But I'm not here to talk about them. I'm here to talk about Marcus King and the Marcus King Band. They are THE SHIT. Marcus King is 23 years old. He looks like a smush of Meatloaf and Greg Allman that was then miniaturized. And he plays like Stevie Ray, with a full life's worth of blues and soul in his young body, courtesy of his dad's legacy as a bluesman in his own right (Marvin King).
I highly recommend you find some time to play this wonderful show from last March at the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, NY (home of the PCU Whooping Cranes!). Crank it at your desk, in your car, while you are doing nautilus, or while you are having a drink and getting loose. It takes 25 seconds for the show to start, so don't start wetting the bed when you click that play button!
The first two songs are hot fire that show the muscle he brings to the table. First song goes to about the 5:40 mark, and the second (full of classic rock licks you may know!) goes to about the 15:00 mark. And yeah, dig that horn section. And the keys too. Some funky funky stuff going down on that stage. He's a South Cackalacky dude, but there is some of that New Orleans funk in that band's sound.
I could probably find a YouTube single track to play from the band's eponymous album. And I could probably also point you to his track featuring Derek Trucks. But I'm instead going to dare you to play this show in the background as you are doing your Crossfit workout or finishing your TPS reports or dropping a deuce. At least make it to the 11:45 mark to hear him the classic rock teases while Marcus is absolutely shredding on the guitar.
The little dude is an otherwordly player. His star is very much on the rise and he is touring like a madman. Go get some!
the capitol theater has a cool logo. and that dude can wail.
i am alive, gheorghies! seven days on the river with nary a cell connection in sight. or whatever. pretty damn invigorating. travelogue to come.
can you still do nautilus?
apparently you can . . .
Chambered nautilus?
Tortuga’s Lie sends its best to you scallywags.
we have a wedding today and it's scorching hot. my condolences to those of you who wear a suit five days a week. this is craziness!
Hopefully nobody jams the groom in the muddy river
that’s some sweet-ass payback for dave making us wear tuxedos in the blazing new jersey sun. karma!
i’m highly grungy at the moment, and sporting as full a beard as i ever have after my week on the river (i hadn’t shaved for a few weeks beforehand in order to get past the itchy stage). at the airport gate in logan, there was an inordinate number of bearded and fairly large dudes. slowly, very slowly, it dawned on me that it must be bear week in provincetown. and me looking like a little cub. so you could say my reentry into society has been interesting.
Welcome back Rob. TR got on a hot streak late in the week - perhaps akin to that last minute cleanup you do when your wife and kids are on the way back into town.
I caught Marcus King Band at a free outdoor show here a couple years ago, and I was impressed. I got up pretty close to see if he was hurting himself singing like that. Nope - it's his real voice. A buddy asked me to pick out the weak link of his band. After some deliberation, I chose the drummer, even though he was laying down exactly what was needed. All them cats were burnin'.
At The Open. It’s the tits.
Bear week in Provincetown - hahaha. I could’ve been the cat’s meow in that crowd in my fat days.
Wife promised me all week she has the kids’ camp packing under control. Turns out it was a total lie. I mentally checked out and doubled down on scotch after I was scolded for using the wrong labeling stickers for their sneakers. So she’s manically throwing things in trunks and I’m being helpful by saying things like “100% chance they lose that.”
Last day of the Hughes and Co family vacation in the books. Pretty successful, all factors considered. We finished up by celebrating my parents 50th wedding anniversary tonight. Big ups to Pat & Judy.
Just landed down in London town
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