Eight Wins Worth Noting
Seven Traits for Winning
Six Facts O'Ghoogling
Five Lasting Images
Four Things to Think About
Three catastrophe 'staches
The Finest Holiday Duet in History
And One Hell of a bloggy Par-ty
On September 5th, I formally renounced my allegiance to the Washington Redskins, and pledged my fandom to the post-Bountygate New Orleans Saints. This decision, years in the making, was met with derision, amusement, confusion, curiosity, and a surprising amount of understanding.
Mayhugh offered this counsel, "Week 1 gives us great opportunity to see if this journey was real or imagined. I tried to start rooting for the Panthers maybe 5-7 years ago and the second I watched a skins game I was back. So it will be quite a testament to your commitment to your new team if you can actually root against the Redskins. Frankly, I just don't see it happening. At least not this suddenly. Hard to just flip the switch. It's like Macho Grande - those wounds run... pretty deep."
Dave, predictably, was baffled, saying, "this is a fascinating experiment. will rob be able to summon the visceral "that's my team" feeling on demand? i consider myself a logical guy, but i certainly can't explain the gut-wrenching emotions i experience when watching giants game . . . i think it might take a long time to switch your allegiance. but, how are we to know what rob is experiencing subjectively (unless we waterboard him right after the game?)"

Week One, as Mayhugh guessed, was an interesting study. I watched with bemused dispassion as RGIII exploded on the scene, shredding the listless Saints for 320 passing yards and a pair of touchdowns and leading the Redskins to a 40-32 win. I found it hard to get really fired up about the Saints, but I really had no issue rooting against - or at least remaining neutral - about Washington.
That pattern continued throughout the rest of the season. When I watched the Saints play, I pulled for them, but I confess that I haven't generated much passion. Nor have I sought out information about the team proactively. I'm interested, but only moderately. The dismal 0-4 start didn't help.

All that said, I'm legitimately thrilled for my pals who pull for the Burgundy and Gold. You've waited a long time to have real hope. When the Redskins win, it makes me happy - because it makes you happy.
But it also makes Dan Snyder happy, and that's a bridge I remain unwilling to cross back over.
Tomorrow gives me a real opportunity to work up some pro-Saints spirit, as they take on the Cowboys in a game that has real meaning for Dallas (technically for New Orleans, too, but c'mon). I still have no problem hating Jerry Jones' team, so all of you in Skins Nation can count on my exuberant support of the Black and Gold.
Gheaux Saints, and best of luck, Redskins fans. I'll be pulling for you guys. But I probably won't be watching.
there is way too much goddamn chocolate in my house right now
I'm late on this because I've been wrapping presents...again. But I hope everyone got in their bets on Boise State (-4) today. My favorite wager of the bowl season. So far.
i'm sorry i suggested 'waterboarding' you, that was probably a little extreme for this sort of fun social experiment.
maybe we could just pull a fingernail or two out. i had the strange sensation of both rooting for the giants, and rooting for RGIII to make spectacular plays when i watched that sunday night game.
Washington's starting tailback is named Bishop. Evidently his Mom was as big a fan of 'Juice' as I was.
The matte helmet look is completely overplayed...but Boise State's black matte helmets are badass.
Derek Dooley might be on the way to a lminor mental breakdown on Twitter. You should follow him for a little while.
lminor is slight larger than minor, in case you were wondering.
If you're looking for some mindless entertainment while wrapping gifts, Sixteen Candles is on HBO. Makes the wrapping much more fun.
Was watching Boise State lose my money. Thanks though.
So bottom line: This whole Saints thing was just a ruse to support your drift away from watching the NFL in favor of coaching soccer and training for Tough Mudders on Sundays?
well, when you put it that way
Going drinking with Greg, Vitas and various others this afternoon. No way this ends badly.
i don't get saints/cowboys? this is an outrage.
greg mcelroy, bitches.
