Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Trump's Next Pick to Run the VA Will Be ...

As you likely know by now, President Trump (I shake my head every time I type that) picked Ronny Jackson to run the VA but Ronny had to bow out due to a penchant for drinking himself into a state of unconsciousness and giving out prescription drugs like candy--so much so that he was called the Candy Man around the White House. Some might say this sounds like something out of a frat house, while to others it's unprofessional and unethical. Either way, it sounds like Dr. Ronny fit right in with the crew in Trump's White House.

Who will DJ Trump tap next to head up the VA? I have a few predictions.

1. Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman sounds a lot like Ronnie Jackson so Trump might not even realize it's a different guy. Coleman was Mr. Olympia eight times in a row, so he's a real winner. Trump likes that. Coleman also broke Arnold Schwarzaneggar's record of seven consecutive Mr. Olympia titles. Trump probably likes that too--anyone who beats Schwarzaneggar in anything is okay in Trump's book. Coleman never served as an administrator in a hospital before, but I'm sure he served as an administrator of steroids in his keister. Coleman's best qualification, in my view, is that he served as the inspiration for an Action Bronson song.

2. Stoney Jackson

Stoney Jackson also sounds a lot like Ronny Jackson which makes him an easy choice for our fearless leader. Stoney Jackson is an actor you might remember from the Beat It video (I do not but I trust Wikipedia). Trump loved Michael Jackson so much that Jackson was the only person he and Ivana would let babysit their kids. I'm telling you, Trump's judgment is infallible. The more I learn about him the more I'm convinced that we are in wise hands. More importantly, as you can see from the photo at left, Stoney has one of the all-time-great Jheri curls. Trump admires a man who takes risks with his coiffure and owns the look no matter how insane it may be. Stoney has absolutely no government experience but he apparently works for some media company as a producer ... so he basically has the exact same background as Trump and the Trump presidency is turning out great! MAGA! Stoney MAGA! Stoney also played Jesse Mitchell on The White Shadow. I've never seen the show but I assume the title is a play on race, and no one loves to play on race like Trump. Stoney's best qualification is that he served as the inspiration for a Kool Keith song ("Stoney Jackson") and an entire Strong Arm Steady Album ("In Search Of Stoney Jackson"). Those are remarkably strong qualifications, certainly as strong as anyone else Trump nominated for anything so far.

3. Ben Carson

Shockingly, this might make sense, or it at least might pass for what is considered sensible since Election Day 2016. Trump knows who he is, which helps right off the bat. Carson spent the past 12 months running HUD, which might not be as big as the VA but it's still a major undertaking. So he has some legitimate administrative experience at the Secretary level. And he actually worked at one of the world's best hospitals--he was Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Although he isn't actually a veteran, Dr. Carson repeatedly lied about getting into West Point. That's the kind of military service Donald Trump can get behind. Carson even has his own special handshake with Trump. This pick makes sense from all angles.


Also considered:
Ronny Turiaf, Randy Jackson, Jackson Avery, Ronny Cedeño, Ronnie Spector, Jordan Spector, Carl Weathers


TR said...

I thought we had a rhombus within the post. Stupid Ben Carson blew it.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his Ron Ron Juice would be a good fit.

zman said...

I considered Jesse Jackson and the Grandmaster Flash song "Jesse" but the commonalities I could think of with Trump don't work on a family blog--love children, payoffs to mistresses, etc.

Marls said...

Jordan Spector is the only one on that list that is remotely qualified. Ronnie Milsap is pissed he did not make the list.

Danimal said...

Ron(nie) McDowell? The guy ran a hell of a knock-off franchise, one of the best in fact!

Marls said...

Also under consideration:

Dr. J
Dr. Dre
Doctor Detroit
Dr. Ruth
Capt. Crunch
Col. Sanders
Major Tom
Captain Kangaroo

Whitney said...

Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky and Mike
If I like the girl who cares who you like

Whitney said...

It’s sadly fitting that no females (beyond Dr. Ruth) are on the short list. The Donald only has very few women on his management team. And strong, intelligent, women of moral terpitude need not apply.

rob said...

he hates women that went to maryland?

Marls said...

It’s interesting because in NYC he always had a rep for hiring strong women to large roles. The trade off was that you had to deal with his lecherous ways as well as constant comments about personal appearance. Maybe strong women just won’t put up with his shit anymore even if they agree with him.

The list above was a joke but I’m sure Trump is considering names that would make your head explode. Fox News’ decision to abandon science has left the Cheeto in Chief with few people he sees every day but as crazy as it sounds, I would not put these folks out of his consideration:

Pete Hegseth from Fox News
Laura Schlessinger
Dr. Phil

If Sanjay Gupta was on Fox instead of CNN he would already have been nominated.

Marls said...

Fear the Terpitude

zman said...

