Sunday, March 23, 2025

U.S. Reed and the 49-Foot Memory Maker

We recently passed the five-year anniversary of the moment the country shut down and the course of our nation's future and our lives changed irreversibly. We're better off from a health perspective, I suppose, but the number of ways in which we've gone backwards are hard to count, at least without causing inchoate rage.

Rather than marinating in anger (again), we'll use this moment to once again call back to a happier time. As I type from my couch in advance of not moving and watching 10+ hours of college basketball, we'll keep this post going, celebrating an unequivocally good thing.


There's an ongoing political meme happening in the zeitgeist at the moment because That Fucking Guy mused aloud about whether people were better off today than four years ago. Over at The Bulwark, Jonathan V. Last has been making sport of the question, pointing out that four years ago we were locked in our houses afraid to touch anything while also being told that this little viral kerfuffle was going to go away in a few minutes.

As for the Gheorghieverse, we were more focused on important things like sports. The cancellation of the NCAA Tournament meant that all we had left were the memories. So as a reminder of that bygone and damned time and a celebration of what we have back that we took for granted, today we re-up a post from March 2020. Do enjoy.

Big Besiktas fan here. Go Black Eagles.
It's increasingly likely that we'll not see anything resembling the live sports to which we're accustomed for an extended period of time. The television/radio listings in this morning's Washington Post, which usually run to eight column inches of small type, offer us a meager two entries today: a Turkish Super Lig soccer match between Besiktas and Galatasaray at noon, and the World Series of Bowling Storm XI at 1:30.

If you think I'm not watching that soccer game from Turkey that features two of the country's big three, you don't know me all that well.

But if the games must not go on, we do have the benefit of the memories of the games that did to remind us why this time of year is often such a thrill. 

Thirty-nine years ago yesterday, and I remember it as if it were, like, 20 years ago. The shot Arkansas' U.S. Reed hit to beat Louisville is one of my earliest NCAA Tournament memories. The Razorbacks, seeded fifth in the West, fell behind fourth seed and defending National Champion Louisville with five seconds to play on a Derek Smith jumper in the the lane. The Cardinals' press had bothered Arkansas all game, so coach Eddie Sutton instructed his team to just get the ball as far up the court as they could.

And then this happened:

Sports was pretty cool.


T.J. said...

post count, mofos

TR said...

NJ currently has 69 cases. Can we flatten the curve at that number?

Zman - as a NJ resident and our resident health expert, see what you can do.

Dave said...

i've got my opening notes up on sentence of dave. i don't think it looks good for flattening the curve. we're going to go from 69 to 6900 rapidly . . .

TR said...

My garage is clean and organized as hell. My kids’ rooms have had a big-time spring cleaning. We have an enormous amount of garbage and a mountain of stuff for goodwill. So I got that going for me.

Mark said...

I’ve got a garage cleaning on my to do list do this week as well. Not anything else to do.

T.J. said...

Your garage is where the magic happens.

Mark said...

This is a fact, TJ. Legal magic at that. Gonna need a lot of magic over the next 6-8 weeks. No gathering over 50 people during that time. My garage will keep me sane.

TR said...

My little birds (Zman and Juan Carlos) tell me non-essential businesses in NJ may be forced to close soon. So I guess I’ll be that degenerate at the liquor store tmrw.

Mark said...

Bit the liquor store today. I’m not ashamed.

zman said...

Teaneck is a shitshow. I hope KQ’s brother is doing ok. Holy Name Hospital is the last place anyone wants to be right now.

Dave said...

i was thinking about hitting the liquor store today. that settles it.

Whitney said...

Curious as to what percentage of you are holed up at home and which, like me, are still commuting to an office.

Squeaky said...

I'm working from home but have for over 15 years. This forced work from home situation will cause some fun (read stressful) family dynamics for those that are not used to doing it. And some of us that are.

It will be even more stressful when you add on having the kids home for 2-3 weeks. It's one thing to be home for the weekend with the family but 2-3 weeks 24/7 will cause tension to rise for some families.

Case in point, my wife and son, he's been off since last Wednesday, are at Defcon 4 right now because our schools haven't provided any lesson plans or work. He's not very fond of the 'new' schedule my wife came up for this extended time period at home. So I'm sheltering in place in my home office in the basement, next to the beer fridge.

zman said...

