William & Mary's men's basketball team lost, 68-63, to Elon in the first round of the CAA Tournament, a disappointing end to an unexpectedly promising season. We could call into question with both perfect hindsight and documented foresight the decision-making process that led to this year's Tribe roster getting to that outcome. We might yet do that. That's not why we're here.
There's a Tribe basketball team that's smack in the middle of a fight for an NCAA Tournament bid, and they play today.

Sophomore guard Eva Hodgson was named first-team All-CAA, averaging 20.7 points, 3.8 rebounds, and 3.6 assists/game. The 5'9" Hodgson (Rindge, New Hampshire represent!) led the conference in scoring, field goal percentage, three-point field goal percentage, and free throw percentage. Decent.
Coach Ed Swanson's team lost all four games it played against league top two seeds Drexel and James Madison, though they did take regular season champion Drexel to overtime in Philly a few weeks ago. As we see it, we've got the league's best team right where we want them.
W&M's women have never made the NCAA Tournament. That sounds familiar. One bid. Not that much to ask for. Looking good, Billy Ray. Feeling good, Louis.
would love to know more about why closing schools is a bad idea (per donna’s comment in the last thread), given that my kids’ school system just closed through 3/20.
I am working from home today and tomorrow. And I have a strange feeling we're not going back on Monday.
The reasoning on schools is b/c of the derivative impacts. Per the epidemiologist, 38% of nurses have kids in school. So you create enormous strain on the medical system as nurses juggle kids or job.
Another point - most kids who get infected don't get sick. Allegedly, only 2% of the infected in China were under 19.
One last point - 25% of working Americans don't have paid sick leave. In the bubbles most of us live in, we have financial resources and a community network to lean on. Many more vulnerable Americans don't have that.
Just relaying what the guy said.
thank you, sir. that makes sense. my wife is a teacher, so we’re fortunate. but the closure message came out at 5:00 this morning, which will create a real hardship for a lot of families, especially those who can’t easily work from home or take the day off.
Our town seems destined to do the same, likely after this week.
The JetBlue flight news is loco. A guy boarder the flight last night despite getting a virus test two days ago and not yet knowing the results. He finds out mid-flight he has it. And all passengers on the plane, including nearby passengers, were sent home w/o being told to self-quarantine.
Listening to Rogan now. A nice counterpoint to Sam Harris. I am at gym then going to Costco. Good point about schools. Stupid to close. Teachers are going to get it. Or had it. I am of the mind that there is no way for me to avoid it, so I'm not going to worry.
I think this whole thing is so nuts. Don't know what to believe, who to listen to...I'm partial to science, but even scientists are contradicting each other. And our blowhard President is an idiot! Oy! The church I serve has a preschool that serves many low-income and middle class folks, who will all have to continue working while their children who cannot stay home alone will have no one to look after them while the schools close. And the preschool teachers can't afford not to work either, even though they make next-to-nothing as preschool teachers. And a bunch of people are claiming everyone is getting worked-up over nothing, while there are people who have died for goodness sake; how insensitive is that?! And then there are people who say tens of thousands of people will die, which sounds apocalyptic and crazy! And because of such people, there's no toilet paper in our stores because average Americans are idiots, too. And a guy in the church I serve is being a complete asshole and hung up on me on the phone, and you know, church people can really suck sometimes! And I'm supposed to be nice and say God loves them all the time. Blah! Can y'all tell I'm having a day?! Sorry. Hope your Thursday is better than mine.
The rationale for closing schools is that they are blenders of humanity. Every 55-60 minutes, scores of roomfuls of people get up and go to different rooms where they respire among another roomful of people. Even if young people don't get sick they could potentially carry it and spread it to other young people who then bring it home to their grandparents and/or immunocompromised family members.
Simply put there is no easy way to handle this thing at this point, the horse is out of the barn and cavorting about the hospital. We should've started manufacturing and distributing boatloads of tests here and abroad in January. Then we would've known who was sick and locked them down before the virus spread.
These are solely my views as a part-time public health practitioner.
Zman - did you mean to make a John Mulaney reference there? He had a funny bit that having Trump as President was like having a horse loose in a hospital. You have no idea what will happen, but you’re pretty sure it will be crazy..
It was intentional.
My comments contain multitudes.
My retirement savings not so much.
You’ll be fine...as long as you don’t do anything silly like buy a new house.
If you want to fast-forward and know how this all ends, go watch 12 Monkeys.
I included a force majeure clause that specifically addresses coronavirus.
my school is closed, which seems like a crazy pain in the ass, considering there's no real avoiding this thing. i went to the gym and it was empty. i tried to go to costco and it was end-of-times pandemonium. even the more frantic guy on joe rogan indicated that exercise and sleep are probably the most important preparation for this virus. but instead of working out, people are buying giant bags of cheetos.
and i ove the mulaney and 12 monkeys references. two of my favorites. trump's speech was fairly subdued (aside from the heavy breathing and the oddness that he has no right eye)
To me it seemed like they gave Trump a giant injection of horse tranquilizers 5 minutes before go time, and his Trumpness almost broke through when he said "The virus will not have a chance against us" and appeared to be on the verge of going off-script but the meds reined him in.
Bill De Blasio and NY Governor Cuomo are doing a good job for their areas: daily updates at fixed times, numbers updates, a measured pace of policy changes for public safety.
There is literally no coherent communication from DC. I saw that Trump retweeted video from a physician's CBS appearance this morning. Um, you need to do better. Gov of NJ hasn't been great, but I'll give him a pass b/c he just had surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed. Too bad we can't remove the cancerous tumor in DC until November.
What is so stupid is that this is Trump’s chance to look presidential. He should ask Rudy for his post 9/11 playbook. Put on a windbreaker, go visit some hospital wards, thank the nurses and healthcare workers personally. Stop saying “I” and say “we”. He could guarantee his election.
Instead, his actions are the equivalent of jump shotting paper towels to the people of PR. Awkward and lame.
i love putting on a windbreaker! i should be president . . .
andddd the NCAA Tournament is canceled..
Paste Magazine email header:
20 Artists We Were Most Excited to See at SXSW, The Plot Against America, Beastie Boys Story
You can guess which story I checked out.
From the CAA: "The Colonial Athletic Association has been made aware that a game official who worked at the 2020 CAA Men’s Basketball Championship has tested positive for the Coronavirus."
All part of Huge’s plan
I think this website was mentioned in the Sam Harris podcast. Lots of good stuff:
You can sign up for a daily email via a link here: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/
We are all going to be stuck in our homes with no sports to watch for a good while.
The town of Everett, MA (north of Boston) just cancelled schools until April 27th. That's a long spring break.
fuck! rutgers gets fucked. i thought they would play in empty arenas.
So maybe the silver lining of this year is that Tribe’s “March Sadness” again coincides with this coronavirus havoc. If we’d actually made the dance and not been able to play in it, that would’ve really sucked! Not that I’m happy about the virus or anything but you know...
I don’t know why I do it, but I turn to Fox News every once in a while to see what nonsense they are spewing. It is all kinds of cuckoo tonight.
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