Tuesday, February 01, 2022

That Was Then, This is Now

Speaking of Monkees, as we were, it seems that everything old is new again. 

When I was 16, The Monkees' first renaissance started with MTV doing what it does, and playing old episodes of the "band's" comedic television show. It hit me right in my silly teenaged pleasure centers. At least in one of them. I wore out the greatest hits record they released to take advantage of the phenomenon

Man, it really doesn't hold up that well, does it? Here's a little palate cleanser. Bubble. Gum. Pop.

The Monkees popped into my conscious this morning when I saw news of another band that takes me back. When I was in my early 30s and raising little girls, I was exposed to a lot of grating kids' music. But there were some artists doing palatable kid-rock. They Might Be Giants was an obvious choice for me. Laurie Berkner, for sure. Dan Zanes. The cool World music compilations from Putamayo - I liked that stuff as much as my kids did.

One band, though, was our joint favorite. We loved The Wiggles. Me, because they had a bit of a pop sensibility (they sang with Split Enz, for Chrissakes) and they absolutely took themselves less than seriously as people, if not as artists. The kids because they were silly and bright and fun. I mean, c'mon:

We saw them live as a family, and in fact they've played to more than one million people each year of the 2000s. They were Australia's highest-grossing musical act for four years in a row in the early 2010s. 

And like The Monkees did in 1986, The Wiggles are experiencing a most unusual come up.

Triple J, which is a youth-oriented radio station in Australia, hosts an annual listener poll called The Hottest 100. Since its inception in 1989, the list has been topped by Nirvana, Kendrick Lamar, Oasis, The Cranberries, and Mumford and Sons, among others. 

In 2021, the poll's voters chose The Wiggles' cover of Tame Impala's 'Elephant'. With a little bit of a 'Fruit Salad' riff in the middle. For real.

As you might imagine, this tickled my whimsybone just right. Long live The Wiggles.


rob said...

wft announce their new name this morning. given the history of the snyder era, odds they fuck it up? better than even, right? almost certain they go with something safer than interesting. give me red tails or give me...whatever. i don't care all that much.

T.J. said...

I think the announcement is tomorrow actually, 2.2.22

And they will fuck it up for sure (Commanders? meh)

rootsminer said...

Quite the transition - Monkeys>The Monkees>The Wiggles.

I would go with a name like Washington Power, but I'm sure it will be worse than that. Perhaps the Groundhogs, considering the day of the announcement?

zman said...

They will be the Washington Crackers and to make that inoffensive they will put a Triscuit on their helmets. FedEx Field will become Mondelez Stadium.

Juan Carlos said...

Can't remember being as disappointed by an album as as I was by Tame Impala's The Slow Rush.

Whitney said...

Curious if the GTBarristers can weigh in on this NFL lawsuit. Not sure who’s in bigger trouble, Stephen Ross for allegedly tanking or Flores himself for going scorched earth.

rob said...

i expect zman's brief on my desk in the morning.

Whitney said...

What about Marls?

Whitney said...

ORF Rock at 7pm eastern tonight

rob said...

marls is working on an amicus. which is hard for him, sometimes.

Whitney said...

I saw the Monkees live in 1986 and the Wiggles live in the early 2000’s. Twice. I’m a hip, hip, hip man.

rob said...

something dan snyder is involved with is nearly universally disliked? color me bumfuzzled.

zman said...

I thought they would choose something starting with R so they can keep one of the old logos.

Squeaky said...

Maybe the Replacements. They could sign Shane Falco! They do need a QB.

Whitney said...

Zman, I was banking on that. Love my old Joe Gibbs style R hat. But $nyder knows I’ll buy a new one. I hate him with the fury of a thousand cynos.

rootsminer said...

The Republican party missed a golden opportunity for a co-brand.

Also, if we catch Whit wearing a CommandeRs hat, we should put his head in the bowl, hat and all.

Whitney said...

Hat deserves it more than I do

Dave said...

i wish i could take myself less seriously, but i am deeply dismayed, disturbed, and repulsed by the wiggles. they are creepy and make awful music.

rootsminer said...

Whit is right. We’ll just jam the hat.

Whitney said...

We called a lifeline to one of Dave’s college hookups and played them the tape of Dave calling the Wiggles creepy. The result cannot be aired due to content unbecoming of a family blog.

OBX dave said...

Wild factoid I came across: if Sean McVay coaches til 2046, he still won't be as old as Andy Reid today. Though I think Reid's clock management wizardry permits him to make time stand still.

T.J. said...

McVay aint exactly a clock management savant himself

Marls said...

Dave, one would think you would feel a kinship.

Danimal said...

Soccer peeps...why would the USMNT schedule a February game in Minnesota?

rob said...

the rationale was that we were playing a central american team and they'd be uncomfortable in the cold. which makes some sense. but honduras is the worst team in the region and playing in the cold mitigates our skill advantage. so we outsmarted ourselves a bit. at least we got the points.

rob said...

who gots the fresh new content?

Whitney said...

In my brain, not on the page, and no time this week to get it posted. Don’t we have interns?

rob said...

tribe has never lost to charleston in williamsburg in the latter's caa era. so naturally, the cougars are 8-point favorites this evening.

Whitney said...

Cougars thrive in Williamsburg