25 years ago, if you were seeking out a loud rock show in some club in the tri-state area, you may have come across a lively act called Scrod Rocket. If you did, you saw some of the gang that were affectionately known during our fraternity years as "Dave's hoodlum high school friends." Among them, John.
Muscle flannels... |
John and Rob and Neil and Ryan and Mose and Melanie and Noelle (hoodlums aren't just male, you know) and others were surprisingly dedicated to venturing down the Turnpike, 95, and 64 to see Dave. What a draw that guy was. They livened up our already-overachieving freshman hall with punk rock and preposterous antics, from the Olympics to the Great Shoe Heist of '88 to the Melissa Manny Mota Incident to . . . well, countless other misdemeanors and felonies best left to rapidly depleting memory banks.
And they kept returning for all four of Dave's years in the 'Burg. Fire extinguisher incidents with the campus cops, the Fake Squirrel Licking Fight, the Wok Food Fight, the Whitney's Fake Cousin at Wine and Cheese (and subsequent marshmallow-in-a-piggy-bank letdown), the Day of the Tolteca Grande . . . it just went on. It was no wonder that we all got pretty excited when these people rolled into town -- and also locked our doors.

Scrod Rocket was a related endeavor that blossomed in the early 1990's, and they had some success before life got in the way and splintered the boisterous band. John both played guitar and served the group in a capacity similar to Face in The A-Team. He's as normal and down to earth as that collection of misunderstood savants gets, and he and I became friends if only to discuss on a rational level what the hell must be wrong with Dave. Which we had cause to do quite a bit.
...to flip flops |
Big jobs and bigger family commitments took him out of the New Brunswick zip code, then the area code. (He still has a southern NJ 609 area code cell phone; you never give that up if you can help it.) Along the way, music re-entered his scene, and just recently, he did what I promised you that I would do in 2019: release a 10-track album of original material. And it's great stuff. Majorly mellow melodies right in line with his band name and song titles. I'm thoroughly jealous, appreciative, and inspired. To do that annoying thing where rock reviewers draw derivation or at least parallel sounds, he's got a bit of Jeff Tweedy, some Kurt Vile, and some Billy Joel/Elton John.
Just kidding about that last part, Dave.
I will say it's a long way from bourbon shots and Scrod Rocket band practice in the lizard-infested former brothel on Route 18. "Surfin' Dog" has begotten "Our Love Is a Melody." From cheesesteak and egg and Fat sandwiches to poi and pineapple smoothies. Punk rock to dad rock. And I really enjoy it.
Snag a hard copy
here. Listen to the Spotify playlist below. Enjoy.
Thank you Whit for the music appreciation, but more importantly, the mental trip I just took back to some swell times. Also, I realized I've known you, Rob, (and yes, David) longer than I have not known you, and that is a very good thing for me.
And this didn’t even get into the series of sojourns that Rob and I made to NJ to see you maniacs. Too many stories and not enough memory to recount.
What a fucking game.
i watched that game at a pool bar in the company of three tottenham fans and an irishman from boston. much fun.
also, i love this post very much. lecky’s stuff is so good, especially for a guy that lived in an attic where humans weren’t supposed to dwell for an entire summer. i’ve kinda hated him since i spent a whole night on a beach with a smoking hot redhead named kirsten who kept telling me how much she liked lecky. my efforts that evening went unrewarded. i hope his were more successful.
nothing has made me happier than the fact that some of my high school friends and some of my college friends hit it off, despite having me as a common denominator. nice job leck! your music holds up, mature and with conviction, and i love that i heard about the album drop from whit on gheorghe . . . along with quick trip down the foggiest memory lanes. although i do remember that "lock your doors" bit.
Team TR was at an Italian place in Santa Monica tonight. We ended up sitting next to Ron Pearlman. Ron has no fucks to give. The highlight of his wine-soaked comments, which were audible to my family, was “They say once you go black, you never go back. That ain’t true.” Waiting for my 11 y/o to get clarification on that. And he bragged that he had a girl in his 40’s, even though he’s 69. So good for him, I guess.
As we left, I told my kids that was the original Hellboy and they freaked out. Of course, they had never seen the movie, but they knew it was “cool” and were excited. He’s a stocky dude.
Ron Perlman is 69? Wouldn’t have guessed. Well, technically, I would have guessed that because that’s the answer to the every such question. But still.
Clay Morrow is a boisterous drunk? I’m so surprised.
Pixies' Doolittle came out 30 years ago yesterday. Squirrel is old.
