both easier and harder than ever to find. Easier, in that a couple keystrokes or a quick perusal of Pitchfork gives us a treasure trove of discovery. Harder, though, in the sense that all of this information about artists and releases sometimes means that we miss signal in the noise.
Case in point: did you know that Prince released an album last week? Two, actually.
It's okay. I didn't either.
I'm not the world's most avid Prince fan, but I'm reminded anew every time I hear anything he's recorded how revolutionary his sound was to a bunch of white suburban kids back in the mid-80s. Dig if you will the picture/She and I engaged in a kiss/Sound of her father coming up the stairs scared the shit out of me/Can you my readers...can you picture this?
The aforementioned Pitchfork gives Art Official Age/Plectrum Electrum a relatively pedestrian 6.5 rating, but seems a bit more enthusiastic about the record in saying, "Musically, Art Official Age is all over the map—gloriously so, in fact—as though Prince is trying to cram a triple album into a single disc."
If FUNKNROLL is any indication, it seems like he's trying to cram a triple album's worth of sounds into each song. There's a Trombone Shorty-esque horn break, some electronica, a bit of old school Princely naughtiness, and a beat that can't decide whether it's funky or spacey. I'm not even sure yet if I like it.
But I do enjoy the accident of discovery. And the trip back in time.
I remember when Purple Rain came out (30 years ago in June, we dropped the ball on that anniversary post). My friend's mother loved it and it was constantly playing at his house, on vinyl. I had no idea what any of it was about. My friend and I were particularly confused by certain vocabulary in "Darling Nikki" so we asked his mom what "grind" meant. Her response: "Dancing wildly." I haven't listened to the album in decades but I suspect I would find it illuminating today.
his mom was a hip, hip lady
My first ever record was a single; Purple Rain on one side and When Doves Cry on the other side. Oh, and I had a Michael Jackson record player.
Greg bought that single in 1992.
mark, what did treon harris (allegedly) do? man, the hits just keep on coming for gator nation.
Florida had a true freshman QB come in and (help) save the game at Tennessee on Saturday. Now he's being investigated on felony charges. Fuck. Me.
I have no idea. I do know I'd like to go home now though.
Harris is suspended pending investigation. It's a UPD case, not GPD. My guess is sexual assault investigation based on the little info I've seen.
Game. Blouses.
Don't much like the Washington pro football team's chances, but you never know.
I'd really like to see Kirk Cousins make some intelligent throws. I like poor choices and bad decisions from my drinking mates, not the quarterbacks of my favorite team.
Rob probably didn't watch the ESPN pregame, but if he had he would have seen a concussion discussion that described how rugby and its helmetlessness leads to fewer concussions.
When neither of your high priced defensive ends have had the slightest bit of contain all night, like huge play after huge play keeps happening as they bite on every fake and come racing in as the play eludes them every time, do you (a) blame the DEs, (b) blame the D Coordinator, or (c) curse them both and drink heavily?
Anyone else see that ball start to come out of DeSean Jackson's hand at the 1?
Anyone else out there?
Desean Jackson is good at football
I had to rewind that last kickoff. Was that onside kick on on purpose?
Who knows? Washington is allergic to momentum.
And peanuts.
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