Sunday, November 26, 2023

Weird-Ass Filler/Audience Participation

My wife headed to Pittsburgh today to visit her folks. Her father had a bit of a medical scare and didn't get to travel to us for Thanksgiving (all is well, thankfully), and he's getting on in years, so she felt it important to get to see them. Took my youngest to the airport this morning, so my oldest and I got to hang for most of the day. 

If you know my oldest, you'll be clued into the fact that they're wildly creative, a bit provocative, and a perpetual motion machine. They're recovering from a stress fracture to a big toe, so the usual physical outlets aren't available. Which has manifest itself in a manic artistic spree: short stories, poems, drawings, vocalizations that may or may not make one think they're in the presence of a lunatic.

Because I wanted to extend my time with my kid, I agreed to play along when they suggested we make art together. We drew for five minutes and then switched pages and drew for five more, and so on. Friends, I give you...shit, I don't know. But I enjoyed it.

The pencil work is mine. The ink, my kid's. Please don't try to psychoanalyze us.

Might or might not be a Muppet sex party

Jesus doing a kick-flip

In addition to our illustration, we dug up a poetry prompt website and did some speed poetry. In the interest of expanding your parameters, this is a call to y'all. Using the random prompt generator at, I got the following:

Include as many of the following words (or variations on these words) as you like:

pore-wise, derived, neighbor's, petrified, deaf, bright, norden, orphant, lemmate, goddesses, kools, rain-beaten


Mention an aspect of agriculture or farming
Make up an unusual name for a person and include it in the poem

And I turned it into:

Pore-wise Lemmate Orphant
Rain-beaten by the norden windspray
Deaf to his neighbor’s petrified plea
Skin alive buoyed by goddesses

Kools from his pocket, bright
With sparks derived from fakeflint
Hoping reaping pleasure
Sown from hopeful flirtation

Now it's your turn, Gheorghies. Use the poetry prompt generator at the link above, write as fast as you can, and share your work in the comments. Flex those right brains, my friends. Embrace your inner lunatic. I'm glad I got to do that with my kid.


Professor G. Truck said...

that's good times-- so nice to have such creative progeny. I'll work on the poetry, later, when I'm inspired by tommy devito . . .

rob said...

genuinely happy for my jmu peeps that the dukes get to go to a bowl game.

Mark said...

If you’re on twitter, look up the pregame tailgating clip of Tommy Devito’s family. It’s as expected. And glorious.

zman said...

That looks like every tailgate in the Meadowlands.

rob said...

spare a thought for zman and bills nation this evening

rootsminer said...

The Chargers and Bills seem to behave in similar ways.

Whitney said...

Here you go, rob. I'll confess I hit the button a second and third time til I saw a few words I liked better.

Include as many of the following words (or variations on these words) as you like:

chastest, summoning, stepdaughter, seclusion, concussions, splendid, futon, wept, snuff, thunderclank, unhammocked, lawdie

Make reference to a hobby or pasttime
Make up an unusual name for a person and include it in the poem

Summoning the chastest stepdaughter: Lawdie!
He wept at the snuff on the futon so bawdy
Not splendid, no seclusion, but more like a stank,
Purity unhammocked by ol’ Thunderclank!

rob said...

i see a volume of verse in our future. gheorghe: the collected poems.

OBX dave said...

Whit may have stumbled on (or intentionally created) a form that might play in this space: the free verse/limerick hybrid.

Marls said...

Hello Gheorghepeople.