I knew that your musical catalog was deep but New Edition? That's a stunning pull given your various demographics. I'm slow clapping in my office.

Whitney said...

Well, thanks, Z. And in return...


zman said...

I love the old school phone. No idea how anyone has an NA Miata and only puts 7700 miles on it. My 1993 Miata was more fun than any other car I've owned.

rob said...

everyone of a certain age, like whitney, knows that lyric.

rob said...

i was just viciously entrapped by the arlington, va police department. they've set up a sting on fairfax blvd where a dude in a neon-colored shirt steps into a crosswalk while cars are approaching and the cops wait a block away to write summons for people who fail to stop. i saw the dude walking, as i approached, slowed down, and he appeared to wave me through. that explanation didn't fly with the po-po.

fucking genius revenue enhancement play by arlington county.

anyone know a lawyer?

Marls said...

My advice fight the ticket. Offer to pay the fine but have the ticket changed to a non moving violation. Avoid the points and the commensurate insurance charge.

zman said...

If you just show up the judge will reduce the penalty to a fine with no points (unless you were a jerk to the cop). If the cop doesn't show up then plead not guilty, say nothing else, and the judge will let you go without any fines. I used this approach to avoid getting any points despite getting a bunch of tickets as a delivery guy in the Burg.

Marls said...

RIP Jhoon Rhee

Whitney said...

The key is whether Rob gave the officer some guff.

Z, for whom did you deliver in the Burg? Paul's Deli, you traitor?

Rob and I were Pizza Hut drivers, delivering hot and fresh goodness 14 - 16" at a time.

Whitney said...

Our tip of the cap to the dearly departed Father of American TaeKwonDo...


zman said...

Guff always cuts the wrong way, especially with cops. Yes, 'twas Paul's. Dean already had a driver but to his credit, he later tried to hire me away.

zman said...

If you and rob were involved with delivering 14-16" at a time, there must have been at least one other person making a contribution to achieve the asserted longitudinal dimension.

Whitney said...

Just completed the consultation and got on the calendar for a vasectomy in mid June. I was originally scheduled for one in 2008. I will be following through with this time.

Marls said...

Have you consulted with wife number 4 about that or is she not born yet?

zman said...

It's really the only civilized form of birth control once you're over 40. You should talk to Danimal first, then read this.


Whitney said...

Don’t be ridiculous, Tim. She’s just not old enough to know what any of this means.

Danimal said...


Danimal said...

Unpaid for plug of the day: Lifelock. Sunday get a call telling me that someone has applied for a loan and if it was me, no need to do anything. If not, go to Lifelock for more info.
Sure enough...and subsequent to then 3 add'l attempts at getting into our shit - credit, loans, bank acct. All is good - nothing has been taken, but someone out there has my soc# and dob. We have frozen all credit, put stops on bank cards, etc...friday we will spend probably all day closing out our checking accounts and opening new ones. Good times, but something I won't mind.

zman said...

Gott in himmel!


rootsminer said...

I though this might be a Whitney post until I got to Ben Carson

10 years is a bit long to waffle on the procedure. I concur with Z on this one.

Any legal advice out there for an 87 in a 70 reckless driving on I-81?

Planning to go, hope the officer doesn't show, and ask the judge to recommend a driver improvement program so I can minimize the damage to my record. I went years with no tickets, and have gotten two since 1/2/18.

Squeaky said...

Danimal, that sucks and such a pain in the ass to change accounts. I had something similar happen several years ago when my company accidentally threw out their ledger book that had all our employee banking information. At the time they didn't know if someone stole it or they threw it out. Luckily it was the latter.

Whitney said...

Good luck, Rootsy. That there’s a saddle burr.

Mark said...

Harkening back to the previous post comments section, I am fiercely against couple sitting in the same side of the booth. My wife doesn’t understand that. My wife isn’t winning that argument.

Marls said...

87 - Reckless is a 6 pointer in VA. 8 points get you a warning. You likely have a bunch of safe driving points (5) if you had been clean for 5 years prior to your recent crime spree. I would try to fight it and at least get it knocked down below 80. Cuts the most recent one down to 3 points. Then take the online driver improvement class. It’s a pain but saves you $$in the end.

Marls said...

That’s because you are certified American hero, Mark.

Dave said...

rob, just be glad that was a jaywalking sting and not something more salacious . . .

TR said...

News flash - LeBron is still very good at basketball.

TR said...

Fuck you, Justin Verlander.

Mark said...

Cleveland lives in Toronto’s head.

Shlara said...

TR, I came here to make the same comment
LeBron James...he's good at basketballing

TR said...

He is such a freak. Zero chance the Cavs win it all this year, but he alone is enough to push them past Toronto.

Shlara said...

I’m looking forward to his time on the sixers next year with Embiid and Simmons. That’s going to be super fun