Argan trees grow in Morocco, where people eat the trees' fruit and press the seeds for oil (don't tell RFK!). And where goats climb them to eat the fruit and leaves.
I know a thing or two about goats. They'll eat anything. They can climb anything. They can herd up to make it through anything. You can put one in a goatapult and it will cling for dear life, no matter how hard you actuate the device. But climb a tree? That's news to me.
It might be news to you too, so here's a video featuring someone channeling her inner Margaret Jo McCullin and herds of rascally goats hoofing it up and down some argan trees. Starting at 5:47, you can see some goats that have been herded into the equivalent of caprine hell, a Bummingdome if you will, forced to stand in one uncomfortable place for an extended period of time. As the narrator says, "Those goats standing in one spot are, unfortunately, unhappy goats."
May all the goats in your collective lives be happy goats.
this is giving me many hazing ideas
Don''t miss Professor Truck in his big screen debut: Old School 2 : Goat Vindaloo
We have a goat in our neighbodhood. He lives across the street. His name is Leroy. You can regularly hear him making goat noises.
In other news, it's spring break here and it feels like every family I know is on vacation - Puerto Rico, England, Norway, a cruise. I'm really not wanting to work on this St Patricks Day.
My next door neighbors were out of town this weekend, and I took care of their dog, also named Leroy. He's a good boy.
I realized over the weekend that I save my worst thoughts for groups of people dressed up in festive green gear, stumbling around like amateurs.
hey, guys! tree goats, huh?
hey, guys! tree goats, huh?
Rob and I are back in the States. He went right to coach soccer from arriving at Dulles. He’s a good man. And has to be exhausted.
That is wild. I'll expect a full recap post in the morning, coach.
it was the best of times. it was the worst of times. or perhaps they were the best of kids. i was the worst of coaches.
nah, it was good. played a team with substantially more talent, gave up a goal 30 seconds in, could've caved. were dominated in possession (as expected), but never quit. gave up a fluky goal midway through the second half, lost 2-0. we talked about resiliency before and after the match. they did their part. coach needs to figure out how to generate some offense. after he sleeps.
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