In honor of election day, a few races you might not have known about, but are important nonetheless:
Harry Callahan vs. John McLean
It's "Dirty" Harry vs. the Cowboy McLean. As you can imagine, the race has been extremely tight, with the younger crowd strongly supporting McLean and older voters backing Callahan. What voters need to realize is there would be no John McLean without Det. Harry Callahan. Show respect for the man who reinvented the (anti)hero role in action movies. A vote for Callahan is a vote for the most powerful handgun in the world.
Richard Dawson vs. Bob Barker
One of the toughest races to call on the ballot, this battle of geriatric game show gropers might come down to the recent Barker retirement announcement, which could lead to a swarm of sympathy votes at the polls. Personally, I think Richard's blatant sexual advances on the Feud are far more impressive than Barker's off-screen trysts with the Beauties. Barker does garner some bonus points for his role in Happy Gilmore, which was only a tad bit better than Dawson's role as Killian in The Running Man.
Peyton Manning vs. Tom Brady
Gee, haven't heard alot about this one...
Foreigner vs. Boston
Two staples of Classic Rock Shoot Out face off today, with the winner likely to dominate Two for Tuesdays and Rock-toberfests for years to come. I expect a landslide victory for Foreigner, as their plethora of hits propel them to the top over Boston's less distinctive collection. I mean, just look at this sampling of Foreigner's work product: "Feels Like The First Time", "Cold as Ice", "Hot Blooded", "Double Vision", "Dirty White Boy", "Head Games", "Urgent", "Waiting for a Girl Like You", "Juke Box Hero" and of course "I Want to Know What Love Is". True, Boston gave us "More Than a Feeling" and "Foreplay/Long Time" off their self-titled debut album, but the rest of their platform is weak.
Jane Roe vs. Henry Wade
Are you kidding me? You think I'd touch this one? I'd rather talk about the Manning/Brady race.
Paper vs. Plastic
As a veteran of the glorious supermarket industry, this issue seems to be hotly contested every term, with the result always up for grabs until the 11th hour (Full Disclosure: I never once worked as a cashier - I was a Produce guy...I would've killed someone if I was a cashier). Stupid crunchy granola hippies think Paper bags are the devil's work, but they may be too busy making hemp necklaces to rock the vote. If you are some sort of bag snob and simply MUST have paper bags, get to the polling station today, lest you be stuck with plastic bags that are guaranteed to shred the minute you step out of the store. If you hate dolphins, vote for plastic, as plastic bags can apparently be thrown in the ocean and choke the little bastards.
John Daly vs. The Institution of Marriage
I don't normally encourage people not to vote, but this thing will be a landslide victory for Daly. Forget racing to your nearest polling station - just stay home, kick off your shoes and down a dozen beers (you know John would do the same). Marriage never stood a chance. It was the "Dukakis" to Daly's "Herbert Walker Bush". Daly will soon have ex-wife #4 after filing for divorce from class act Sherrie Miller Daly October 18th, four months after she finished serving a federal sentence for alleged drug and gambling ring wrongdoings. Daly of course wrote about his other three Exes in his autobiography "My Life In & Out of the Rough". The chapter on the previous election losers was entitled "All My Exes Wear Rolexes."
Fantastic game between the Wiz and Magic last night. Carlos Arroyo was killing people in the 4th.
it continues to amaze me that a 13 year-old kid can be that good in the nba.
I liked the 14 and 15 by Etan Thomas, I did not like the Wiz dropping to 6-29 all time in Orlando (losers of 18 of the last 20 in fact).
Lonnie Smith is fucking nuts:
When former Royal Lonnie Smith was let go by the Royals after 1987, he blamed one person for his release and he blamed one person for the fact no other team seemed to want him. Smith blamed John Schuerholz, who he thought was blackballing him around baseball. And Smith held such contempt for Schuerholz that he actually thought about killing Schuerholz. That shocking admission was revealed in a story published Sunday by The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C. “If I couldn’t get back to baseball,” Smith said, “I was going to take him with me. I was going to fly out there (to Kansas City), wait for him in the parking lot of the stadium and pop him. If I got caught, I got caught. If not, I’d come on back home.” Smith, who is living his retirement in Georgia, even bought a gun in late February 1988, he said. But less than a week later, he got a call from then Braves general manager Bobby Cox, who offered him one last chance in baseball. Smith took Cox up on his offer, gave away his gun and shelved his plot to kill Schuerholz. Smith said that to this day he has not completely overcome his resentment for Schuerholz.
Etan Thomas was an effin beast last night. He consistently outbattled whoever the Magic had covering him for rebounds, tip-ins and every single loose ball. Somebody on the Magic staff should cut up all his highlights from last night and show them to Darko on a continuous loop. That effort and fire is exaclty what Darko doesn't have/display on a regualr basis. It's also what keeps him from realizing most of that heretofor untapped potential.
