Monday, January 15, 2024

Day 12 Interlude: Career Opportunities

 The Epiphany has come and gone but the Gheorghesphere still turns its lonely eyes to Whit anxiously awaiting the final salvo of Gheorghemas 2023.  While we all wait, big developments are still occurring out there in the world.  In case you missed it, Kraft Heinz, the owner of the Oscar Mayer brand, has announced that they are seeking a new cohort of "hotdoggers" for the 2024-2025 Wienermobile season.

The job posting can be found here, but some highlights are as follows:

  • Being the face of a multi-billion-dollar brand, while acting as Oscar Mayer's trusted “boots on the ground"
  •  $36,500 as a base salary 
  •  $7,200 per year ($150 per week) food and personal travel allowance.  
  •  18 days paid time off and full health benefits
  • Some may think that this sounds like the wurst job ever, but I think folks with the true gheorghie spirit would relish the chance.  


    rootsminer said...

    I've got a kid that needs a job. Perhaps this could be his calling...

    Danimal said...

    My son and I tested positive for the flu yesterday. Showering and responding to a few emails covers 100% of my productivity since Saturday afternoon, unless you count hours of television viewing. Stay safe out there folks.

    Whitney said...

    Career Opportunities. Frank Whaley’s star turn, but alas, one that didn’t catapult him into marquee status. You probably recognize him as young Moonlight Graham, the before picture to Burt Lancaster. You might have seen him wielding the axe as Door Robbie Krieger after that. Surely you know him as “look at the big brain on” Brett. But there have been scores of roles since with not much that resonates. Career Opportunities… well, what a misnomer.

    Perhaps he’s driving the Wienermobile!

    Whitney said...

    Feel better soon, Danny Boy

    zman said...

    Let's not overlook Jennifer Connelly's performance.

    TribeBowl V starts soon. I don't think Mason Rudolph is a man for his time and place.

    Marls said...

    Lots of Zubaz in the crowd today. TR would be proud.

    Wait, there were people other than Jennifer Connelly in Career Opportunities? I must have missed them.

    rob said...

    marls relished writing this post

    Marls said...

    Given my last line, I was expecting a bit more Rob. You guys really need to get your buns in gear.

    zman said...

    Buncha fuggin wieners oveh heyeh.

    Marls said...

    Lotta love for Jimmye Laycock

    rob said...

    frankly, i really need to mustard up a better effort than that

    OBX dave said...

    Tim's saying we need to step up our game andouille it better. We'll try to sopressa our weaker efforts.

    rob said...

    i won my emmy telecast/playoff game 'in the air tonight' cover parlay!

    rob said...

    i never sausage nakedly bad punnery, dave.

    rob said...

    eagles in disarray!

    Dave said...

    i missed this john hughes film. must not have been one of his best . . .

    Whitney said...

    Eagles not quite in the disarray we wanted to see

    Whitney said...

    …to be frank

    Marls said...

    It was Gulden opportunity and you guys’d did not let me down. Unlike the Eagles you were able to ketchup.

    zman said...

    Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus by almost 30 percentage points over second-place finisher Ron DeSantis, receiving [checks notes] 56,260 votes. That is not a typo; that number is not missing a significant digit. A group of Iowans numbering fewer than the population of Reston, VA, many of whom believe that Donald Trump is ordained by god but prefer a different Republican candidate but don't want to vote for that candidate because they might not win so voting for them would therefore constitute a wasted vote trudged out into a snowstorm and set in motion America's descent into autocracy. So much to unpack here. Is this really the best way to decide the leader of the free world?

    zman said...

    Here's the ordained by god link.

    zman said...

    A total of 110,298 Iowans caucused. That's 3.45% of the state's population. More people live in Hampton, VA.

    rob said...

    it's rare that i find myself wanting to listen to philly sports radio, but this morning is one of those occasions. i'm sure the famously chill denizens of the region are taking last night's listless, bumbling, gutless performance in stride.

    zman said...

    Losing to Todd Bowles and Baker Mayfield isn't the flyest look.

    Marls said...

    The guaranteed money that Baker will get after this season will put his career earnings at well over $100M.

    Whitney said...

    OBXDave! Isn't this transactiona good development?

    The Baltimore Sun, Maryland's largest newspaper, has been sold by hedge fund Alden Global Capital to David Smith, the executive chairman of the local TV company Sinclair.

    Why it matters: The deal puts the Sun back in the hands of a local owner after nearly four decades.

    Details: In a statement, Sinclair noted the acquisition was consummated with Smith's personal assets. "Sinclair, Inc. has no involvement with the transaction. Mr. Smith will continue to be our Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board," it said.

    In addition to the Sun, Smith also acquired the Capital Gazette papers in Annapolis, Carroll County Times, Towson Times and other Baltimore-area publications, the Sun reported.
    In an interview, he told paper that "we have an absolute responsibility to serve the public interest."

    Smith also criticized the "mainstream media" in his interview with The Sun about the deal.

    Marls said...

    Will be interested in Rob and Dave’s take on Smith’s purchase of the Sun. David Smith has an interesting history today the least. He is sort of an American Rupert Murdoch with a taste for porn and hookers.

    rob said...

    on the one hand, sinclair is bad news (pun absolutely intended): super-maga mouthpiece bleating at local television audiences while platforming charlatans like boris epshteyn to spew trumpy shit. or as the american political science review puts it: "stations bought by sinclair reduce coverage of local politics, increase national coverage and move the ideological tone of coverage in a conservative direction relative to other stations operating in the same market." so that's not cool.

    on the other, smith seems like a garden-variety jackass scion. so, score?

    OBX dave said...

    Whit, the Sun purchase by Smith falls into the 'wait-and-see' category. Yes, local ownership of newspapers and newsgathering outfits is more desirable than hedge fund acquisition and subsequent strip-mining.

    However, as Tim points out, Smith isn't exactly neutral. Sinclair carried a lot of water for Trump and conservative causes thru its almost 200 TV stations around the country. Sinclair routinely produced conservative op-ed video segments and prepared scripts that management required stations to run and anchors to read, though that practice appears to have abated somewhat. There were plenty of stories about Sinclair news anchors in different markets and cities delivering national and international news all but mimicking each other.

    Nothing against conservative viewpoints that are ideologically "conservative," but Sinclair leaned heavily into pro-Trump, "fake news," and Dem viewpoints and figures as dangerous. So, as I said at the top, folks should withhold judgment until it becomes clear what sort of editorial input Smith imposes.

    OBX dave said...

    Also, Rob beat me to the punch before I finished typing previous comment.

    Danimal said...

    I see the Weinermobile every year or two in Jax Beach. It's a sight to behold.

    Whitney said...

    Well, that's way less of a good development. Dammit.

    According to David Simon:

    “What is left to say about American newspapering?” Simon said on X, afyter being tagged by the sportswriter and political pundit Charles Pierce.

    “Everyone who is in within the sound of an honest Bawlamer accent needs to subscribe to the @BaltimoreBanner right fucking now. If you do not you are simply complicit,” he added, tagging the Baltimore nonprofit news organization The Baltimore Banner.

    Shlara said...

    Here's some info coming out of the meeting Smith had with the paper's staff today. The dude is from Bmore and claims to only have read the paper 4 times.

    Also, from my day job, I know that Sinclair stations are mandated to run opinion pieces with MAGA talking points, using their actual journalists to read the copy.

    I don't think this will be good for Baltimore.

    Whitney said...

    April 27