GTB's "
Separated at Birth" segment continues on this fine Friday morning with...drumroll please...Orioles OF/2B Brandon Fahey and
Mad Magazine icon Alfred E. Neuman. For those of you who aren't wasting every waking moment of your day checking your American League-only fantasy baseball squad, young Mr. Fahey is a respectable utility player on the soon-to-be-cellar-dwelling Orioles. Baltimore manager Sam Perlozzo has said he likes him for his
"attitude-camaraderie type thing" (Sam is no wordsmith). Alfred is of course the brainchild behing "Spy vs. Spy" and the always entertaining "The Lighter Side of..." Dr. Phil is hoping to reunite these two next week.
Half of GTB headquarters will be attending the 7:20 showing of Snakes on a Plane...and Swint's coming too.
That is pretty good!
There might have to be some papal elections to make this bearable...
That is truly going to take some holy intervention...at the least, I'll secure some airplane bottles of liquor for us.
Nate Newton might be getting a gig with Fox Sports Radio. Nobody cares right? Correct, except it allows me to mention that the last time Nate was in the news, he got busted for having 213 POUNDS OF WEED in his van. 213 POUNDS.
And of course five weeks later he was caught with 175 POUNDS OF WEED.
That, folks, is beyond ridiculous.
Does Nate have plans this evening?
I always thought the second arrest was one of the greatest examples of hubris by a pro athlete of our time. Never really got the credit he deserved for those onions.
Nate is my boy!
The Starbucks downstairs is out of coffee. You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Here's hoping Kevan Barlow passes his physical...man, that's just depressing. 3-13 could be a reach.
Starbucks being out of coffe is worse than the time I went to Arby's in gainesville only to be informed they were out of roast beef. I, famished after several grueling papal elections, was astounded and even attempted to explain the origin of the name "Arbys" to the clearly disinterested girl behind the counter.
She did not care in the least.
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