deserve whatever comes to you.
Is it a punch in the nuts?
You call the nutpunch unlucky, i call it money well spent...the coup of the decade - just hilarious...
Rob might also like to know I placed a futures bet on Gonzaga to win the whole thing at the beginning of the year...
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