Gird your loins, People of Gheorghe. If our sources are to be trusted, today marks the beginning of what promises to be a protracted legal shitshow, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller's first indictment related to his investigation of improprieties surrounding the 2016 election is handed down.
As Marls and I discussed over beers this weekend, we live in impossibly stupid times. The refusal of erstwhile America First 'conservative' Republicans to acknowledge the obvious deficiencies with their party standard bearer in service of rich-enriching fiscal policy is but one of the too-numerous examples. And the Democrats' inability to defeat that standard bearer doesn't exactly cover them in glory. Regardless, the normal rules of political physics and basic decorum certainly don't apply at the moment.
So we'll need some help as a people in getting through the next few months. God help us if it takes more than months.
Since we're nothing more than servants of the public, here's the definitive G:TB guide to sustaining sanity in a world that no longer makes very much sense.
Be Informed
We can't, as much as we might want, go the way of the ostrich and bury our heads in the sand and ignore reality. So our first bit of advice is to find a good source of impartial information. Me, I'm a big fan of the Lawfare blog from the Brookings Institution. Lawfare writes concisely and intelligently about legal issues related to the post-9/11 expansion of the national security state. Co-founder Ben Wittes is friends with Jim Comey, and has unique insights into the investigative process. I'm professionally acquainted with Wittes and find him deeply serious and wicked smart. His piece on how to interpret reporting about the investigation is a must-read.
I also find Tom Ricks' writing to be invaluable. The long-time chronicler of the American military has deep connections and a hard-won understanding of the Defense establishment and its place in our society. As I become increasingly uneasy with the trend towards unthinking worship of The Troops, Ricks' writing provides useful context about the military's historical and current position in our civilian-led body politic. There's a G:TB post in my head about the emptiness of 'Thank You for Your Service' in a world where support of the military is used as dangerous shorthand for love of country.
Take Jim Valvano's Advice
In his famous ESPY speech, delivered just months before his death, Valvano said, "If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."
So let's work on that. Netflix has a shitload of great standup comedy available to assist you in fulfilling your laughter quota. The Test Podcast is up to 100 episodes, and I know all of you haven't kept pace. 99% Invisible is a thoughtful podcast about how the things around us came to be, or as they describe it - "the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world". Those'll help you think, at least a little. As for crying, feel free to watch video of William & Mary's offense against Maine this weekend. It's downright triggering. Your mileage may vary.
Drink Good Beer

Move Your Body
The positive impact of exercise on mental health and stress levels isn't a secret, but we highly recommend it even in normal times. You've just gotta find something that works for you. Not all of us are wired to train for triathlons, but if that's your gig, get after it. Take a run, if that's better for you. Dave turned me on to a Crossfit routine via Sentence of Dave a few years ago, and it's a deceptively good way to get your heart rate up in a short period of time. Similarly, I found a workout on Men's Health that takes about thirty minutes, and makes a motherfucker sweat. Here it is:
Entertain Yourself
Kurt Cobain felt stupid and contagious, which is an apt description of modern America. Here we are now. Entertain us.
Watch the new Stranger Things season. Listen to the new St. Vincent record. Write more blog posts. Go to a rock show, with or without Whitney. Read some stuff (if you're into prescient techno-dystopian fiction, try Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, which I just read, even though it was first published in 1992). Peruse old G:TB posts, from when life was simpler. Go see the Black Panther movie (in February), but maybe don't read Ta-Nehisi Coates' new anthology for a while - we're trying to flee reality, not be reminded of it. Couchsurf your way around a packed sportsball calendar. Hell, lose yourself for weeks in Open Culture, which remains an amazing compendium of cool shit.
And if all else fails, I hear Canada is nice this time of history.
Are you saying I shouldn't sit around hitting refresh all day on this Manafort stuff?
Recently began and ended the 1st season of Ozark. That's a two-thumber people.
On the last post, can I give ya a not so humblebrag about meeting Mr. Stewart? True story. Many years ago, 10 or 11 at the Indy 500 the day before the race in the golf shop there. Did you know there's a golf course next to AND inside the track? Sure is...4 holes of the Brickyard Crossing track, lay inside the....track. He was quite the gentlemen - very humble and cordial as are most Scots. Small little effer too but still bigger than Rob.
Was the title of the previous post on this blog written by Kevin Spacey?
I was thinking Woody Allen.
It appears that Paul Manafort has a really really nice house in the Hamptons with outstanding landscaping, furnished with over a million dollars worth of rugs, and closeting almost $850k worth of clothes. It also appears that he has an inordinate fondness for Range Rovers.
Papadopolous pled guilty!? Does that mean Ma’am gets custody of Webster?
The Papadopoulos Statement of the Offense is remarkable.
you know what to do
Guys--I know I'm going to sound like an idiot--but I'm still sharing this. I'm in Munich--and just realized that "Bayern" = "Bavaria"
How did I not know this before?
news to me too...though that probably doesn't make you feel better.
from lawfare today:
the essence:
Any hope the White House may have had that the Mueller investigation might be fading away vanished this morning. Things are only going to get worse from here.
i'm sure everything will be fine.
From DJ Trump this morning:
....Also, there is NO COLLUSION!
I'm sure everything will be fine.
who is paul manafort?
nice job plugging the test with 99% invisible. if you want to feel better about our times, read some of richard white's new book "the republic for which it stands: the united states during reconstruction and the gilded age." talk about a shitshow. makes today's politics look very very tame.
I see Trump tripping himself up at some point just by lying about something utterly inconsequential. He honestly has the loosest grasp on truthfulness of just about anyone in US political history, and he emits more lies to the American public than truths. At some point it just seems like he will take it for granted that he can lie under oath without any comeuppance.
Or he'll just get away with it all scot-free forever.
no puppet. you're the puppet.
I got to know Putin very well. We were stable mates on 60 Minutes. We did very well that night.
I'm not being defensive! You're the one who's being defensive! Why is always the other person who's being defensive? Have you ever asked yourself that? Why don't you ask yourself that?
just saw chris cooley at the supermarket. he had a six-pack of sierra nevada and a bottle of wine in one hand, and a very small infant in the other. cooley!
god i remember that sketch so clearly. that makes us very old.
The Breanna Stewart post in The Player’s tribune. God damn. Gonna go hug my kids and lock them in the house forever.
I popped by GTB to leave a dumb comment and then read Mark's comment and then read what he referenced and now I don't wanna
Life is often unkind to the least deserving
i read that piece earlier. gutting.
in other news, rick gates, who was indicted today by bob mueller, is a william and mary sigma chi, class of '94.
So maybe this happens...
Brady goes down next game. Pats pick up Kaepernick. Win the Super Bowl. Rift 'twixt Belichick and Trump.
Eh. Maybe not.
Mo Chi mo chi take it up the....
I hope his cellmates don't learn that song.
And seriously, no love for my Webster joke? Am I the only one that remembered he called the weird-looking redhead woman Ma'am? I thought that was a Teej caliber move to magically recall an inane, 30+ y/o pop culture reference.
We did that round of jokes the first time his name came up.
TR, I meant to reply earlier. Loved it.
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