My kids are handling this better than my colleagues. We were supposed to go to the office today and clean off our desks so the office could be disinfected. This implies, of course, that the office is infected. So I’m wfh. Everyone must wfh Tuesday to Friday and can then come back next week. I assume that will change once martial law is declared over the weekend.

rob said...

don't you mean marshall law?

i'm working from the office, which doesn't have a ton of people in it, even on normal days. traffic was super-light this morning. our office complex has a starbucks machine in the conference center, which i usually hit 2-3 times a day. they've closed it for obvious reasons. that's kind of a bummer.

TR said...

Zman and I live in a town w/ a great school system. I was pretty impressed by what they put together. My kids did about 3-4 hrs of work. Of course, we benefitted from having a laptop available for my youngest. My oldest gets a laptop from his school.

I did a major booze run this afternoon. And I painted trim outside my front door

zman said...

Yeah you did.

zman said...

zdaughter is learning to read so she has to be taught--she can't read the instructions to do the lessons. So I was her teacher today and she asked "Do I have to call you Mr. Z or can I still call you Daddy?" I told her to call me Mr. Z, of course.

rootsminer said...

I'm keeping my business operating, as there are very limited things that can be done from home. I have implemented some sanitation guidelines to reduce transmission risks.

I suspect things are going to continue to slow down, so I may encourage my employees to stagger their shifts and work reduced hours. I'll still pay them for full time, since seems like a dick move no to do so.

T.J. said...

President Fucknuts just showed up the CDC's call for gatherings of 50 and saying the guidelines should now be 10 and below.

You remember the beginning of Apocalypse Now? It's only Monday, and I am Martin Sheen in that opening scene.

zman said...

I finally assembled the pop-a-shot my kids got for Gheorghemas. They're breaking every ceiling tile in the basement but it's worth it to keep them sane.

T.J. said...

On a positive note(?), I am morphing back into Brian Posehn

Dave said...

we did our first day of virtual school today. our district is really on top of things and the kids seemed glad to do on-line assignments. teachers are doing a shitload of work and setting up great lessons-- if your district is lagging, i can send some of our materials and expectations, which you could pass along and tell your administrators to get on it. most parents are keeping their kids inside so they are happy for the school stuff and interaction.

the liquor store was fairly empty today. costco was insane-- the kids and i went in but saw the lines and beat a hasty retreat. the store wasn't crowded but they had limited staff. oddly, costco was full of old people. they are fucked. one of my kids is over at rutgers in a closed building with his rocket club, getting as much shit out of the building as possible and trying to print stuff with the 3-D printer. they are supposed to do a launch next week.

just drank this beer-- loved it.

trying to limit my alcohol intake, but it's going to be hard.

rob said...

our county just announced that our kids are out of school until at least april 10, with the possibility that kids may not go back to school this year. zoinks.

Mark said...

It’s spring break here this week so no official announcements have been made. Can’t see my kids going back to school anytime soon. I’m mostly wfh at this point. I need a bigger house if this is going to last weeks.

zman said...

So you're saying I likely won't be able to have an open house to sell my home in May?

Dave said...

apparently, there is a case in my town.

mr kq said...

I really enjoyed the term “President Fucknuts.”

The other Teej live tweeting his bout with the virus.

Mark said...

Saw that too. Godspeed to TJ Q.

Unknown said...

The other TJ is very measured, rational and logical on Twitter. Kudos to him. I just read his recent tweets.

Wife and I decided not to visit another family y/day. We are hunkering down. I am making food runs, my kids are shooting on our hoop and doing loops of my hood on their bike, and we're all walking the dog, but that's it.

T.J. said...

I don’t like the shade being thrown my way by this Unknown commenter.

Unknown said...

Hahaha. My 4th grader commandeered the gmail account on my laptop.

We still love you, Posehn. I also recently decided to start growing a beard. I want to shave my head, but wife says not to.

Whitney said...

Watching the McMillion$ documentary. Through 3 of 6 segments. Highly intriguing.

Marls said...

Colt Seavers, is that you?

Whitney said...

Flux capacitor!

Whitney said...

Back here in 2024, Rootsy and I got together in Roanoke last night for some liquor drinks and music making. Stay tuned for a new single hitting the airwaves soon.

zman said...

