Monday, November 09, 2020

Number One with a Bullet (Head)

I first became aware of Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman in 2009, when he appeared on The Colbert Report. At the time, Fetterman was the unorthodox mayor of economically-battered Braddock, PA, a town devastated by the decline of the steel industry and ravaged by the era's recession. In the clip below, Fetterman talks of social justice and equity long before those terms were mainstream.

Now, more than a decade later, Fetterman has returned to my (and the nation's) conscience as the larger-than-life (dude is 6'8" and built like an offensive lineman) face of the state's electoral prominence. He likened the President's role in the process to "rolling up in a clown car to downtown Philadelphia". Later in the week, he appreciated Senator Pat Toomey's public rebuke of Trump's claims of electoral fraud, but added, "“It would’ve been nice if someone had FedEx-ed him that backbone four years ago.”

As this Salon profile points out, Fetterman's more than just quick with a quip; his appearance and personal style (rarely wears suits, is heavily tattooed, lives with his wife and kids in a converted auto dealership) belie a dude that's a legitimate public servant with a history of getting things done in difficult circumstances. From the Salon piece, this quote from a Twitter fan says a lot, "our Lt. Gov is not just some big lovable mascot but a smart dude with a track record of actually doing shit and broadly appealing policy positions. The future of the electable left looks like John and his family."

John and his family are something else, too. His Twitter feed is a running chronicle of the ways in which his Brazilian-born wife Gisele makes fun of him for doing things like failing to close kitchen drawers or wearing cargo shorts to their wedding. They seem for all the world like real, good folks. 

There seems to be an awful lot to like about a guy who went to Harvard, eschewed the normal path of folks with that degree and moved to a derelict little town in Western PA to try to put his ideas about society to good use. In a messy world like ours, there are no perfect politicians, as this 2018 Washington Post profile notes. Fetterman lost an endorsement from Bernie Sanders backers in the Our Revolution organization (despite being endorsed by Sanders himself) because he owns a gun and supported a limited fracking program because it meant 3,000 jobs for his region. 

After the downballot disappointment of 2020 (even though they took the big prize, Dems definitely missed a chance to give the Biden/Harris administration a running start in Congress), lefty purity tests are a recipe to continue to have Republicans hand Democrats their electoral assess. Smart, charismatic, unique, and real people like John Fetterman are the future of the party.

I hope we see more of him. And Gisele. She's a hoot.


TR said...

He seems to have outkicked his coverage with his wife.

Biden and Pfizer and Indian summer have my spirits up. Reading the weekend news was so amazingly calming. Having a President (elect) who intends to make rational, thoughtful decisions is such a change in Americans' lives.

TR said...

Strap on your seat belts for a batshit crazy day in financial markets. Oil, airlines, low quality stocks will be screaming all day.

This PFE news is really amazing*: 50 mm doses by y/e, 1.3 B by y/e 2021, 90% efficacy. And their insistence that they are/were not part of Warp Speed is a great trolling job by them.

*I am a bit concerned that this initial trial was on only 94 people.

Sorry to those of you who own Peloton stock. And sorry to you Trumpers! First business day after election is called for him will be one of the strongest positive days ever for equities.

zman said...

Everyone who works or worked for Pfizer's vaccine group are brilliant, gorgeous people.

rootsminer said...

TR is quite the optimist when it comes to election results. I remember his calmness and faith in capitalism to keep things moving smoothly with the results of four years ago.

I'm hopeful too, but guardedly so.

TR said...

I think conveniently sociopathic was the better phrase for my view of the markets four years ago. I couldn't really hedge the emotional scarring from Trump with equity market rallies, but it helped a tiny bit.

And today's rally is all about the virus. Biden got priced in last week. And what was interesting last week is that the market ripped for two straight days (Wed/Thurs) and then was modestly positive Friday. There was no sell-off, suggesting real money didn't see it as an overshoot.

I'll let Don Don take all the credit for Pfizer's vaccine if it gets his fat ass out of the White House in an orderly fashion.

Whitney said...

...and if the vaccine works.

His last big idea was giving Kodak a $765mm loan to make hydroxychloroquine. It immediately went swimmingly. He's an idea machine.

zman said...

Mama don't take my Kodachrome away-ay-ay-ay!

Danimal said...

hello friends
tested + yesterday. all is fine, feeling good health wise though feel awful for my kids and wife who are on 14-day lockdown as well. they could give a rat's ass about school but swim is another thing altogether.

binged much of Fargo's season 3 good. looking forward to starting season 4 this week.

Whitney said...

Tough break, Dan. Rest up and godspeed back to the saddle.

TR said...

Wow. That is some bad news. I hope boredom is the biggest concern for you and your family over the next few days.

rob said...


sending good gtb energy your way, dan. and what tr said.