Free enterprise is alive and well in New Brunswick, NJ today after a Federal jury ruled against the town and in favor of Lawrence Blatterfein. The court found that New Brunswick mayor (and avowed Boston Red Sox fan) James Cahill
unfairly blocked Blatterfein's application for a liquor license at his newly opened sports bar.

Cahill, for his part, objected to the establishment's name, claiming it is 'vulgar', and that it 'didn't belong in New Brunswick'. For the record, New Brunswick proudly claims greasetrucks as culinary landmarks, and boasts
Giovanelli's, which offers the Fat Bitch, among other sandwiches. What crime against nature did Mr. Blatterfein commit to offend the mayor's delicate sensibilities?
Welcome to Buck Foston's Road House, kids of all ages. Clever? Mildly, I suppose, though in that part of New Jersey, it's probably considered in the pantheon with Da Vinci's finest work. Offensive? I mean, a little, if you're the type to get offended by things like that. Demographically sound? Absolutely - in a college town deep in New York Yankee territory, Buck's is a gold mine. And as the story linked above notes, Mr. Blatterfein's now got $1.5m extra dollars with which to outfit his money-printing den.

I won't likely spend any time or money in Buck Foston's, given my rooting interests, but I find it hard to get very worked up about the name. It's not as if Mr. Blatterfein called it Puck Fedro or Yuck Faz. Those would be fighting words. (Also, because, as it turns out, the place was never opened. Mr. Blatterfein closed The Knight Club, another bar he owned in New Brunswick, and moved to Florida in a fit of pique.)
If the resident New Brunswick, NJ (ish), um, resident and/or the members of the bar on the G:TB payroll care to comment on this case, they know where to go.
Daniaml--which supermodel did Adam marry?
And, Zman--Gheorghe drives a Suburban (or Yukon)--its a massive SUV.
This bar's name isn't as classy as the "Jeter Swallows" and "Fuck Peyton/Eli Sucks Too" shirts available throughout the Kenmore Square area.
those would certainly be outlawed by mayor cahill.
My wife drives a Yukon like Gheorghe. She's 5'2".
brek shea, eddie johnson not on klinsmann's 30-man world cup training roster. controversy!
this is all starting to make sense. i drove by "the knight club" the other day and it is now called "huey's knight club," one of the worst names for a bar ever conceived, but i guess "huey" wants to distance himself from lawrence blatterfein.
thanks for the local report!
The kid who won the last two Bergen County Group 3-4 tennis tournaments at first singles lost 6-3, 6-0 in the first round. Because he broke his right wrist and thus played lefty. At first singles. That's a lot of heart and pride right there.
and he won three games! i wouldn't get a lefty serve into play.
Speaking of broken wrists, my orthopod cleared my return to the Har-Tru today. Can't wait to break out the Air Tech Challenge II's.
The Betty-Henry fighting was excellent on MadMen:
"I shouldn't have to brief you because you shouldn't be talking about those things...and leave the thinking to me."
So 1950s, even though its supposed to be 1969
In Roanoke for a conference. Where does Rootsy live?
At a bar I last visited in the 1990's for a fratre's wedding. Blurrrrrrry memory.
steiner's? 'cause my memory of that one is equally patchy.
Was thinking Tinsley's. But both are fuzzy. For Steiner's, I watched the Mets lose a playoff game at Shea Friday night, closed down the Village Idiot, nearly passed out at a diner, hopped the 6:05am train at Penn Station, slept 3 hours til DC, and drove to Roanoke as soon as I got in (because my wife got vertigo in the mountains). So not surprising that I remember little.
Corned Beef & Co. You and I drank here for sure, Rob. I drank more.
Eating a party melt. And "Story of my Life" just came on the juke. Not bad.
Whit- where are you staying?
Hotel Roanoke. Conference over the next couple of days.
I'm going to Willie Nelson tomorrow night could grab drinks after or wed night?
On your walk back to the hotel I recommend the quarter or Billy's. you pass by both going to the glass walkway. Also blues and BBQ on the market has an extensive bourbon collection.
Yessir! I'm back to Norfolk Wednesday evening so if I can catch you post-Willie (and Alison Krauss, whom I dig), let's set a few up.
Sounds good!
Sounds like Rootsy is in as well. Core principles.
tinsley's not a fratre, though he seems like one. core principles, indeed.
Got food poisoning in that hotel once.
Not sure my liver is up for what it's got coming tonight. I see a drunk bike ride home at the end of it.
LinkedIn tells me it's Rootsy's birthday. If they're not wrong, (a) happy birthday, (b) look out tonight, and (c) it's a good thing I don't jam people in my fraternal family.
Going out drinking with Whit is like going to the dentist -- you're worried beforehand but in the end it's good for you.
Good to know Z. Plus, it IS Tuesday.
I am going on three hours sleep after a weather-induced delay from Houston to Dallas while a massive storm rolled through. Pilot told us of indefinite delays and had us parked on the tarmac.
He then gave us the old "traffic control has notified us of a gap in the storm we can go through. Prepare for wheels-up in 10 minutes. There will be no beverage service" line. Always gets the plane in a good mood.
Not a fun 100 minutes as the pilot went south to Mexico, then west, then northeast, with enough shimmies and shakes and passenger shrieks to last a lifetime. I tried to sing a song to myself to keep from shrieking like an 8 y/o girl, but I kept getting Knocking on Heaven's Door stuck in my head, which didn't help. The Dylan version, for those of you who wanted to know.
Angels and Fuselage.
sports bog with g:tb love in the washington post today:
Nice - The Bog did its homework to find a 2012 post. When I google "Bullets You Da Man" G:TB is not on the first page of hits. I found God Shammgod's mixtape before I found the G:TB post.
Note that the only post getting national recognition was written by KQ and Shlara. When are we doing our "The Women of G:TB" expose?
Trying to decide whether to use my once a month coffee allotment tonight to help me hang in with Whitney, or to aid in tomorrow's recovery. Tough call.
Glad you're safely on solid ground TR. That sounds horrific. At least you didn't have the G'NR version of Knockin', or even worse, Clapton's version.
Random Idiots' "Knockin' On Ethan's Door" was a very popular song in 1991. That means Dave and I both liked it.
Zman and Juan Moritz used to play that song at my door. Such is life when you're the keeper of the hookah.
Hey KQ & Shlara -- any chance someone can unearth the footage of Gheorghe's Call 301-NBA-DUNK for tickets blooper reel? His Snickers commercial has nothing on that one.
I'm watching the Michael Sam presser on mute at a hotel bar w/ close captioning. It's just as exciting as it sounds.
It would make me laugh if he made mouth-missing his thing and leaned in for a kiss every time he shook hands w/ an NFL person, just to bum them out, be it player, coach, reporter, etc. It would be a bad SNL skit come to life.
Based on my soirée with Clarence a fortnight ago, I offer you Godspeed.
technically, i co-wrote that post, z. but if the ladies would like to expose...never mind.
Go Bullets, Go Bullets!!
Clarence--Gortat just told the TNT guys that he's going for an Abe Lincoln look with the beard--you better watch out, your parade spot is in jeopardy.
pens/rangers is insane
Shlara, I will happily relinquish my Abe role to Gortat!
Drinking beer with Rootsy on his birthday. I just ate a ribeye sandwich wih jalapeño cheese and a fried egg on it. Holy crapola. Drinking lots of fine brew.
Texas Tavern I presume?
And happy bday to the roots.
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