Thursday, January 23, 2025

22 Days?

We've made it three weeks into the new (Gregorian) calendar, though we haven't yet completed last year's Gheorghian version, and we're yet to drop a single filler-centric post. Well done, Gheorghies, and also, what's your glitch?

Enjoy this little earworm as recompense.


rootsminer said...

Speaking of earworms, the kids next door to me (5 yr old and nearly 3 yr old boys) have been listening to NRJB Gospel CD for months.

Their dad flagged me down the other day and asked if I could get him copies of that album's predecessors. I had to dig really deep to find the first one, but dropped them off to the kids this morning.

I didn't manage to get my own kids into the music I play, but if I manage to incept the youngsters next door, I'll be satisfied.

rob said...

root 'em down, rootsy

Whitney said...

Well done, Rootsmon

rob said...

rootsymon vibration, yeah. positive!

Mark said...

Congratulations on the head coaching gig, Rob. I'm sure you'll do great and also have far less free time than you've had in the past. A good reason for that.

In other news, my youngest turns 13 today. What. The. Fuck?

zman said...

Today is national pie day!

Professor G. Truck said...

good luck rob! i will say though, from much experience-- the only thing better than coaching high school soccer is NOT coaching high school soccer. this will be the first year in my adult life that i don't coach ANY season and i am very pleased . . .

Whitney said...

Tribe men blowing a comfortable lead against Hampton. Stay tuned. Angst to come.

rootsminer said...

We all know how tribe men can blow.

rob said...

gabe dorsey goes for 30, tribe holds on. 6-1 in the league.

zman said...

Blow Hall

rob said...

blow gym

rootsminer said...

huh, never knew he spelled it that way

rob said...

it's the colonial spelling

Mark said...

Never coached high school sports but I’ve spent most of my child’s life coaching (or assistant coaching every sport. Basketball, soccer, baseball/softball. This is the first stretch I’ve ever had not coaching. It’s nice to have more free time but I do miss it.

rob said...

wilmington knocks off charleston in the holy city, meaning w&m is in a two-way tie for first in the caa with towson. uncw playing the best ball in the league at the moment. big mass of crap teams at the bottom.