Will probably only get to see first half - stupid friends having stupid parties for turning 40. But I'm jacked up - let's put on our hardhats and grab our lunch pails and go to work.
My life is exciting. I finally set up the Wii university Santa got for my kids this morning. I left my kids to enjoy it, having no idea how it works.
My wife and I heard an inappropriate show playing in the basement. We came down to see the kids watching a video of Steve O getting arrested aggressively by cops. Turns out they went to Google and searched "funny rotten farts" to watch whatever videos showed up. My kids are big thinkers.
I guess there was a tribe hoops game today? zson had his birthday party at Screamin' Parties along with 17 other kids from school etc. I am currently deaf. zson and zwoman are at another birthday party now. I am supposed to be packing for zfamily vacation but I am to tired and headachy.
Streaky panties too. zfamily is heading to Vegas. I have a conference and we turned it into a weekly family trip. Kill me now. At least it won't snow and I can wear shorts.
I wish my son felt the same about watching baseball. We have watched the last 5 innings of the Brewers Rangers game with no shot of changing the channel. Oh! It's over!
zson's birthday is Monday so we are going to an actual petting zoo--no rhinos but they have trains and pony rides. Not sure if it's a bareback situation. Probably not since it's in vegas.
My wife's allegiance to the cult of Catholicism, combined with Daylight Savings Time, made my 7 y/o's 8:15 AM CCD class doubly brutal this morning. Poor kid will be due for a donut after that.
Wife and I watched Birdman last night. Kinda neat, but I think I've now seen enough of Michael Keaton in tightie whities to last many lifetimes.
I thought marrying into a family with roots in Vegas would give me an excuse to visit regularly. While that is indeed the case pretty much every trip skews heavily toward family and less so gambling.
I caught the first half of the second game yesterday and UNCW looked fairly fantastic. So fast. Their press was menacing. I think they'll be on one side of the bracket for the finals.
I don't mean to offend anyone's automotive sensibilities but if you're driving a Chevy Tahoe you chose poorly. The trunk is tiny--I fit more shit in my Volvo wagon. The brakes suck, it only has latch ports on the passenger side and the center seat, it drives like a tank and it inhales gas. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
That Tribe game was a humdinger. I slipped away from our neighbor's 60th Bday shindig with a couple of folks and watched the overtimes. Phenomenal finish. Makes me almost want to drive to B'more tomorrow.
Caption this?
Rob and the griffin shop at the same pants store.
Will probably only get to see first half - stupid friends having stupid parties for turning 40. But I'm jacked up - let's put on our hardhats and grab our lunch pails and go to work.
Tell me when/if they make finals and I'll feign enthusiasm then.
I envy TR that his life is so full of excitement that there simply isn't the requisite time or energy to throw behind this Tribernaut.
Hey, Dixon. Make a friggin shot.
Hey, Marcus. Maybe fewer prayers and more high percentage shots.
Hey, Tribe. Get a rebound somewhere. At all.
To Rob's earlier post, defense has been there. But the other end of the floor has been pretty dreadful.
Nice finish to the half.
Get the audio together Comcast. It sounds like Feinstein is calling in to a radio station to call the came.
Nice commenting by the Gheorghies at the game who requested the open thread.
My life is exciting. I finally set up the Wii university Santa got for my kids this morning. I left my kids to enjoy it, having no idea how it works.
My wife and I heard an inappropriate show playing in the basement. We came down to see the kids watching a video of Steve O getting arrested aggressively by cops. Turns out they went to Google and searched "funny rotten farts" to watch whatever videos showed up. My kids are big thinkers.
that kind of defense wins championships
I guess there was a tribe hoops game today? zson had his birthday party at Screamin' Parties along with 17 other kids from school etc. I am currently deaf. zson and zwoman are at another birthday party now. I am supposed to be packing for zfamily vacation but I am to tired and headachy.
I would expect to find funny rotten farts in whatever room TR is in. No need to use the Wii.
chicago is playing the venue across the street from the bar we're hunkered down in. lots of oldsters pregaming next to us.
As in the Bulls or the band?
the band
This just in: baseball is still boring.
Afternoon beers outside are good though.
Where's family vacation?
Screamin' Panties. Been there.
Streaky panties too. zfamily is heading to Vegas. I have a conference and we turned it into a weekly family trip. Kill me now. At least it won't snow and I can wear shorts.
