It's evident by now that TR has left the blogobuilding and isn't coming back. Much to our collective dismay. But we had a good run of about a dozen years with him on board here, and our G:TB architectural intern has excavated the annals (two n's) in search of unposted content authored by Rhymenocerous/TR. Enjoy the findings.
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Hearing Maron struggle over many years and claw his way to real career success had a therapeutic effect on me. I came to understand many of own personality quirks. I realized that I often made instantaneous snap judgments on people - almost always negative - that were just comparisons of that person relative to my personal shortcomings. It made me irrationally, quickly and deeply hate people. It was a tolerable defensive cocoon as I navigated life, but ultimately not a pathway to happiness. The fact that I started listening in '09, at a period of peak chaos in my life (second kid born, laid off, financial crisis, two mortgages) exacerbated these issues.
As I've aged and (hopefully) accrued (at least one iota of) wisdom, I think I have become a more open and receptive person who has shed these habits. But it's hard. It's really really really hard. My cocoon of spontaneous loathing is comfortable and cozy and I sometimes want to retreat there.
In the hopes of becoming a better TR, I'm listing some of my hot-button issues, in an effort to channel the Tao of Gheorghe more into my everyday life. I have listed 7 here. I have about 1,000 more. Maybe if I list them, I can avoid using them to instantaneously build reservoirs of vitriol towards strangers I've looked at for three seconds? Here are things that make me immediately judge people negatively.
1) Folks who chew gum with their mouth open - they look like a cow and are telling the world they have no manners. When I am forced to be near somebody doing this (on a train, standing in a line, etc), it drives me bat-shit crazy. And if there is noise associated with this bovine tendency, well I start delivering intense daggers of hatred toward that person, even if it's a 12 y/o girl.
2) Dudes who still pop collars on their golf shirts. While they may be trying to convey a "look at me, I'm adding some sizzle to my preppy look," it's like they are sending a signal to me to hate you. The "popped collar" had a run in the 80's. It came back in the early aughts. Let it go. Forever.
3) People who speak loudly into their cell phones. I had a five-year run of yelling at strangers on trains when they would do this. Thankfully, my yelling helped establish a societal norm on this, at least on NJ Transit trains. This now happens much less frequently and I haven't barked at a stranger in probably three years.
4) Couples who sit on the same side of a table at a restaurant when it's just the two of them eating. I think this has been mentioned here already. The only acceptable reason for this (in my warped head) is if the guy is trying to get to third base between courses. When I see this I assume it is being done b/c the wife keeps the man's gonads in her purse. If you do this, there's a chance you are not an awful person, but it is slim.
6) Guys who order alcoholic drinks with diet soda. There are lots of reasons why this makes sense for a person to do, but if you do it, my first thought is to think you are a pussy, no matter how much you love your "Skinny Pirate."
7) Guys who tuck in their shirts at the gym. This is an utterly nonsensical issue I have. I feel like guys who tuck in shirts are probably upstanding folks. But I think of them as half a man when I see it.
Clearly, I have some problems. But admitting them may be the first step to forgiveness.
Vintage TR!! This reminds me of the time I thought he was rallying me to get in a fight at College Delly with some guy he "fucking hates" but then he clarified that his hatred stems from this guy's habit of only benching 135 at the gym and never adding weight despite the fact that he's been using that same weight for years and can clearly bench more, so I made it clear that we needed to stand down.
landed on time in montreal! yay! took 75 minutes to get through security and pre clearance. missed another flight. absolute clusterfuck.
You should have gone for it, Z. Maxing out at 135 while in college is real loser shit.
Good luck, Rob.
good news! booked on a flight from montreal to washington this evening. bad news. the flight is to dca and our car is at iad. worse news (for folks around me). i've been wearing the same underwear for going on 36 hours, though i did wash them in the sink at the hotel last night.
i have a concept of a plan for day 10. the gheorghian calendar is really unusual this year.
robbie, best of luck with this final leg of travel. Don't worry about the undies, they're made for longevity and stench absorption.
good luck Rob! sounds like Global Entry is in your future
bad news! flight cancelled. assuming we get home tomorrow that’ll be four nights in four different countries. some jules verne shit up in here.
Setter, Jet
Go do some French Canadian shit!
Is that a chambered nautilus reference? This story vindicates my opposition to wearing underwear. I’ve been fuggin vinduhkaydid, as a wise man once said.
if drinking a double basil hayden on the rocks and passing out from exhaustion is french canadian, then mais oui
The Habs are at home tonight!
#6. “Here’s your Nancy Drew.” “ For men it’s called a Hardy Boy”
two bits of good news to start your day: 1) i believe i've been in montreal long enough to have satisfied the requirements to be a permanent resident, which may come in handy, and 2) i'm wearing clean underwear! leavening news: it's snowing ungodly buckets here this morning, but our flight isn't scheduled to depart until 7:00 pm, so fingers crossed. and some gross news, courtesy of my kidlet in richmond. apparently there's a significant water outage across the city, and i got the following text this morning: "good morning everybody just checking in to let everyone know that i had to take a shit in a plastic bag this morning".
everything, she is relative.
that is quite the clusterfuck rob. builds character though, as does having to defecate in plastic bags while in your home. the squirrels be swimmin in character by the end of this one!
In LIV Golf News - they are coming to a course near you...or some of you anyway - RTJ in NOVA, June 6-8. Embedded will be our roving reporters Squirrel and Mr. KQ. May have to try and make an appearance for that one.
The last day of that tourney is the Squirreler’s birthday. Don’t be afraid to jam him naked in a water hazard.
very torn on that. don't support the liv. love the rtj. saw the solheim cup there in the fall - it's so choice. if you have the means, i highly recommend it.
Robert, let's just hope you're back in NoVa by then. I'm sure you take nothing for granted at this point. Like running water.
once more into the breach, lads. flight scheduled to depart at 7:00. send the good vibes.
It is cold as fuck in Austin.
Rob, here’s hoping you make it back in the US, back in the US, back in the US of A
Or the USSA, which is what we may become over the next 4 years. Zing!
i love chewing gum with my mouth open! if you're going to have minty fresh breath, why not share it? unlike if you had to take a shit in a plastic bag . . .
i’m on a plane!
I can’t complain!
Sing it loud, Robbie.
i’m in a car!
66 hours later, home. now sleep.
You couldn’t drive around for three more hours?
Most important: how's JoJo?
headed to get her in a few. she's been romping on a farm for 10 days. i suspect she's tired.
coming home to your dog/pet is probably the best thing about coming home from vacay. i can't think of much else, unless the vacation sucked.
DCers... the band Cracker is playing at an intimate venue in Falls Church next Thursday. The State Theatre is worth the trip. Cracker makes it doubly so. That is all.
Glad to see Rob made it home, and that Cracker is still getting out and doing the thing.
In other news, I'm trying to be psyched about my extremely fratty credit card payment coming up, but I'm more just annoyed at the amount due, regardless of all the sixes and nines.
My work trip is officially over and my wife is about to get on a flight to meet me in Austin. I'd probably have a few beers to celebrate if I didn't have my third interview for a different job in less than 2 hours.
Oh, and they're forecasting light snow in Austin tonight. What. The. Fuck.
your dog gets to stay on a farm when you're away?
Rob doesn’t know the real truth
Looks like no snow, which is actually a bit unfortunate because we’re going to get rain, possibly freezing rain.
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