Drive-By Truckers
Formed: 1996
From: Alabama / Athens, GA
Style of music (not that we like to pigeonhole bands with labels): Southern Rock, Alt-Country, Rock and Roll
You might like if you dig: Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, Old 97's, The Black Keys
Dave asked specifically about albums, which some of our younger readers find to be an antiquated way of acquiring and listening to music. (Teej thinks it’s very silly when I tell him I’m going to the “record store.”) Still, here’s what Zman and I have to offer on their albums.
Zman: The Dirty South; Brighter Than Creation’s Dark; Decoration Day
Igor: I’d start with Southern Rock Opera, the double album that first got them acclaim. Listen to it straight through, including the awesome and educational “The Three Great Alabama Icons.” Then The Dirty South. Then Brighter Than Creation’s Dark.
Harder to pick, as there are so many good choices. There are have been four vocalists on Truckers songs, each with highly discernible voices:
- Patterson Hood
- Mike Cooley
- Jason Isbell
- Shonna Tucker
Sands of Iwo Jima
Lisa's Birthday

My Sweet Annette
Self Destructive Zones
Putting People on the Moon
Daddy Needs a Drink
Dead, Drunk, and Naked
Everybody Needs Love
Boys From Alabama
Igor (in order, sort of):
Where the Devil Don't Stay
Let There Be Rock
The Righteous Path
Women Without Whiskey
Puttin' People on the Moon
Easy on Yourself
Two Daughters And A Beautiful Wife
Daddy Needs A Drink
Hell No, I Ain't Happy
Everybody Needs Love
Ronnie And Neil
The Southern Thing
Sink Hole
A Ghost To Most
Used to Be a Cop
Lookout Mountain
Carl Perkins' Cadillac
This Fucking Job
Feb 14
Upcoming Shows
Fri 04/06/12 …………Birmingham, AL …………WorkPlay Soundstage
Sat 04/07/12 …………Birmingham, AL …………WorkPlay Soundstage
Tue 04/10/12 …………Pensacola, FL …………Vinyl Music Hall
Wed 04/11/12 …………Gainesville, FL …………Florida Theater Of Gainesville
Thu 04/12/12 …………Tampa, FL …………The Ritz Ybor
Fri 04/13/12 …………Orlando, FL …………The Beacham
Sat 04/14/12 …………Charleston, SC …………Music Farm
Tue 04/17/12 …………Charlottesville, VA …………Jefferson Theater
Wed 04/18/12 …………Norfolk, VA …………NorVa
Thu 04/19/12 …………Carrboro, NC…………Cat's Cradle
Fri 04/20/12 …………Wilmington, NC …………Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre
Sat 04/21/12 …………Atlanta, GA …………The Tabernacle
Appearing at "Floydfest"
Fri 07/27/12 …………Floyd, VA …………FloydFest
Righteous Path should've been on my list too. I saw DBT live before I bought any albums (I had only listened to them a bit hanging out with various FOG:TB and FOFOG:TB before then) and when they played Righteous Path I said "I gotta get this album." So I did, and a bunch more.
Please give me more details on this "FloydFest"...
For Rob:
A group led by Lakers legend Magic Johnson emerged Tuesday night as the new owners of the Dodgers, ending months of uncertainty for the storied but troubled baseball franchise.
Johnson, who guided the Lakers to five NBA championships during the "Showtime" era of the 1980s, is a partner in the group along with longtime baseball executive Stan Kasten and movie executive Peter Guber. The controlling owner would be Mark Walter, chief executive officer of Guggenheim Partners, a Chicago-based financial services company.
Guggenheim President Todd Boehly and Bobby Patton were also listed as partners.
no shit, huh? i lived with that cat during my final summer in the 'burg.
Wait, do you work with Freeland?
So hopefully he taught you too, Rob.
he's a mega-baller now.
theory: kevin love's honkitude contributes to him being highly underrated.
I think people underestimate him b/c he looks like AJ Soprano.
danny manning the new head coach at tulsa. i dig it.
FloydFest is not a Pink Floyd-based event, for better or for worse. It appears to be another music festival in a remote place. (Floyd, VA is south of Blacksburg and east of Bumfuck.) Lineup is here. Alison Krauss, Jackson Browne, Dawes, Galactic, blah blah blah. Oh, and a band of kids that go to my old high school. As in, they're 16 and 17. Slightly more ambitious than I was.
Boehly is one of the Dodger owners??? Wow
would love to get to floyd fest. have a sis that lives 40 miles from there, south of bumfuck. that's god's country. i think we have another baby due that week so wife might put the ix-nay on that.
you think you have a baby due? i'd submit that the wife have more of an issue with your uncertainty than with you getting your rock and roll on.
have igor tell you the story of the late, great dave flynn's adventures on the eve of his first child's birth. one of the most rock and roll things ever.
That Flynn story is so f'ing absurd.
Man do I miss that guy.
my uncertainty is not so certain.
perhaps igor could enlighted gtb with said story. during chicago trip over st paddy's day, many of the old flynny tales were told by his former ballers, but have not heard that one.
as the 4th out of 5 and the 1st and only one with a penis, on the day of my birth my dad disappeared after meeting me and went on a day and half bender with his cronies to celebrate. a different day back then.