Z...I hear there is a great petting zoo there called the Spearmint Rhino. Zson might like it. Zwife maybe not.
I wish my son felt the same about watching baseball. We have watched the last 5 innings of the Brewers Rangers game with no shot of changing the channel. Oh! It's over!
You turned what could've been your trip to Vegas into a family trip? You're doing this wrong?
Someone spent $700 on my credit card at Spearmint Rhino a few years back.
I am pretty sure it was Igor.
Igor likes petting zoos.
Heavy petting zoos
I had a piña colada earlier today. Now having a dark & stormy. It warms up by 20 degrees and I go all tropical.
zson's birthday is Monday so we are going to an actual petting zoo--no rhinos but they have trains and pony rides. Not sure if it's a bareback situation. Probably not since it's in vegas.
Not often that the conversation in the comments dies at 7:30ish on a Saturday night around here.
Spring forward killed us all.
Oh shit. I kind if forget about that.
My wife's allegiance to the cult of Catholicism, combined with Daylight Savings Time, made my 7 y/o's 8:15 AM CCD class doubly brutal this morning. Poor kid will be due for a donut after that.
Wife and I watched Birdman last night. Kinda neat, but I think I've now seen enough of Michael Keaton in tightie whities to last many lifetimes.
marls got me so drunk i forgot to shout out to my gheorghies last night. dick.
Scotch might have been a mistake.
Rob, you failed to mention that Chicago was the first band you ever saw live. I hope you ran it back with Cetera and company.
as it turns out, it was the musical. i blame marls. but cetera is my guy.
I thought marrying into a family with roots in Vegas would give me an excuse to visit regularly. While that is indeed the case pretty much every trip skews heavily toward family and less so gambling.
I caught the first half of the second game yesterday and UNCW looked fairly fantastic. So fast. Their press was menacing. I think they'll be on one side of the bracket for the finals.
bunch of old tribe hoops players at the bar with marls and me. whole lot of losses in this room.
Omar, not unexpectedly, is playing like a man.
that tarpey injury is not a good thing
Were the Hofstra fans just chanting "You are Dartmouth"? I hope you two acted accordingly.
I was hearing "You are Garbage".
Aside from that 9 point burst from Marcus, the last 12 minutes of the half were pretty stagnant on both ends.
That was a pretty impressive run of 3's by Marcus. Quality half, I like this team.
Is Marls shirtless yet?
I have been for two days.
Too. Many. Layups.
And Three's.
I think I'm going to throw up
these last 20 secs may kill me
OT baby. WOW. Whole new ballgame.
Holy Schnikes!
Oh God.
Holy SHIT. I forgot he was in the game.
I've only watched the 2 OTs of the Tribe game but it appears Rob & Marls have gotten their money's worth today.
Good Lord. The whole team is going to have to sleep in hyperbaric chambers tonight, and Tarpey might need two.
That was a crazy game.
Ebirt og.
Great stuff. I'd say congrats but I shall wait another day. College basketball is super terrific.
Doral shaping up to be a good finish.
The Facebook just told me Dixon went to my HS a couple of years after me. I'm all in.
Just landed in Vegas and got pretzel hotdogs for the famished fam. Tribe hoops played today?
I think we need to send the Phoenix Suns training staff to Bmore to take care of the Tribe players tonight. They are miracle workers
Best training staff in the league. Hopefully youth, exuberance and adrenaline will be enough to sustain the Tribe tomorrow evening.
Will the dynamic duo be attending the game tomorrow as well?
I don't mean to offend anyone's automotive sensibilities but if you're driving a Chevy Tahoe you chose poorly. The trunk is tiny--I fit more shit in my Volvo wagon. The brakes suck, it only has latch ports on the passenger side and the center seat, it drives like a tank and it inhales gas. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
That Tribe game was a humdinger. I slipped away from our neighbor's 60th Bday shindig with a couple of folks and watched the overtimes. Phenomenal finish. Makes me almost want to drive to B'more tomorrow.
you know you wanna, clarence.
Why are there so many billboards for personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas?
I am staying across the street from the erotic heritage museum. I assume TR is the curator.
He's not the curator, just a docent. But he's working his way up the brass, smelly, totem pole.
Tribe-Hofstra game just got a mention on WFAN radio. It was at 5:31 AM, but we'll take what we can get this year.
Zman, you are the second person I know that buys those pretzel dogs. Things look like a heart attack on a stick.
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