In what's become yet another G:TB tradition, we once again welcome Fat Guy in a Speedo to tell get us up to speed on the glorious bounty of football we can expect beginning today.
Brits are funny, they enjoy irony and subtle eyepokes in the
collective eye of world correctness. They are the Judean People’s Front. In
light of this it makes sense that the biggest day of kickball falls on Boxing
Day in the UK.
Much like teachers in the U.S., soccer players in Europe get
summers off. Unlike teachers in the U.S., they don’t get to go on
road trips over the summer. They still work: train with their team,
international play, cup qualifiers, friendlies, etc. In light of this pretty
much every European league gives their players at least the holiday week off.
This gives the players a rare chance or downtime with family, mental breaks as
well as time to recuperate which ostensibly also gives the national team a
boost in terms of cup qualifications. The Empire is a cut above their EU
neighbors, they remember Agincourt, the Spanish Armada and still deal in pounds
sterling bitches. Therefore, their players play three games over the week from
December 26
th to January 2
nd. The logic is that the rest
of the lazy, soft world watches the Premier League as it’s the only game in town
and England works harder than the rest and so should their imported

The Premier League is about as good as it gets this season. Much
to the delight of Clarence, Leicester City is top of the table. Much to the
delight of the rest of the world, Chelsea hover at the bottom. This is pretty
remarkable in that Leicester City were recently promoted and should be lingering
at the bottom of the table around Chelsea who won the league last season.
Leicester City have a player named Jamie Vardy who recently scored in 11 games
in a row, a Premier League record. This is cool for a number of reasons, one of
them being that after he was cut from his youth team, Sheffield Wednesday, he
went to work in a factory and played on the side for £30 a game for a local
team and worked his way up through the ranks. Even cooler is the fact that he’s
not the best player on the team. Riyad Mahrez scores at will and assists Vardy
when he feels like it. The two of them are fun to watch and the team is
entertaining as hell, always taking it to their opposition. Catch them now
while you can, as the odds of this pair being sold to a team like Chelsea for £60m and
flatlining forever thereafter are pretty good. They play Liverpool today, and like all things Leicester, they are feisty when they are on their game but
potentially teeter on the edge of implosion.

Unaccustomed to looking up at Leicester with envy, Chelsea
are down. Favored to win the league at the beginning of the season, the
champions have already imploded. Inner turmoil that seemingly began with the
public humiliation and firing of their team doctor has led to many losses,
stagnation, player revolt and the firing of one of the world’s most winningest
coaches Jose Mourinho. Mourinho is a huge asshole which is why he fit in
perfectly at Chelsea. He was fired by the owner Valdemort mid-season in 2007
after winning them back to back titles for the first time in history so there
is no lack of precedent here. This becomes interesting in light of Manchester

Manchester United are awful to watch. Louis Van Gaal
used to be a good coach but seems to have lost the plot. As a fan I find myself
not watching games for the first time in recent memory, even less than the
short Moyes debacle. Mourinho thought he was going to be Ferguson’s replacement
over Moyes. Ferguson is another successful asshole who might also be a tad
racist in selecting a fellow unproven Scot over a swarthy champion Portuguese,
however, racism in football deserves its own encyclopedia. If Van Gaal doesn’t
win and win with style over the holiday games, we could be looking at Mourinho
at United in 2016. Thanks but no thanks. I will start watching though so
there’s that. (
Editor's note: the Man U and Chelsea dumpster fires are glorious to behold, though the Red Devils, for all their awful, unattractive soccer, are still tied for 4th in the league and will likely finish in the top 4.)

Non-meandering Sentence of Da Rest: Liverpool have a great,
shiny new coach Jurgen Klopp but lack the talent to succeed. Arsenal look great
and then they look like shite, so they look like Arsenal; they are the
soccering equivalent of Clemsoning and might find themselves with an unlikely
title as well. City, eh. Tottenham are fun to watch but will take 5
or 6
th per their wont. That’s all folks, see you in 2016. On a side
note the pundits seem to think that MSU match up well with Bama, Vegas
disagrees. Bama by double digits.
going on a x-country road trip with your family is hard work!
love that jamie vardy story
Piss off. We're the People's Front of Judea.
Chelsea in a battle at home again.
zgirl got a toy baseball bat from Santa. So far she has absolutely perfected the bat flip. Her other center of excellence is destroying zhome with the same bat.
Reading your comments from Xmas/Cmas/Gmas. Pappy... Mark is loved. I got no alcohol as a gift for the first time in many years. Possibly the prelude to an intervention?
If the shoe fits.. shoot the boot!
Need help from you DC folks. I'm in downtown DC briefly w/ the family. We want to play tourist in the morning before heading to Marylabd campus to watch them at 4 PM.
What's the best bet for two boys - walk the mall at Smithsonian? National Geographic Museum? Any other low-key suggestions? We're right by the White House. Thx in advance.
hard to go wrong with any of the smithsonian options, other than the fact that they'll be packed. if they have any interest in art at all, the hirshorn is an oft-overlooked gem. native american museum is visually beautiful. the sculpture garden outside the hirshorn is cool, too. and my favorite place in dc is the national portrait gallery, which requires a bit of a walk, but isn't often crowded.
but if the weather is okay, and you want to wear them out, head to the lincoln memorial, and hit the ww2, vietnam, and korean war memorials on the way.
Spy Museum still around?
Air and Space for sure.
Sculpture Garden is indeed cool, though you won't kill much time there.
Don't forget the National Zoo, like most of the museums, is free. Worth a metro ride/cheap cab.
Tire them out? Agree with Rob, walking the mall. Lincoln is the best president so says Whitney. FDR is not a bad memorial, Jefferson as well.
Natural history is dated but young buys like me like it.
Not much chatter about tonight's "showdown" in Philadelphia. It's a big deal for those that still follow the Washington Football Team.
Eagles 38, Redskins 10.
Thanks gents. I think the war memorials and Lincoln Memorial may be good start. We'll hit the mall if I want to haze them into a fatigue-induced nap on drive home.
Who else is pumped for Terps-Marshall tmrw?
Not a whole lot of defense being played in Shreveport tonight. If you had over 75 for the first half, you won. Beamer going out in a blaze of offense.
To Clarence's comment about me being loved. I forgot to mention that the wife made a homemade present for me. She took a large bottle of crown and put it in a bunch of small vacuum sealed freezer bags so I have a stash of liquor to sneak in to sporting events over the next year. That woman...she gets it.
zwoman got tickets to Hamilton, which I wanted and am excited to see. But when the cost appeared on our credit card statement I vomited for an hour. At least we're sitting really close to the stage.
I was at the Smithsonian natural history museum last month and a lot of the dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals are not on display as they're remodeling. Possibly a deal breaker for your kids so check first. Hope Diamond is still on display.
Charlie Sly is an awesome name for a crooked HGH peddler.
I started binge watching Louie over this holiday break.
It's both funny-funny and awkward-funny
A belqted Congrats to Wash fans. That was quite the turnaround.
New word.
going to see the force awakens tomorrow. much excite.
S'up gheogheronies?
Z, up late working on Day 9?
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