Thursday, March 13, 2025

A Quarter Billion Dollars Can Change Your Mind

Remember Trump's lengthy diatribe during the 2024 campaign about how stupid electric vehicles are, the one that started out with cars, drifted into tanks, meandered into boats and sharks, and wound up hitting on a truck driver?  This one:

That was December 4, 2024, a little over three months ago.  On March 11, 2025, Trump bought a Tesla and did an infomercial for it in the White House driveway:

What prompted the change?  A newfound commitment to the environment?  A sudden rush of interest in new technology?  A change of heart regarding the Green New Deal?  Or maybe it was the $260 billion Elon Musk donated to his campaign?

I'm not saying Trump is for sale, but his taste in cars is lightyears behind Biden's.  Remember this?


Marls said...

Small typo - Elon did not spend $260 Billion. Either way, he remains a douche.

rootsminer said...

Boy, the monster unleashed by the Citizens United decision just keeps getting worse, huh?

I wonder if we'll see a movement that can successfully restore some semblance of sanity to our campaign financing in this country.

Mark said...

That toothpaste is entirely too far out of the tube at this point. The answer to all your questions my money.

In better news, OBX Dave is a mensch. I've been so busy since my return from NOLA that I neglected to mention that he mailed me the Questlove book - Music is History - shortly after it was discussed in this space. Thanks Dave! I've added ito my queue. Still reading Magic by Lazenby but will likely dig in after that.

Mark said...

Can we talk about the wig on Karl Ravech? Oof. Even Bill self is embarrassed.

OBX dave said...

Mark, good deal. Glad to hear it arrived. Ya never know with Louis DeJoy's plaything.

rootsminer said...

So Marls, what do you reckon the price tag was on a republic?

Close enough to round to 199m? Would be good for a song I’m working on.

Marls said...

Not sure Rootsy. Mike Bloomberg spent over 1 billion and did not get much. Seems like Elon’s ROI was much higher. Was just pointing out that he didn’t spend $260B. It was $260M. Still a fuckton of money.