Their team's drought is over.
Ours goes on.
The Cubs won the World Series a few years ago. The Cubs.
The Red Sox have won 4 of the last 15 Series. Criminy.
Even the White Sox followed the Red Sox' first win with one.
In between a parade of Patsies titles, the figgin' Eagles won the Super Bowl. A Philly victory sandwiched in between more New England wins. Neat!
The Cavs got Cleveland off the schneid a few years back.
The Saints and Seahawks have Super Bowl trophies now. Unthinkable in our youth and beyond.
Hell, even the Caps won a Stanley Cup. (I was happy about that one.)

Blackhawks. Astros. Phil Mickelson. Come on.
The Rangers' 1994 win was the end of a ridiculous drought, and started a new one, but it happened.
And now UVA.
But still... STILL... the College of William and Mary remains uninvited to the NCAA men's basketball tournament. Along with Army, the Citadel, and St. Francis, of course.
What's next, the Browns winning the Super Bowl? The Indians winning the Series?
The Buffalo Bills hoisting the Lombardi trophy??? Say it ain't so, Z.
Oh, well. Apparently we will now be teed up for an entry, thanks to a coaching change. Cue the victory march:
That 1959 logo is kinda fly though. I still don't understand why the feathers from 1987 are verboten--I don't care, but I don't understand either.
Um, the Indians won the pennant in 2016.
Moron moment for me, corrected now. Grazie.
the real story about why magic johnson stepped down is gonna be a doozy, isn't it?
Is he gonna reveal he has AIDS?
Hello Gheorghies
after years of steadily drip, drip, drip pressure from my family, i've finally relented and agreed to get a dog. i love dogs, mind you, just not sure i'm ready for the work required to own one. that said, the rubicon has been crossed, so i need advice on what breeds do well with cats, and how to introduce doggos to cats.
Dogs are like sailboats. You want to have a friend who owns one so you can borrow it without dealing with the day-to-day hassles of ownership.
Aren’t your daughters just a few years from going to college?
One advantage to your having a dog is that it will provide you a handy excuse for bailing out on fun trips with your friends. The anchor of having a pet at home gives you a semi-reasonable reason to dodge meet-ups with friends for drudgery like concerts, watching sports, and drinking.
are you calling my daughters sailboats?
I'm sliding towards the same rubicon Rob is planning to cross, though Whitney makes compelling points.
when the sister-in-law moved back into our basement a few months back, I was content with the two cats and really didn't want her/us to get a dog
but, after making her give me a three minute pitch, complete with ppt slides, I allowed a dog to be adopted. dog's are a ton of work, but she's her main responsibility, so not too much of a burden on us. plus, it's a great fucking dog.
Wish we could have a pet-naming contest here at GTB, but kids always get the nod. And usually do a crap job with it.
i'd let gtb name my dog. lemme float that with the family. the last two pets i named had red sox themes, and both times, the namesake left the team. so i'm not so good, either. i'd name a dog brewster (for my favorite place) or fenway (natch), but i don't think the family would be down with those.
Brewster is a great dog name. Fenway is probably fairly tired among Sox fans.
Name your dog Brewster and see if it can spend $30 million in 30 days in order to inherit $300 million.
there is one obvious name, of course
even more obvious than that
We let the kids name our older cat Onyx nine years ago when he turned up at our house. The other we stole one (she adopted us, really) from our across the street neighbors and named her Shady, since they were, and because the 'guess who's back' line from the eminem song got referenced when she was wooing us.
You're going to name your dog Squirrel?
Get a dog with a beard like a billy goat and name your dog MCA. Or Yauch!
The Whitdog! Yes, you have my permission. Though that might get confusing.
Thinking Yaz or Mookie. Jackie Bradley Jr., would likely confuse the dog.
Mookie has too big a crossover connotation with my team, which would bother Rob.
Wren would be kind of nice. For a lap dog. Weirdo.
Gheorghe??? Awesome but confusing.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Name it Jeter.
Or Bucky. Short for Buckner.
Lotta lotta coverage of Magic Johnson on ESPN. Like lots of video of his playing days. Translation: slow news day at the worldwide leader. Maybe it’s more momentous than I realize or care about, but I’d rather see recaps of day baseball. Or clips of the various players after whom rob should name his upcoming dog.
Rob - we got a cavechon. My wife dog-sat one a neighbor had a lot over a couple years. A lot. My kids and us couldn’t do it enough. Dog was fun and chill and generally awesome.
There are now 10 from that breeder in our town. My wife dragged it everywhere and parents loved it. We got one from a breeder in Maryland. They are bred as service dogs. Fun, kind and cute. And hypoallergenic. They top out at 20 lbs. I give them my strongest white.
Can send you breeder info if you want.
We named our dog Rooney. You can keep the soccer theme going and name it Hatem Ben Arfa or Jonjo Shelvey.
dogs are awesome. far better than concerts, which are loud, crowded, expensive, and lead to time in traffic jams. dogs get you outside, give you an excuse to listen to podcasts, break up strife between the kids, and do zany things on a daily basis. they also guard the house. but they are a shit ton of work and really constrain travel. i like vacations where we bring the dog. makes things seem normal. i loved our last dog, sirius, who was black lab and weimaraner but he wasn't as playful and willing to do tricks as our new puppy, lola, who is probably lab and rhodesian ridgeback. i have taught her to catch a frisbee, which is fun. you also meet people at the dog park. just make sure you follow ron swanson's advice and get a man's dog, that weighs over 50 pounds.
oh shit, just read previous post. then looked at picture of cavachon. that is not a man's dog. i would not be caught dead walking around with that dog. rhodesian ridgebacks were used to hunt lions.
A “man’s dog” has man-sized shits. And man-sized vomit piles. And is too big to sleep on a bed with you. And (usually) sheds.
Dave’s strong grey on the cavachon, makes me feel better about the breed.
I think this is actually a photo of my dog:
rob would look really cool with that dog sticking its head out the window of his Mini.
My fox terrier died in 1980. I'm done. That's my last pet.
Well, we had a turtle for a while, but even that was too much.
just took my dog on a post-hoops cool down walk in the park. threw her man sized poop in the park dumpster like i do every morning and night. when we entered the house she ran back and forth the length of the house, leaping, the ottoman and throw pillows, at breakneck speed. nine or ten laps. juggernaut. then she stopped and sat, looking for a treat. not sure why she thought that would be impressive, but i still gave her a treat.
Today is National Pet Day - I look forward to more Dave Dog Diatribes
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