Monday, March 24, 2025

Idol Worship

Let it never be said that we lack the fortitude to admit our mistakes. Today, I stand before you chastened and more than a little bit disappointed. 

It's a cliche that one should never meet their heroes. The little-known corollary is that one shouldn't elevate a politician to hero status. The shorter version: Fucking Fetterman.

We were one of the first major outlets to boost the Pennsylvanian's public profile, offering this puff piece about the aspiring Senator's rise. Later, we endorsed him to succeed Joe Biden as POTUS. We liked his everyman shtick, his independent streak, his muscular defense of traditional liberal values. 

As it turns out, we were conned.

Since the inauguration of the current POTUS and his minions' gleeful dismantling of the Federal government, many things about the Democrats' response have been wanting. You can count the number of senior leaders in the opposition party who are publicly resisting on two hands. The hand-sitters number in the scores. And the collaborators, well we've got some of them, too.

Led, sadly, by John Fetterman.

The big doofus was the first Democrat to travel to Mar-A-Lago, calling That Fucking Guy "kind" after their meeting. He's been a reliable vote for Cabinet nominees, one of only five Dems to support 10 of the clowns who now lead agencies. Not only did he vote in support of the budget agreement that handed the GOP a win, he lashed out at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes in the aftermath, telling her to "deal with it".

Finally, in a particularly grotesque bit of political theater, the outspoken supporter of Israel accepted a gift from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the form of a silver-plated pager, like the kind that the Israelis detonated en masse to injure and kill Hamas operatives. Regardless of your stance on the tragedy in Gaza, a sitting U.S. Senator jovially celebrating death and injury is fucking disgusting.

Other Democrats are starting to get uncomfortable with Fetterman, too. Cumberland County (PA) Democratic Party chair Matt Roan wrote an op-ed yesterday calling on the state's junior senator to resign, saying, "Fetterman no longer represents the interests of those who elected him, he seems disinterested in serving in his important position, and his actions in the Senate are actively harming Pennsylvanians."

Sadly, though not reluctantly, I agree. 


zman said...

Tim Miller interviewed Fetterman recently and the senator had a hard time stringing together coherent sentences. His stroke did him no favors. My comments regarding Chris Murphy aged decently well though.

rootsminer said...

I've never so much as put a sticker supporting a politician on anything I own. While I will grant that some are good people with good intentions, I'm inherently skeptical of the motives of anyone who wants the job.

And since over the weekend I decided to root for whichever team had a better dressed head coach, I feel the need to say that wearing a carhartt hoodie is not an appropriate look for a US Senator on official business.

And the pager thing is disgusting.

Whitney said...

Finding an inspirational leader with national reach in the Democratic party has become a fool's game. Where is our hero/heroine when we most need one?

"Here I come to save the day..." We need more than Mighty Mouse nowadays!

Whitney said...

Fetterman as Harvey Dent is a meme to come

rob said...

the new republic reads g:tb:

zman said...

G:TB sets the culture.

rob said...

this story is crazy pants. last week, several very high ranking officials, including the vice president and secdef, included a journalist on a group chat that was discussing a forthcoming military action against the houthis in yemen. bunch of fucking amateurs running the place.

Marls said...

Purity tests are so healthy for the republic! I’m not a huge Fetterman fan but other than the Israel stuff, which I agree is a bit much, what are we expecting from a Senator from a centrist state like PA? He voted against 52% of Trump’s cabinet appointments? Should he just reflexively vote against all of them?

rob said...

yes? it's a lot more than the cabinet votes, howevah.

Whitney said...

I’d pass any purity test

Marls said...

Rob - I get it. It’s tough to see your heroes crash and burn. Fetterman and Diddy in the same year…

I’m fail to see this sweatshirt wearing dude as the biggest issue. The far left and far right of these parties have done so much damage to the nation for nothing more than their own naked pursuit of power. Trump is a symptom, not the disease. Problems is symptoms can kill.

Whitney said...

You don't think he's the biggest issue????

Dude is 6'8", 275 lbs. He's definitely the biggest. Wake up, man.

rob said...

you’re putting words in my mouth, counselor. more importantly, your huskies took on yet another larger school this evening and scraped and clawed their way to a 0-0 draw. super proud of them. picking on someone our own size on thursday.

rob said...

here's a wee palate cleanser for y'all. a player from the other team approached me after the game this evening. i coached her as a travel player a few years ago, and he's a senior now. she told me that she would've quit soccer if i hadn't been her coach. friends, i got a bit verklempt. that's the good shit.

Marls said...

That is awesome, Roberto.

rob said...

it was really neat. less neat, the fact that juju suffered an acl injury last night for usc.

Whitney said...


rob said...

got 15 of the remaining 16 teams correct in my ncaa women's bracket. no big deal.

Mark said...

The Juju injury is awful. A guy I used to work with was the stepdad of Shea Ralph. Who was fucking awesome - but also had terrible knees. Really hope this isn't something that derails Juju's career in the same way.

As for Rob - good on you, sir. Coaching is so rewarding. I truly miss it.

zman said...

That's awesome, rob lasso. This glorious beast is in Ashburn, VA. You should buy it and take the whole team out for ice cream.

zman said...

In other news, zson wrote a story and it was selected for publication in some book published by his school. I know this because he sent me an email saying "hi mom and dad i won smth abt a halloween story ig and like mr [name] gave me a paper and a letter or smth like that and it talks abt how the book is cool and they maybe publish it but like the wants $25 ig can u help me w/ that when i get home ty :)". Clearly he's an award-winning writer.

rootsminer said...

He obviously doesn't need an editr

Whitney said...

The administration of bozos is handing the idiotic war plan leak like a college guy who got caught red-handed cheating on his gf: deny, deny, deny. Just astounding.

zman said...

And these Executive Orders read like Dolores Umbridge's Educational Decrees.

rootsminer said...

My wife has had same observation for awhile now,
Z. It’s going great.