(Created by 6th Grade Katy :))
Things I Would Rather Do Than Be In MATH CLASS On a MONDAY:

2. Get kidnapped
3. Eat a cactus
4. Go to science
5. Eat nightshade
6. Be in the Hunger Games
7. Shave my head
8. Kiss a stink bug
9. Eat a stink bug
10. Watch the world explode
11. Watch my room explode
12. Hack a computer
13. Go to jail
14. Slap Voldemort
15. Be in a futuristic duel
16. Eat cat vomit (maybe not)
17. Chuck a butter knife at a window
18. Eat moldy cake
19. Poop my pants
gtb and sentence of dave in sync today with coverage of the youth demo.
sneaky huge sports night this evening: uk/texas hoops, pac 12 championship football, tuscarora/massaponax virginia 5a regional championship football.
It's interesting that Katy has no interest in anachronistic duels.
i really want to explore that one in more depth, z.
I think this was Dave's to-do list sophomore year.
we certainly did number 11
Don't know why but throwing butter knives at a window sounds fun. I'm in!
Rob- Don't forget Florida at Kansas in basketball tonight. Florida gon get smashed.
zson accomplished #19 at least twice this week, in school. #6 made me laugh out loud--I would rather compete in a to-the-death elimination tournament than go to 6th grade math class.
I only eat nightshade's doused in ketchup
So at dinner last night there was an older couple next to our table who was convinced I was.....Derek Jeter? Wait what? That was a new one for me. I said, "only from the waist down sweetheart!" Hey-ooooo!
wow--did you guys see this from Rolling Stone?
whoa. because of a huge lapse in journalistic judgment, those fuckers are gonna allow a whole bunch of colleges to whitewash something that remains an issue, even if not perhaps as luridly described as it was in this case.
exactly Rob.
This is bad on so many levels...on all the levels, actually.
My post of a few days ago was somber and boring enough that nobody read me dreading the possibility of this Rolling Stone bullshit.
"As much as I wish the UVA story were fiction, I truly hope that the magazine didn't inject its common brand of liberal bias, as it's called, fictionalizing any of it in any way in order to take the account over the top."
This is where Rob will point out that I am once again self-referential and back-patting, but my point was that folks familiar with the publication these days cringed at this prominent possibility.
Also, their music coverage sucks. How about you guys interview Bono one more time?
don't sprain your shoulder patting yourself on the back for being dead fucking right, sport.
did i do it right, clarence?
That's about right.
I'm still wowed by the brilliance of Katy's list. Quality.
Bellied up at the Vienna Inn.
Shared with my 16 yr old, who is having some difficulties in math. She replied " I'm framing this on my wall".
I read it, Clarence. Didn't realize I had to notify you though. My bad. Won't happen again.
I do not recognize this Florida team. I'm enjoying it though.
Kinda sucks Florida made me care when I knew they'd lose. Feels like football.
Really enjoying this Wizards team that has been out on the court lately. John Wall's pace and creativity are creating double digit open shots a night. He and Gortat have always played well together (seems like Marcin is the only center they've ever had in my lifetime that can finish at the rim in traffic) but it looks like they all love playing with him. During the Lakers game the other night I think every player on the court was smiling at all times. And the unselfishness is becoming infectious - everyone is looking for the open teammate. I hope they keep it up.
Gortat was on a recent Men in Blazers podcast. Came off like a great dude. Sounds like that team has great chemistry.
In unrelated footie news, we are all Newcastle fans this morning.
Happy 69th birthday to Larry Bowa.
if i find the guy who made me drink all those beers last night, i'm gonna puke on him
It's nearly impossible for me to be in a bad mood after hearing "A Rollerskating Jam Named Saturday".
That tune is the best. It's on my work Spotify mix. Makes me wish I could roller skate.
And a big thank you to Newcastle. The last forty minutes of their match against Chelsea was fantastic.
I take full crest for introducing TR to De La Soul Is Dead. He and his friends borrowed it one weekend and he came back saying "that Rollerskating Jam is awesome."
Fine. All the crest goes to you.
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