Two times in the past two weeks I've gone out (exceedingly rare these days) to see and hear friends playing great music. It's about as good as it gets.
DC peeps, Sunday is Easter, but you should go see Ryan Bingham at the 9:30 Club.
gotta tell you, i’ve done a really good job of maintaining day-long buzzes this week. i need to go on vacation more often.
What year do Tiger and Chuck Todd go to clippers for the hair. Before 2020 or never? I wish they'd make it stop.
I’m with rob on the day buzzes. I don’t care if you all think it’s not macho, but a nice glass of wine with a healthy lunch is a guilt-free way to start day-drinking. That rolls into Tito’s and sodas at the pool in the late afternoon.
We spent the day in Malibu. Pretty sure we were the ugliest people there. But visiting the spot where Malibu’s Most Wanted was shot was a bucket-list item.
Not spring break here, but I took a long lunch to ride my road bike up the mountain in town, and fixing to grill while I enjoy my second gin and soda. You lushes enjoy what’s left of your exotic vacations!
I had a crab cake at a diner for lunch. Made sense at the time. The crab was pissed about being turned into a cake and wreaked havoc in my colon for a few hours. Vacation!
Meanwhile, zdaughter did not get strep but she has an ear infection.
We went fishing yesterday which was national banana day. zson wanted to wear his Velvet Underground shirt with a banana on it but I figured the captain wouldn’t let him on the boat so I said no. He was pissed. He went on to catch 7 fish with another 6-9 that didn’t make it into the boat. I landed nothing. Fuck banana day.
the rbc heritage golf tournament is in town here this week. we went into harbour town for dinner and found ourselves in the midst of a shitload of drunken golf bros, hammered financial advisors, and some amazingly ostentatious wealth. my daughters amused themselves to tears people-watching. it was a hell of a scene.
For foodies and winos, hoops fans, those looking to lead and get better, read the ESPN article on Popovich.
That’s a tremendous article. Food and basketball are two of the things I enjoy and consume the most so it was pretty much guaranteed that I’d enjoy it
new post at park the bus . . .
for parents of middle schoolers . . .
Yeah Mark, I think the article has a little somethin for everyone here. In the office and getting ready to have some alcoholic coffee with the troops here before signing off. Will provide a review.
Someone mentally challenged here had set up a 5pm conference call for today. Had that shit cancelled. Seriously, wtf are people thinking?
the last paragraph of the pop article is the best. lifting people up, giving them confidence they don’t know they have, that’s real leadership. very cool piece.
‘Twould appear that someone took DJ Trump’s twitter machine away from him about 5 hours ago in the middle of a rant.
Probably dropped his phone in the crapper
What kind of tunes does DJ Trump spin?
borscht hip hop
pretty sure martin kaymer just walked past me
you couldn't point out that martin kaymer is a german professional golfer. you had to make me google it?
well, i think i just saw bastian steger. either that or it was ruwen filus.
I was on the runway with half a beer down, bound for Miami and then Key Largo with family for the weekend.
First a mechanical issue for a 90 min delay, which waylaid us just long enough that at the last second they cancelled the flight due to the storms in the southeast. All flights that way cancelled today. Tomorrow they could get us to Lauderdale by 5 after 3 flights if all went well.
No thanks. Refund me.
It’s Miller Time.
those guys are fags, dave
Spicoli is not quoted nearly enough in this space.
To be fair, the storm was pretty legit here. Nothing on the hail storm that totaled my car and has me needing a new roof but still significant.
The timing of the Pop article worked out well with Former not full scholarship D2 player Derrick White going for 36 last night. The Spurs are amazing.
By the way, I’m coming to you LIVE from Downtown Orlando. And Greg even came into town for the night.
Greg! We miss him.
He’s not that great. And he’s not even married. Yet.
Greg, you better write a hit comment...
I doubt Greg even remembers the address for this place anymore. Your boy is FANCY. Catching an early flight out tomorrow to celebrate Easter in Connecticut. Which just sounds positively awful.
Nothing beats coming home from vacation to a flooded basement and a broken sump pump. I cannot wait to see the bill for this. State Farm is already waffling.
Wow. That’s a tough beat.
Oh, wow - so sorry! Our insurance company almost did not pay when a pipe burst at our house 3 years ago. (House we rented out and lived 5 hours away and was currently unoccupied at the time.) Burst on second floor, wet all the way to the basement. Damage - $13K. And insurance didn't want to pay. And almost didn't. OY!
