Merry Christmas...Have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye...
Happy Hannukah...On Moische! On Herschel! On Schlomo! It's Hanukkah Harry 8 nights a year...
Happy Kwanza (the Disney Empire never ceases to amaze me)...
Merry Christmas, Gheorghe!
Merry Christmas TEE JAY!!!
Feliz Navidad gringos...
I think I've set a new record for the term infinite with the number of times I used the Bing Crosby line over the last 3 days.
I just love Danny Kaye getting the shoutout, mainly because I only remember him as the kinda weird dentist on The Cosby Show.
Here come the Wiz...
Wow, I'm not sure GTB has the information this person is looking for:
"Hank Gathers Philadelphia Funeral"
The recent revelation to me upon my return that all frat dudes have blogs fills me with christmas joy. Motherfucker, if only I had known this when sweating my balls off in southern India last summer, I likely would have still sweated my balls off in southern India last summer.
The Return of the Mav is worthy of a link at gotta fix those Indiana Jones maps on your blog though, they're fucking huge.
oh, and it shows my handsome photograph when I comment. I might have to comment more often
Go Newcastle, says the handsome gent on the right! Oh I do enjoy this so!
The "time to make the doughnuts" guy is dead. I better start drinking now to pay my respects.
TJ, it was a huge trip, therefore huge maps. Even though most SE Asians are smallish.
Very sad about the Dunkin' Donuts guy. I loved that guy. "Time to make the donuts." is really a timeless saying. Everyday - you can say it every damn day. I think I am going to take the afternoon off. What was his name, anyway?
His name was Michael Vale, and he played Fred the Baker in the ads.
Fred the Baker. Michael Vale. Thanks Taj. Thanks a lot! BTW - nice picture. I used to have one - remember? Maybe I will bring it back..
Michael Vale: The Man, The Myth, The Legend...
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