Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Gheorghasbord: Heroes Gone But Not Forgotten

We've seen a handful of famous folks pass in recent days. Gene Hackman, Betsy Arakawa, Michelle Trachtenberg, all public figures whose deaths made the headlines. But we've a pair of others who haven't been quite as bold-faced in their personas, yet who left an indelible mark on this rapidly devolving global society.

For instance, it was sad news in my household when Francesco Rivella passed on February 14 at the age of 97. The Italian chemist was my daughter's favorite person for several years, though she didn't know his name. Rivella invented Nutella, which was my kid's go-to breakfast staple into the early high school years. We even made a trip to Chicago just to go to Mario Batali's Eataly because it had a Nutella-themed bar. (We didn't know, man.)

Literally millions of other families mourn and give thanks to James Harrison. The 88 year-old Aussie died on February 17, and his right arm could finally rest. Harrison's blood contained a rare and valuable antibody known as anti-D (sorry Daves, Danimal, and Donna), and he was generous with it. Anti-D is vital in preventing blood-related diseases in newborns, and Harrison's 1,173 blood donations between 1954 and 2018 are estimated to have contributing the saving of 2.4 million infant lives. Nearly as many as Elon Musk is going to kill this year.


Whitney said...

Happy Fat Tuesday, everyone

rob said...

eat some nutella

rob said...

trump's stock market is off to a flier.

Marls said...

Urgent need for whole blood and platelet donations around the country right now. Each whole blood donation can save up to 3 lives and a platelet donation can save the life of 3 adults or up to 12 kids. Maybe we can help offset Elon.

Professor G. Truck said...

i assume you are not including "ceremony" in that trifecta of great sept 24th, 1991 albums. i had no idea low end theory, nevermind, and the chili peppers all came out on the same day as our tribute to seuss.

rootsminer said...

That explains why the seuss tribute didn't get more attention.

OBX dave said...

Hey Mark, I direct your attention to this guy.


Whitney said...

Younger Lester daughter, Phi Beta Kappa

Whitney said...

Implied that she follows in her dad’s footsteps

T.J. said...

nine years ago today? GHEORGHEFEST

rob said...

i do not think that word means what you think it means