This is the kind of post you get when me, Geoff and Whitney have lunch at the Dubliner. As I settle in for a delicious French Dip and tater tots, I gaze up at the TV to see a stirring Cold Pizza debate between Woody Paige and Eric Kuselias (apparently Skip Bayless was needed back in Hell). You might know Kuselias as the terribly annoying fill-in host on Mike and Mike in the Morning (or, if you're lucky, you have no clue who this no talent ass clown is). Anyway, I look at Kuselias and realize immediately who he looks like...Lou Ferigno, yes, the Incredible Hulk. I'm telling you, I'm not crazy, check it out:

Special Bonus: I have obtained footage of what happened when Mike Golic dared to upset Kuselias on last Friday's show...
Kuselias just threw a tank on top of Dana Jacobson.
GTB is entering a new era, what with all this YouTubing. I couldn't be more proud of you.
Actually...I don't really care.
This one of those look-a-likes that actually works for me. Whit would post about this as well...but he's still at the Dubliner. Seriously. Your tax dollars at work.
Ok, a little leaguer just took a pop fly right to the forehead and I'm in my office laughing hysterically.
Ok, as you were...
Booze Powers the's their 2007 marketing campaign.
Yes, I'm sure their really crunching some employment numbers at the Dub right now.
Yeah, they're counting all the soon-to-be-unemployed drunks stumbling in...
Nice Pic comparison.
Rosa who?
Rosa Who? HAHA. That is sad that an event like that can happen in the world today.
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