It was Flynn's second child, but it was pretty ridiculous.
Every year at FlynnFest they make a CD to give all of the participants. I made the track listing the first year, and others have taken the reins since. Last year we did a colaborative live music stories/songs about Flynn. Copying and pasting what I submitted (please keep in mind this was toned down for a family event):
1. The Pogues
9:30 Club, Washington, DC
March 9, 2006
Phone rings.
Flynn: "Hey, man, when's that Pogues show again?"
Me: "March 9th."
Flynn: "Perfect!! . . . Marguerite's not getting induced until March 10th."
The Pogues had reunited with their toothless sot of a frontman, Shane MacGowan, and were touring with him for the first time in over a decade. First stop on the US tour: DC. There was no way Flynn was missing it, and I can still hear the shocking exuberance in his voice when I told him the date. Dave and I got together in the late afternoon and behaved like a couple of Irish rock and rollers all night . . . with him periodically phoning Marge from the show to ensure baby Molly wasn't jumping the gun. Only Flynn could pull that off . . . actually, only he would have thought that the timing was "perfect." Delivery happened the next day, right on cue, even as Flynn was licking his wounds from the night prior. And I will always remember when Molly's birthday is. Perfect.
2. The Offspring
PSINet Stadium, Baltimore, MD
May 29, 1999
One of our favorite annual shows, The HFStival, moved from RFK right into Flynn’s backyard in B-more in 1999. Perfect. A blazing hot May day, the heat was unrelenting but Flynn and I thought it’d be a terrific idea to leave the safe haven of the upper deck and head down to the mosh pit for The Offspring’s appearance. Marguerite was in tow until Dave spotted her flip-flops and gave her the hook; she was despondent to miss the fun, but an hour later her gratitude was nearly as profuse as the sweat that poured from our pores. Flynn and I defied the norms of age and size as we squeezed, pushed, and did “the swim” past kids – all the way to the very front. It was a photo finish between claustrophobia and heat stroke, but the heat prevailed. I looked over at the big man 2/3 of the way through the set; very bleak. He was quiet, nearly motionless, and he shot me a look: “Not good.” The small army of security dudes shot me the same pained look when I explained we needed to hoist Flynn’s beefy frame over the 4’ fence. And then mine as well. Dave and I nearly passed out after the extraction, then limped slowly back to the upper deck to watch the Chili Peppers with a look of resignation that at age 28, we were out of the mosh pit game for good.
3. Wilco
The Howlin’ Wolf, New Orleans, LA
April 28, 2000
The L's and Flynns went to New Orleans for JazzFest six times between 1999-2005; the last time we went together was a few months before Katrina. When Hurricane Flynn would hit town, we’d have long nights at Igors and loads of music at the festival; the Fest gave us local classics like Buckwheat Zydeco and Dr. John, old favorites like The Black Crowes and The Allmans, and up-and-comers like Amanda Shaw and Trombone Shorty. In 2000, we went to late-night show at the Howlin’ Wolf in the Warehouse District. In that tiny little place, Dave and I were front and center for what still remains the best set we saw them ever deliver. The place was packed, the beers were flowing until sun-up, and some dude in the men’s room was telling stories about his colostomy bag. Just another night in New Orleans, but one of my fondest memories of music with Dave Flynn.
this has nothing to do with the DBTs - did you guys know that Todd Boehly, W+M circa 1995-6 is the President of Guggenheim Investors, the group that just bought the Dodgers. no shit...
sorry, just read the posts in this string and looks like my post is incongruent with this thread, and way late. sorry...and i tell at least 1 flynn story per week. he is a legend in columbus.
The world misses Flynn...
Teej- Floyd fest is a good time. It's about 45 miles south roanoke held on the grounds of a winery on the blue ridge parkway. Like igor said- middle of bumfuck- or where they filmed moonshiners...
Plenty of camping and no hotels- nearby.
baldwin's band played it a couple years back.
note to Mr. KQ - who was that freakshow band we saw @ OBX? Dumpster something? They played Floydfest one year. If they are reflective of the kind of happenings at that event, it must be worth checking out.
The unabridged version of the concert 12-15 hours before his wife was being induced includes large amounts of fungus. Which is just nuts. If she pops early, all hell breaks loose.
Actually, all three of those music stories involved the same, which his widow pointed out to me with a chuckle at FlynnFest.
that would make a great movie scene.
That's one way to make sure you stay awake through a protracted labor.
Dumpster? I hardly know her. It was American Dumpster. They're on for FloydFest. Lead guy lives in an "art junkyard". Chick plays the washboard. Cool live show.
thanks igor and zman--
i took the day off today because i needed to get a new bike, and i listened to the first half of "southern rock opera" twice-- really enjoyed it, somewhere between southern rock and a parody of southern rock . . .
Listen to the second half. Let There be Rock is somewhere between Random Idiots and AC/DC.
On another note, the rhombus occurs on the bummer of a song Two Daughters and a beautiful Wife, which is word for word like it was dealing with Flynn's demise. Eerily the same.
i will listen to the second half tomorrow, despite your downer warning.
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