With all apologies to Sergio Leone (or should I say Con todas disculpas a Sergio Leona?), let's take a look at the Washington Wizards through the season's first 15 games...
Les Boulez, 7-8 (started the season 5-1)
T-2nd in the Southeast Division (with Orlando)
T-8th in the Eastern Conference (with Orlando and New Jersey)

Caron Butler has been solid off the bench, giving the Wiz that third option they so desperately need with the band of offensive misfits Eddie Jordan runs out at center and (occassionally) power forward. Other than Ben Gordon, Butler's the best Sixth Man in the league - 15 ppg, 5 rpg and 46% shooting. Plus he's good at siring children.
The Bad: In case you weren't paying attention above, the Wiz have no trouble scoring points (they're 8th in the league). It's just a shame they also don't use their athleticism and talent on the defensive end of the floor (as well as on the glass). They're 22nd in the NBA in points allowed and are DEAD LAST in opponents' rebounds allowed, consistently getting pummeled on the boards (and just watch all the boards they allow guards to grab). Pitiful.
Ah, nice segue to my "breakout" player, Brendan Haywood, who has been serviceable AT BEST. Brendan, 9 points, 7 rebounds and 2 blocks a game just ain't gonna cut it. You're 7 feet tall for christ sakes. And you still haven't kicked the habit of bringing the ball down after rebounds, which seriously might lead to your murder by our boy Dennis.
The Ugly: Michael Ruffin. OK, sorry to the Ruffin family, it's just too easy. Let's instead take a look at the nightmare that was last night's game against the Milwaukee Bucks and NBA Superstar Mo Williams (sarcasm kids...sarcasm). He had 35 points on 15-21 shooting last night and was absolutely unconscious in the 4th quarter, even hitting the game winning three at the buzzer with the corpse of Chucky Atkins in his face. It's not just that a bum from Alabama lit up the Wiz, that can happen in the NBA on any given night (didn't Dana Barros once score 50 in a game?). It's the fact that Eddie Jordan's guys have an uncanny knack for making the Mo Williams' of the league look like stars night in and night out. 26 points, 14 boards and 5 blocks for Gerald Wallace in a loss to the Bobcats. Richie Frahm and Troy Hudson had 16 each in a loss to the Timberwolves. DeShawn Stevenson has looked better in two games against the Wiz this year than he has in his entire career. Don't be surprised if Raptors Jose Calderon and Matt Bonner combine for 50 Tuesday night.
Calvin Booth's attention span. He is the clear leader in the clubhouse for "NBA Player who enjoys halftime and timeout performances WAAAY more than his coach in huddles". It's tough making the nameplate for this award, but Calvin certainly deserves it. Ricky Davis will need to stab both members of Acrobazia during a timeout to win this award back.
I was not in the office Friday, but in case you couldn't turn away from THE MOST DRAMATIC ER EVER Thursday night, this is what you missed on the boob tube:
In the Mid-American Conference championship game at Detroit's Ford Field, Akron beat Northern Illinois 31-30 on a 36 yard TD pass with just 10 second left. This after an Akron

The Nevada/Kansas game went down to the wire at Allen Fieldhouse, with the Wolfpack (minus Kevin Nash and Scott Hall) defeating the Jayhawks 72-70 behind the play of 2006 NBA first round pick Nick Fazekas (he had 35 of Nevada's 72 points). It was yet another great early season college hoops game this year, but the kicker was that as the game ended, I was pretty sure I caught a Jayhawks assistant coach tell Fazekas to "Fuck Off". I mean, it wasn't very hard to read this guy's lips. Well, they never showed a replay on ESPN, so I just figured I was crazy, until I checked Deadspin this morning. Yep, Jayhawks assistant coach Jim Dooley most definitely told Fazekas to fuck off, and they've got the video (as well as the apology from Kansas' athletic department). Great stuff.
A final note on Akron. Is that seriously their mascot? A kangaroo? Can the makers of Kangaroo Jack sue? (actually, can the viewers of Kangaroo Jack sue the makers?) That's the flick with Jerry O'Connell right? I can't think of an actor with a more convoluted career. To wit, I give you the Stages of "Being Jerry O'Connell":
Stage 1 - Collect Underpants
Stage 2 -
Stage 3 - Profit
Whoops, sorry, my bad, wrong list...let's try this again...