Lonnie Smith is easily one of my top 3 favorite 1980s Cardinal Cokeheads.
The effort of Thomas is in complee contrast to the corpse that is Haywood...and man does it show. I think Eddie Jordan would like to punch Brendan in the face every game. I watched him get outworked for rebounds by Sebastian Telfair the other night.
Mark, I would hope Keith hernandez rates in that list.
Let's see:
1. I'm Keith Hernandez
2. Vince Coleman
3. Lonnie Smith
15. Tommy Herr
My favorite guy implicated in the scandal is the Pirates' Dale Berra. You got the sense that Dave Parker and Lee Lacy looked at each other like, "Dale Berra?? That dork never did it with us." It was like when Jeremy Giambi admitted to streroid use. Sure, Jeremy, that accounts for all those dingers.
I like Foreigner/Journey, Styx/REO Speedwagon, and Boston/Jethro Tull.
Much like Jim Webb, Jethro Tull is "Right for 1806"
Keith Hernandez is definitely in the top 3. Vince actually just misses the top 3, narrowly beaten by Darrell Porter. Why? Because the thought of that guy being all kinds of crazed on blow makes me laugh every time.
I mean, just look at that guy:
The Foreigner/Journey runoff would be one for the ages.
I also think Metallica should get a shot at Jethro Tull as revenge for the Grammy debacle of so many years ago.
Elections in Kentucky seem to be going smoothly:
Ky. Poll Worker Charged With Assault
Nov 07 12:39 PM US/Eastern
A poll worker was arrested Tuesday and charged with assault and interfering with an election for allegedly choking a voter and pushing the voter out the door, an official said.
Mark, tell Urban to get control of his players' girlfriends:
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Florida receiver Nyan Boateng was stabbed in the leg by a female student, causing a minor wound and prompting a police investigation.
University of Florida police responded to a call Sunday afternoon and found Boateng and Shawna-Kay Peterkin fighting. According to a police report, Peterkin had already stabbed Boateng with a small knife.
Sadly, this is one area where Urban is terribly deficient. Avery Atkins GF got him kicked off the team early this fall b/c she couldn't get her face out of the way of his fist (lazy broad). Now Boateng gets the Nick Harper treatment from his GF. Though, considering that Nyan played high school ball with Bassy Telfair, things could be far, far worse.
Wow, Teejay, you're really writing your tits off. Way to go.
I hate guys with girl names. Pathetic.
So what you're saying is if I write more words these man boobs will begin to dissappear? I like that...
Tomorrow is my last day in the office before New Orleans so I'm trying to get some useless shit out of this cloudy skull of mine.
still waiting for the cartoon all-star team, if that helps
Early returns have Journey with a small lead over Foreigner.
A brief recap of the negative campaign that's been run by both parties: Journey pointed to the relative renaissance experienced by "Don't Stop Believin'" as every cheese cover band and hack wedding DJ seem to be incorporating it into their sets -- they went on to mock "Juke Box Hero" and "Hot Blooded" as dated wanna-bes that don't hold up like that.
Foreigner, of course, countered by insinuating -- with quotes from reputable radio station program directors -- that "Don't Stop Believin'" was such a monster smash that Journey was/is . . . dare I say it . . . a one-hit wonder. Bedlam ensued.
Journey countered simply and effectively by playing the opening few acoustic guitar notes of "Wheel in the Sky." 'Nuff said.
It's been that kind of campaign, folks. As reported, Journey has the slim lead but the tide could quickly turn again. As "Urgent" wails in the background, now back to you, TeeJay.
Look for "Double Vision" to play a key role in the evening returns.
There's a reason I handpicked Boston as Foreigner's opponent in this race. It's much tougher to run a smear campaign against Steve Perry and Journey than it is against Boston. Regardless of the opponent, though, Foreigner is bringing out the big guns in the final hour with a Karl Rove-inspired move to have Lou Gramm and special guest Dennis DeYoung
belt out "I Want to Know What Love Is", hoping to draw the votes of undecided women and gays (and dudes with chick first names).
how will the late breaking news of kevin federline's free agency impact any or all of your races?
Not at all, I'd say. His "music" is neither classic nor rock.
And all you need to run a smear campaign against Journey is a copy of their video for "Separate Ways." Wow.
Can someone explain to me how the hell Pittsburgh is a 4 point favorite against the Saints this week? I realize the game is in Pittsburgh, but did Vegas not watch the Steelers last week?
For those of you who didn't catch it, Jethro Tull beat Boston by default after Ian Anderson "impaled" Brad Delp with his flute. Politics can be so ugly.
And somehow this forced Neil Doughty to resign.
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