This is Gheorghe wishing you bountiful birthday blessings on your return from Hades. And congratulations on making it out of your 20's...we all new you could do it. Most of us, anyways...
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Tom, TeeJay, Teej, Taj, Tajikhistan, The Defendant, TJ, and Gheorghe's most diligent scribe -- welcome to your thirties. Your body's been there for years.
Happy, Happy Birthday Taj!
i'll race your liver to 40
Bigger headscratcher?
"Wow, Teejay's married."
"Wow, Teejay's 30."
"Wow, Teejay's gainfully employed" is a close third.
But seeing him put ketchup on tacos a couple of weeks ago made me realize that some aspects of the guy will never change.
Thank you all.
Fuck Reno.
That is all.
I did, however, shoot a man just to watch him die...
Happy Birthday TJ.
I baked you a cake, but the pope and I ended up eating it...I think you know why.
Welcome back Ted...have you seen Bruno lately?
NBA Line of the Night:
Chris Wilcox, 26 points on 9-13 FGs and 8-12 FTs, 2 blocks and 24 rebounds.
Amazing what you can do when you're not playing 5 minutes a night behind Elton Brand. You had a good (if injury filled) run Nick Collison.
A close second on your NBA line of the night:
TJ Ford: 34 pts (10-18 FG) (11-15 FT), 11 assists, 6 rebounds.
In that same game, Dwight Howard had 19 pts and 17 rebounds (yawn)
Everytime I see TJ Ford drive the lane in a highlight, I unfortunately expect him to take a hard foul and be damaged for life. Not exactly the definiton of sturdy.
It was nuts watching him last night. It's the first time I've really watched him for an entire game this season. He was throwing his body into defenders on every foray to the basket. Flopping all over the place on defense and generally looking like somebody who thought they were a much larger, sturdier man.
The fantastic Matt Guokas seemed to echo your sentiments when he guessed that Ford couldn't weigh more than 140 lbs. We all realize he's tiny, but what does Matty think, that Ford is 5'2"?
"The fantastic Matt Guokas"?
Is he your uncle or something?
That was sarcasm TJ. I hate Matt Guokas like few others on this earth. Not only is he an awful announcer, he was also the first in a line of spectacularly bad Magic coaches (read: every single coach other than Chuck Daly).
He WAS Greg's confirmation sponsor though.
OK, much better...speaking of spectacularly bad, how 'bout that Yanks bullpen?
I'm too busy fretting over the Mets' bullpen.
Mr. Tropea, Whitday next week will be held on Thursday in conjunction with a Mets/Nats game at 1:00 PM that day. Stay tuned for an agenda of Whitday-related activities.
i'm fairly sure i heard rep. tom davis throw miguel tejada squarely under the steroid bus on the junkies this morning. could be wrong, hadn't had any coffee at that point.
Trop, welcome aboard...Whitday is becoming quite a social force.
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