Friday, November 11, 2022

Requiem for a Fuzzball

“Not the least hard thing to bear when they go away from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives.” — John Galsworthy

About six years ago, a fluffy gray cat showed up on our doorstop one day. She hung out for a bit, perplexing our black cat, Theo, and wandered away. A few days later, she showed up again, and we took her some food and water. After that, she was a daily presence until our kids begged us to let her in the house. She looked like a cat that knew people and that had been loved, so we took her in and set about finding her family. We named her Olive.

My wife took some pictures and loosed the Facebook community in search of Olive's owner. In short order, a young woman named Heather reached out, thrilled to have found her kitty. Turns out the cat's name was actually Sage, and she was living with Heather's parents, who turned her out most of the time.

Our kids (14 and 12 at the time) were sad to see Olive/Sage go, but Theo was most decidedly fine with it.

A few days later, Heather reached out and told my wife that she wasn't able to find a living situation that enabled her to keep Sage. She told us we seemed like nice people who loved animals, and asked if we would like to keep her on a permanent basis. As soon as the girls were made aware of the offer, the decision really wasn't hard.

And so we were a two cat family again for the first time since the previous December when our 20 year-old Mo passed on.

Sage was at once the dumbest, clumsiest, food-motivated, and people-loving cat we've ever owned. Her purr motor was exceptional, and easily revved. If people were around, she was around. She nuzzled, and flopped, and licked and loved. She immediately established herself as the alpha to Theo's perpetual beta, and a few years later when we got a dog, she told that puppy who was in charge, as well.

She went deaf a few years ago, which didn't slow her down. Several months ago, she started behaving a bit erratically in ways amusing and disgusting. To wit, she decided for a while that my office was a good place to piss. Have you ever smelled dried cat piss sprayed into a heating/cooling vent? I don't recommend it.

We took her to the vet, who recommended we add another litter box to the main level of the house. So my office went from smelling like raw cat piss to cat piss and shit mixed with litter. Honestly, it was an improvement.

Then, over the past several weeks, she declined rapidly. Her back legs started giving way, her once-prodigious appetite diminished to barely nothing, and she took to hiding away for much of the day.

That purr motor though, it remained robust.

Finally, yesterday evening, we took her to the vet, a kind, gentle man. He examined her and told us that she'd lost a great deal of muscle tone, was extremely dehydrated, and that he could feel an egg-sized mass near her bladder. Based on the clinical findings, he assumed it was cancer. 

And so we made the decision that was at once the right thing to do and utterly heartbreaking.

I'll be damned if that little cat didn't keep purring while the doctor first injected a solution that rendered her unconscious and then another that stopped her heart. 

We only got a little more than six years with Sage, but she filled them with a waddling, friendly cat-bravado. Pets' lives are inevitable shorter than we hope, and their deaths always sooner than we want, but they stir something in you that brings a daily joy that makes it somehow worth the pain.

Godspeed, Sagey, you wonderful oaf of a cat. You were a real one.


rob said...

first my cat, then gallagher? that'll be a weird mix up over the rainbow bridge. though i bet she'd try the watermelon.

rootsminer said...

Godspeed, kitty. We had a little black and white kitty named Pauli’s find us once. Still the only cat I’ve really vibed with. We had him about 90 days before he turned up in the neighbor’s pool.

OBX dave said...

A little dusty in here. Sorry to hear. Love our critters.

Whitney said...

Sorry to hear it, ol’ buddy. Best to the family in sad times.

rob said...

up the bees! turns out all they needed was dave to complain about their form.

zman said...

I am of the view that there is no better pet than an affectionate cat. Feel free to come at me on this point, I will not waver. Sage looks like a longhaired version of my departed cat Simone. Dilute torties are the best. Sorry that Sage is gone.

T.J. said...

cats kick ass.

very sorry for the loss, rob

rob said...

tribe all but locked up an fcs playoff berth by throttling villanova today. win at spidey next week and we might get a home game.

Mark said...

End of a great day in Gainesville with my wife, kid and one of her best friends (who's like a kid to us). Nice Gator win. Good weather and yet another chance to brainwash my kid into being a Gator.

Whitney said...

Glad that drubbing happened this year and not last year, Mark

rob said...

wife and i spent last night in baltimore hanging with her cousin and her cousin’s husband. they took us to a really cool brewpub called the ministry of brewing. it’s a former catholic church that’s been converted. many of the old church artifacts (ceiling artwork, stained glass windows, pipe organ) remain intact. big, open, high-ceilinged place with great light. beer is on point, too. very much recommended if you find yourself in charm city.

Danimal said...

how is zman holding up after watching his bills in what had to have been the best game of the year thus far? holy toledo.

rob said...

didn't know it while i was there, but turns out ministry of brewing is also building out a community space and working with b'more public schools on teaching kids science/tech. even better reason to check them out. their website has a great pic of the space:

Mark said...

Came home today and coached (assistant) my kid’s soccer team in their final game of the season against their rival from two towns over. Winner wins the league. We were up 1-0 late before the other team scored two on rebounds after saves from my kid. One of which was an awesome save on a free kick from just outside the box. She was predictably devastated postgame. I love that my kid loves sports and is a competitor but damn being a parent can suck in those moments.

rob said...

pour some out for chuck carr, one of the many characters on the fringes of the g:tbverse:

Marls said...

“Chuckie hacks on 2-0.“ Kills me every time.

Whitney said...

Chuck Carr’s career .316 OBP would confirm that approach.

Marls said...

He was Willie Mays Hayes without Lou Brown.

rob said...

new post up. gonna take you a while. stretch out before you dig in.