Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Carrot Highway

At time of publishing, it is unclear if this road is related to the Hershey Highway.

Edit: TR, this may be the way to get to the Hershey Highway...


mayhugh said...

Clearly a product of the vaunted Carrot Lobby.

zman said...

Is this part of the keto diet? I'm trying to imagine how else you found this.

TR said...

Carrots (and all root vegetables) are not keto!

Whitney said...

Just ask Carrot Top.

Whitney said...

Went to a joint called the Slippery Noodle Inn last night with some some chums in town for the conference. I give it a thumbs-up. Nachos were good. Jameson and Fireball both met my high standards as well.

Mark said...

I head off to Louisville for work tomorrow. Staying at the Brown Hotel. Looks fancy. I’m sure I’ll fit in well.

Whitney said...

Pet peeve... large group presentation, and either a presenter (or an audience member who is asking a question) is offered a mic. They say, I don’t need that, I talk loud. And 90% of the time some or all of the group cannot hear them.

Are you afraid of a microphone? Just take it. Is there come cachet in refusing the help? It’s not a sign of weakness to accept it. Are you disturbed by the sound of your own voice? Come on. Technology has been purchased. Use it. You’re yelling now and people still can’t understand you. Morons.

Donna said...

I don’t get that either, Whitney. Here’s a rev from friend who lives in Indy area:
A bar with craft beers/cocktails and retro arcade games. Might be fun.

Donna said...

That should say “rec” - sorry.

Dave said...

whit, you and your friends are still drinking fireball?

zman said...

Because Dave and his friends drink ...

TR said...

Shockingly, I'm gonna go with Dave on this one. The last time I drank Fireball was at a wedding in 2014. The groom had a younger sister who was ten years younger than him and a party animal. She hazed all us ~40 y/o groomsmen into drinking it. I thought it was something only folks under 30 drank.

But if Whit's gf is as young as I hear, maybe he's onto something.

TR said...

This Yanks-Sox game is a lot of fun.

Whitney said...

I am not too cool for Fireball.
Or Jagermeister.
Or, as evidenced last night, tequila.

Marls said...

Why is Pepe Lopez smiling? Because he makes you sick.

zman said...

I wasn't trying to defend Fireball, I was trying to start a rhombus at Dave's expense. I was sure Marls would take the bait.

Whitney said...

Avion is far better than Pepe, but the next day it feels similar.

Marls said...

Sorry I missed your master baiting.

rootsminer said...

We were giving some pretty foul tasting "immune boosting shots" to our kids last week. They were acting like it was the worst thing ever. I gamely took a shot with no chaser, and it reminded me of the time Tom B. bought Marls and I 'liquid cocaine' shots at the Leafe - i believe it was Jaegermeister, Goldschlager and Wild Turkey 151 shots served together in a pint glass. I drank mine and most of Marls' too. Came to a couple of hours later in Unit M room 307(next door to mine), semi-undressed with a woman I did not previously know. I did not tell my boys that story.

Marls said...

See, I did you a favor...

Whitney said...

Another from the file of grumpy conference traveler... if you are 5’5” or under and you sit in the exit row on the plane... you are inconsiderate.

rob said...

heightist motherfucker

Marls said...

I’ll give you that if you agree to stand in the back at all music venues.

Dave said...

i'm a total hypocrite of course. the only shots i can stomach are fireball and jager (which I love). we sometimes consume fireball on men's night on our multi-family beach vacation. but it does seem a bit silly. espolon silver is the best good on a budget tequila-- tastes great and no hangover. i will infuse some with habanero and bring it to the obft.

rob said...

huddersfield town hang on for a 1-1 draw at chelsea, despite being outshot 22-3 and outpossessed 78/22%. victory for the littles, as it means the terriers avoid relegation and live to fight another year in the premier league.

TR said...

I had multiple jalapeño margaritas in Arizona. They were amazing. Arizona’s pepper game is quite strong.

TR said...

Mets batting out of order in the first inning is so so Metsy.

Whitney said...

I'm respectful at music venues. If I get there early I will plant myself in space away from others. I do not go stand in front of someone.

And the Mets... ridiculous.

Dave said...

a problem rob doesn't have to think about . . .

rob said...

true. i do not think much about the mets.

TR said...

Donnie Wahlberg sighting at Boston Garden! He’s still hanging tough with Jenny McCarthy, apparently.

TR said...

Is it now Fleet Center? TD Bank Center?

TR said...

I found the Hershey Highway!


Mark said...

The bourbon list at The Brown in Louisville is as one would expect for a legendary hotel in the heart of bourbon country. Doesn’t make it any less impressive. Or expensive.

TR said...

Yankees are en fuego. Just lit up Kimbrel.