I wish you fortitude and determination. Which I suspect you have.
In the end, insurance did pay. And we survived it.
Truth - that 6 weeks before Easter, I don't remember, we were so stressed!!
So - best to you all. I'm sending good vibes, providence, karma, juju, whatever gets them paying!!
BTW - Beto was cool. I think he knows he's cool. But he answered questions directly with real answers, and I appreciated that. My son liked him. Interesting take from Hampton Roads folks, especially when gun violence was raised!
And Happy Easter, if you're into that. We are almost on the other side. :-)
we got FEMA money when our basement flooded. worth a try . . .
Even though I hit up a dispensary on Tuesday I went to a different one today because they really leaned into the 4/20 thing and had some ridiculous sales. I now have far more weed/shatter/oil than I need. Feel free to disregard most of what I say around here for the next month or so.
Thanks Donna for your good vibes, juju on that beat, etc. I have three dudes and an insane amount of equipment making tons of noise in my basement. The plumber comes tomorrow morning with a new sump pump. I feel bad given that it's Easter but he's also charging me emergency/combat duty rates so I don't feel that bad. On the bright side, I have no choice but to clean out a lot of the old crap in the basement. And if we hadn't been on vacation all of our luggage would've been ruined, so I've got that going for me.
I am not quite as stacked as Mark, but had a successful shopping stop in Cali. Next trip, I may do the drive to Massachusetts.
Shatter is concentrated weed oil. It’s what you use for dabs. It’s quite strong.
Milwaukee-Detroit as the prime time Saturday night playoff game is a terrible programming decision.
Question for those w/ older kids: what’s the right age to let your kid start reading Stephen King? My oldest turns 12 in August. He’s a voracious reader and was pumped to start on his books. He’s almost halfway into Cujo and loves it. He also says there are a lot of F bombs. I’m getting a lot of side-eye from the wife, who disagrees w/ my decision.
I say let him go. I avoided The Stand b/c there’s some sex scenes, but thought Cujo would be okay. Thoughts?
I’m the wrong guy to ask about exposing kids to curse words. My car is not a censored area with regard to music. My (at the time) 16 year old called me out because her 6 year old younger sister was rapping the refrain to “mask off” last year. I regret nothing.
Buuuuut, I think reading something like he’s reading has more redemptive quality than otherwise. I mean, he’s fucking reading for pleasure. If you can get a kid away from a screen and encourage reading/writing/creativity in this age it’s almost always a positive in my estimation.
yeah, same boat here. we’ve been pretty permissive in terms of our kids’ entertainment choices. other than the fact that they drop more f-bombs than i do, it seems to have worked out okay. our kids are really open with us about lots of things, which makes dad a mite uncomfortable from time to time, but is pretty excellent on balance.
Rob nailed it. I’m not that concerned about my kids language. Part of that is probably me giving myself a pass. The more important part (in my mind) is the focus and conversations we have about more weighty human issues.
Curse all you want. Be a good, empathetic person. That’s what I (as a parent and half parent) care about.
If I remember correctly, Cujo has a retributive masturbation scene as well as some adultery. That said, I was probably 12 when I read Cujo and I think the violence should be more problematic than the swearing. If he really wants to read Stephen King and Tiara has reservations, start him on The Eyes of the Dragon. Of course he's probably learning about sex and cursing just by going to school so I say let him read Stephen King.
And again, he’s reading. Not often a bad thing.
Zman continues to show he’s much smarter than me. I’ve never read a Stephen King book (I’m a nonfiction guy) and I’ve also never used retributive in a sentence. What a pompous dick.
Two other things:
As Z alluded to: Kids have always been exposed to far worse than we want to admit whilst at school. So, get your curse on.
And I enjoy that TR’s wife is named
Tiara in the same way that Z’s kid is named Kemba.
I’m a broken record here but, god damn, I love those Utah city edition shorts.
I say at middle school (12), probably let him read it. I asked Dave's advice (!), as well as some other friends, whether we should let our 13 year old (at the time) read Game of Thrones. We ended-up relenting when he was 14. And he's read the whole series about twice through. But he has NOT seen the show. We haven't reached that stage! (We don't really watch it either, though I've seen a few episodes of various seasons - I read the series.)
A librarian told me - let them read. Whatever they want. Kind of in line with Mark's comment - reading is the greatest education bar none. As to the cussing, I curse far more than my children; they actually don't really like it when I do. It's pretty funny.
That's the parents we are - read whatever the hell you want. No phone until you're 15. It's worked so far.
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