ODU beat UVA last night? How bad must UVA be?
uva had won 8 straight going into that game, too
that's an unbelievable connection from rg3 to moss
Cooley with a catch!!!!!!
Coerced into going to a party right now. Unbelievable. Got the game on XM en route. Wondering which feed. Announcer says, "These fans here in Philadelphia are the best in the NFL." Alrighty.
well there you go, skins fans.
Phew. Ugly but so are Philadelphians.
CJ Spiller got more than 20 carries for the second time in his career. Chan Gailey realizes that Spiller is good! Too bad they lost anyway.
This Saints/Cowboys game is bananas. Sorry rob.
Even more bananas: seing Matt Leinart's name scrolling across the stat ticker.
fucking saints
clarence had to be coerced to go to a party?
gheaux jimmy graham
the giants better make this a fucking game.
spiller. love him. bush also. foster and peterson do nothing. hee hee.
Amtrak boozing...
game winning touchdown pass in the final 5 minutes for andrew luck. yawn.
Danimal, I hope you're looking forward to wagering against the Texans in the playoffs
we told danimal not to start torrey smith, right?
I hung out at the local beer snob bar today with a bunch a good friends. We laughed a ton, drank more and had a great time whilst doing it all. Thank God for Greg. He's the reason for the season,
Oh boy. Of course this is coming down to the last week against the cowboys. I am scared to death of next week; nothing like winning 6 straight to keep everyone's hopes alive and then dash them in the last game of the season.
RG3 looked nothing like RG3 today. He was nowhere close to a dual threat today. I'm hoping that was due to a bulky knee brace but if not I don't see it getting much better in 7 days.
The Redskins team rob threw away so callously would absolutely lose next week to the Cowboys.
But the addition of RGIII, and removal of rob, from the equation likely bodes wells for you, Mayhugh.
i strenuously object to the 'callous' appellation. i threw those motherfuckers away with great care and thought.
second week in a row i got way too excited for the giants game. drunk and angry once again.
kind of excited for this seattle/san fran matchup.
the torrey smith non start did not matter...it was over hours ago. i love faith hill. woody. and hammered. great day.
seriously. faith hill. the first time i've seen her this year. as one grampa marston used to say...hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of joo-lie. and twice as long.
i fucking hate braggers but i'm up 50 pts and i still have crabtree and taint against...NO ONE. WHOOOOOHAAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHA.
i assume you'll be sharing your winnings with team gtb
come on down! am having a soiree for the league, a league consisting of no one that i have ever met. ronnie z gonna be flowin all over this shit.
kam chancellor with the best bit you'll ever want to see. and it's deemed illegal.
I'm pretty sure I don't like Snyder much more than Rob, but I'm just not into the schadenfreude angle that Rob seems committed to. Danny and I can share the same happiness. It's not like we're going to be watching the games together or anything.
So the bathtubs in the cialis logo....what's up with that?
we're all going to the military bowl on thursday, right?
My mom in law just moved here. her neighbor is jack del rio's dad. he hasn't heard the news.
that you won your fantasy league?
Oh...he know that.
he hadn't heard that...the bird is the word?
Kam Chancellor, Maury High School.
also, cheater, according to roger goodell
Evenin' Gheorghies.
Mornin' Zed
Got so drunk yesterday that I was passed out on my couch by 8:30. Getting old.
we have a neighbor of danish heritage. she makes us this unbelievably good breakfast pastry for christmas each year. a danish danish, if you will.
I tried to respond to Zman and say hi to the Gheorghies last night about 3. Phone wouldn't work. Upon further review, user error. God bless the Dale's Pale Ale.
some deranged cocksucker shot and killed two firefighters while they were responding to a fire. wounded two others. what kind of batman villainy is this? what the fuck is wrong with people?
Fucking terrible. The NRA will doubtlessly say we need to arm firemen.
xmas eve filler up
I am hoping the exact same best do the job from you within the long term too.
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