Stage 2 - Star in show Sliders that SciFiCon attendees love along with John Rhys-Davies of Indiana Jones fame (he's the "Bad dates" guy). Personal note: I was actually a huge fan of this show, and it took me months to realize the fat kid from Stand by Me was the same as the guy in this show.
Stage 3 - Reappear ten years after Stand by Me as stud QB Frank "Cush" Cushman in hugely successful film Jerry Maguire

Stage 4 - Get cast in CSI/Law and Order rip off on NBC, Crossing Jordan (basically it's Quincy ME with a former Law and Order chick and Jerry)
Stage 5 - Desperate for a paycheck, star in aforemetioned stinker Kangaroo Jack (seriously, who is this guy's agent?)
Stage 6 - Holy Shit, how did this happen...Jerry O'Connell is banging Rebecca Romijn (the FFMD just informed me the two are in fact engaged...who knew). I would most definitely call this the "Profit" stage of this list.
With the recent news Fox plans to cancel "Reunion", of course it makes sense Thursday night's episode might've been the best of the season. A little humor, a little more unraveling of the murder backstory, some competent acting, and of course, Craig Brewster pulling a Keyser Soze at the episode's conclusion. SG's right - why can't they just give us the last 9 episodes on FX? I don't think "The Shield" or "Rescue Me" will mind.
What a ridiculous fucking ending to the Duke/Va Tech game...
Ric Flair is the gift that just keeps on giving...According to the Charlotte Observer, in the past year the IRS has started to garnish Flair's wages from the WWE (he's supposed to make $500,000 this year) for more than $1 million they claim he owes dating back to 1997. His wife of 22 years, Elizabeth, flied for divorce accusing Flair of "cruel behavior" claiming he slapped, kicked, choked, threw, bit and spit on her and pulled her hair. On top of that, her complaint, filed in May, also accused Flair of abusing alcohol and steroids, which caused him to become "enraged, paranoid, emotionally unbalanced and violent," and on at least one occasion she says he exposed himself to her friends and committed adultery. Despite the garnishment of his wages, a judge has ordered Flair to pay Elizabeth $20,000 a month until the case is settled, based on their previous living expenses.
has dennis' heart re-started yet?
I approve of Comcast running ACC doubleheaders in the early evening hours of a Sunday...especially when the Oakland Raiders are involved in the Sunday Night Football game.
ACC Sunday night hoops is the greatest. I always forget about it and then I'll inevitably flip to the guide to see if anything is on and find the ACC waiting there patiently for me. As for last night, just a ridiculous ending. Not a great weekend to be a Hokie.
Sean Dockery just ruined Hanukkah for Seth Greenberg. As to the Hokies football collapse...well, isn't that what they always do?
Zoltan, if you still frequent this site, where does that abortive collapse by your Bills yesterday rank? The Bills D made (Rosemary and) Sage Rosenfels look like fucking Joe Montana.
The Bills couldn't have covered Diane Chambers in the 4th quarter yesterday.
I hear he's directing a powerful rushing attack just well enough to torment fans of his team in the final 4 weeks. Luckily, I don't have to concern myself with such a playoff chase...just the chase for the #1 pick. In that regard, can't the Texans just throw me a frickin' bone? Can a team lose in more exasperating fashion two weeks in a row? Those 43 Texans fans must be really bummed out.
Ric Flair just phoned to say that he needs a new Ghoerghe post.....Woooooo!
That reminds me...please tell me you flipped by Raw and saw the "Ric Flair on trial" bit...Vince McMahon is truly a piece of work.
And the Spencer's Gifts at the Landmark Mall just called--they need TJ's tie back.
You just wait...the Grinch ties are ready to be unleashed...maybe even the Condom tie (that tie is to Greg what Kryptonite is to Superman)
Novelty ties should be reserved for hacky stand up comics and the specially-abled.
A guy can dream...
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