This is a great throwback. For the record, zdaughter had to go to the remedial reading pull-out for the first month or two of first grade. Soon thereafter she was reading at, and then above, grade level. So I guess I'm not a good reading teacher.

rob said...

one of the kids i wrote about in the rob lasso series asked me to write a college scholarship recommendation letter this week. that was a cool moment.

rob said...

in a bar watching madness on multiple televisions, as god intended

rob said...

track meet in indy

Danimal said...

This post. Seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago.

Looks like we have the makings for two more white knucklers here guys and gals.

rob said...

sko buffs. suck it, auburn. sports!

rob said...

badgers not used to being the second-most physical team in a game. dukes are puttin' it to 'em.

rob said...

buffs had 27 assists on 34 made baskets this evening. cromulent.

rob said...

new big whistle for tribe hoops. brian earl played at princeton, coached at cornell for the past seven years, so he knows recruiting high level academic kids. losing seasons his first four years in ithaca, then three consecutive winning and improving seasons. cautiously optimistic.

Whitney said...

I nominate “Shakedown” as the worst of Seger’s canon. And I am a fan of his. “Like a Rock” and most of the latter day fare was a pale imitation of the old greats, but this song is hot garbage. As was the shitty film sequel it soundtracked.

It’s playing at the Dirty Buffalo now as I eat wings and watch hoops.

OBX dave said...

A little about Brian Earl, several in the audience's new favorite basketball coach: age 47. As rob pointed out, head coach Cornell past seven years; last three Big Red was 54-30 overall, 25-17 Ivy, including 11-3 this season. Not easy, competing against Princeton, Yale, Penn, Harvard. Ivy rated 12th among conferences, six spots higher than CAA.

Cornell played quickly, attempted a lot of 3s. They were 38th in pace (no. of possessions per 40 minutes), sixth in effective FG percentage (number that takes into account 3s being worth more than 2s), 29th in offensive rating (estimated no. of points scored per 100 possessions), eighth in percentage of 3-point attempts (48.6 pct of shots were 3s), 13th in true shooting percentage (no. that takes into account 2s, 3s and FT).

Whitney said...

RIH Peter Angelos

rob said...

my feelings on angelos have evolved. he was unquestionably a terrible owner. but professionally, he was a champion of the worker and the little guy (ironic in that it made him unfathomably rich), and his stand against using replacement players during the mlb strike in the 90s annoyed his fellow owners no end.

rob said...

gonzaga has absolutely taken away kansas' will to live. two impressive performances by the zags.

rob said...

i would be curious, obx dave, about your take on the journalistic side of the kim mulkey story that's making the news today. mulkey took the opportunity in her presser after lsu's win today to preemptively blast a story by the wapo that hasn't yet dropped. she sounded skeered, and threatened legal action. does something like that cause concern for the muckety mucks and legal department pre-publication?

rob said...

i knew god didn’t love us enough to have both kansas and carolina lose on the same day.

rob said...

russell wilson in the arena in pittsburgh wearing a steelers hat and hoodie. dude is such a try-hard.

rootsminer said...

Many years ago, probably during his rookie contract, I played a gig at Russell’s old school in Richmond.

It was a swanky private school where I imagine that try hard was rewarded heartily.

rob said...

why couldn't the tribe get dusty may?

don't answer that.

OBX dave said...

To rob's question about my take on Mulkey's side rant about whatever WaPo has on-deck about her: first, much we don't know about Mulkey's claims. That piece is a "hit job." That people in her orbit talked to reporter under false pretenses. That Post essentially ambushed her for reax on eve of tournament. Have to wait and see.

As for threat of lawsuit, news organizations absolutely take those seriously these days. However, it's the Post. They've stared down bigger threats than a hoops coach. Maybe the Baton Rouge paper would cave; the Post not likely. Might cause their lawyers to take one more look at reporting, but I'd be stunned if it affected publication. Reporter is pretty darn thorough.

Mulkey is a polarizing enough figure that simply listing her behaviors over past decade, without comment, will raise eyebrows. If folks chose to criticize, anonymously or not, there's little she can do besides gripe. Accuracy is generally a pretty solid defense.

zman said...

This is the Donald Trump of G:TB posts. It had a first run, four years later it got a second run, and today is its metaphorical third term.

rob said...

i can't believe you besmirched us reed like that

Whitney said...

Always good to get some TR, even if it’s a rerun